NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Good morning, America.
Nino commented late last night if Biden “steps down,” and if Harris “declines” the opportunity assume the Presidency, “the momentum would shift to Speaker of the House- Kevin McCarthy.”
This morning I replied, “I don't think Biden will step down- or decide not to run. Harris, likewise. Nevertheless, like you, Nino, I'm glad McCarthy waits in the wings if all Hell breaks loose- and at this point, I still expect Trump will be back in 2025- unless the Globalists manage to steal another election. Given Fox was dumb enough to unload both Bongino and Carlson, I suppose no disaster in this wicked world should come as a complete surprise.”
Job 28:12 reads, “But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?”
The answer is found in Job 28:28, which reads, “And unto man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.”
In today’s world, relatively few citizens of the United States, or residents of Planet Earth for that matter, have taken the time or made the necessary effort to truly know, or therefore fear, our Savior Jesus Christ. By the definition of “wisdom” just cited from Job, one would deduct, assuming my assessment of the sad state of mankind is correct, that statistically speaking, not much wisdom abounds on Planet Earth.
And it seems to be a natural law of physics that where “not much wisdom abounds,” torrents of wickedness soon fill the void.
Moreover, while wickedness abounds, securely holding mainstream humanity in spiritual bondage, there will be relatively little “understanding” among the children of men.
Translating all that “preaching” into words easier to understand, or perhaps simply transposing this song from Job to a lower key more easily sung, I will now attempt to relate that “sermon” to our mounting social, economic and political problems in today’s America.
Whether we call the Globalists by that name, “Deep State, “New World Order” or something else, the endgame of such wickedness is always the totalitarian control of all humanity- to include both spiritual and physical bondage.
When evil attempts to subvert human liberty, it is our “human” nature to fight back against the rising tide of bondage with all the courage, strength and weaponry we can muster.
Therefore, the forces of evil must resort both deceit and distraction- unrelenting lies and especially continual “bait and switch” tactics- while both of THOSE items are intended to DISTRACT us from what is REALLY going on.
Merriam-Webster, usually accepted as the “gold standard of definitions,” defines “bait and switch” as first, “a sales tactic in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced item but is then encouraged to buy a higher-priced one,” and second, “the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor (such as political support) then thwarting expectations with something less desirable.”
Take “The Green New Deal’, for example. We are being encouraged embrace electric vehicles- which brings with that sad reality brings to the fore a host of subsequent problems- such as our inadequate power grid, justification of canceling our energy independence, young children mining rare minerals in foreign lands, and our “pain at the pump” to name a few. Instead of “Electric Vehicle Utopia,” we are then saddled with “General Economic Dystopia.”
Another example? How about the “wonderful” plan of the Globalist Elite to confer upon us the gift “Digital Currency,” which was formerly less palatably called “Cashless Commerce” or a “Cashless Society.” Instead of making our lives easier, as promised, by doing away with cash, Big Brother is then enabled, as I mentioned yesterday, “to both track and control your every move- especially your financial transactions.”
And what is REALLY going on? The so-called international “Elite” distracting us with their “intermediate goals” so they can bring the whole of humanity, not just America, under what has historically been called “The Jackboot.” Human liberty, in the Globalist Dream, would then CEASE TO EXIST.
Yes, it’s becoming harder for Americans to put food on the family dinner table. Our earnings and savings are being ravaged by persistent contrived inflation. Rampant crime is disrupting the flow of economic lifeblood in our cities. Fentanyl and other deadly drugs are killing our young people by the thousands. Outsiders we cannot afford to support and both criminals and terrorists that further threaten our safety are streaming across our Southern border. Untold billions of taxpayer USD are being sent abroad for “who the Hell knows what.” Surely, you regrettably get the picture.
And while all this is going on, evil tyrants are plotting to seize your liberty- place you securely within “the totalitarian control of all humanity- to include both spiritual and physical bondage.”
Where there is no fear of the Lord, there can be no wisdom- and where there is no wisdom, there can be no departure from evil- and where there is no departure from sin and corruption, there can be no significant understanding- and without significant understanding, we cannot possibly comprehend the evil Globalist plans to enslave us.
Love you all.
Dickie Allan
PS: Fox Corporation stock has CRASHED. Happy Tucker Day, Fox! Didn’t you learn from Disney?
PPS: Attached painting by William Blake (1757-1827) depicts Job being rebuked by his “friends.”
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