NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Good morning, America.
President Trump said this about the anticipated Republican Presidential debates: “I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval, or the approval of the Trump Campaign, before announcing them. When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the ‘questions,’ why subject yourself to being libeled and abused? Also, the Second Debate is being held at the Reagan library, the Chairman of which is, amazingly, Fred Ryan, Publisher of the Washington Post. NO!”
I agree with the Trumpster entirely- because he has absolutely nothing to gain from those debates and everything to lose.
Next topic. It is my OPINION that Red China, under the cunning leadership of President Xi, will find a way to end the war in Ukraine. Why? WWIII is not in Communist China’s interest. The PRC must achieve world domination by economic means- a comprehensive plan, which, of course, is well underway. Xi also desires to supplant and upstage American leadership- which was not possible under the former President. For Xi, time is now of the essence. No surprise there.
Just as the Chinese Communists gleefully stepped into the chaos and ruins of Afghanistan in eager anticipation of making handsome profits, immediately upon our disastrous exit, I expect the Chicoms will soon begin investing their massive economic resources in “the chaos and ruins” of Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the NWO plans being carried out by Globalist Stooge-in-Chief Joe Biden are reaching fruition- namely bleeding dry the Russian military and simultaneously bankrupting the United States- and sacrificing the Ukrainian people to achieve that bifurcated goal.
Next topic. It is my OPINION that household storage of food, water and other critical items should be the immediate goal of every family in America- the extent of which only limited by individual capacity to safely and reasonably accomplish. At the least, try to acquire sufficient supplies to see you through two weeks- but two years would be ideal.
Next topic. We, the American people, especially the middleclass, seem to be threatened on all sides- from violent criminals on our city streets and Deep State enemies within our own Federal governance to international thugs and terrorists streaming across our porous Southern border- and even the threat of nuclear war. It is imperative that we take three essential steps in addition the “home storage” mentioned in the previous paragraph.
First, always be aware of your immediate surroundings, never taking unnecessary safety risks. Like so many sports we revere, the game of life is often a game of inches. Ignoring the slightest precaution, or indulging in a seemingly infinitesimal careless risk, may mean the difference between life and death.
Second, waste nothing- not money, not time, not a single opportunity to prepare for what trials lay ahead. For example, I save $24.58 a month by cutting my access to Fox News Channel via Sirius XM Radio- which will save me $196.64, plus a small refund, by the end of 2023. The TIME I will save by NOT watching Fox News Channel is priceless. More importantly perhaps, in addition to “knowing truth setting us free,” general survival knowledge is POWER to overcome adversity.
Third, in the final analysis, the most important way to protect those we love is to stay in touch with might be called “Heavenly Guidance” or “Divine Inspiration.” There is no acceptable substitute for the role of Almighty God in our lives.
Next topic. The Globalists are hot on the erroneous idea that “It takes village to raise a child.” Certainly, our communities play a significant role in the development of our children. However, the ultimate Globalist goal is to subvert the critical role of family- which hopefully includes both a mother and a father- and yes, grandparents or other close relatives often become the primary parental surrogates.
All totalitarian governments use the same basic MO (modus operandi), which includes molding children in the best interests of the state. Loving families mold their children to serve one another and the Father of us all. And yes, single parents often face an almost insurmountable challenge.
The ultimate strength of America is found neither in our Federal governance, nor in our military- but in our individual functional families. Conversely, subverting parental rights and family influence is ESSENTIAL to Globalist success.
Thanks for reading this compendium of somewhat unrelated paragraphs. I suppose that’s enough for one day. C’est fini.
Love you all.
Dickie Allan
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