NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Dramatic Photos: Fort Hood Shooting
Fort Hood, with about 40,000 troops, is home to the Army's 1st Cavalry Division and elements of the 4th Infantry Division

Obama Hemhaws Before He Comments on Massacre -- FOX News

Fort Hood Jihad Treason and Mass Murder

President Obama called the shootings “tragic” and “a horrific outburst of violence.” (CNN)

The horror and atrocity mass murders that occurred today at Fort Hood were not a “tragedy”; a car crash is a tragedy, the Titanic disaster is a tragedy, the lost Dickinson University students is a tragedy. More accurately, the result of this attack of cruel murder and treason was a tragedy, a tragedy for the victims and their families and for the entire country. The tragedy was a result of jihad. Jihad is Islamic warfare against the unbelievers.

The country is in mourning this evening because a traitor murdered his former comrades specifically because of his Islamic beliefs. There is no other explanation for this horror. The jihadist officer killed non-believers because that is what Allah and Mohammed command. Jihad is an obligation for every adherent of this ideology; there is no option. Jihad is the finest thing any adherent of Islam can do. It is the epitome of Islamism. We must accept the truth of Islam -that it is hostile and violent- and protect ourselves, our culture and country (and our friends) from this menace that is Islamic supremacism and jihad against us all.

President Obama should be clearer in his condemnation of this horror: it is an act of treason and willful murder of innocent non-Muslims by a Muslim acting in accordance with the doctrine of Islam.

Islam is a political ideology whose purpose is the destruction of non-believers and their cultures. This is what we saw today at Fort Hood.

The Pentagon is urging the media not to speculate on the motive for the attack. ABC News’ Brian Ross described Major Malik Nidal Hassan a convert to Islam. (Source) (Apparently, this early report is incorrect, see below. Hasan was brought up as a Muslim.)

The event itself is not accurately described as a “tragedy”; the event is willful murder of non-Muslims by a Muslim recently converted to Islam; it is jihad. (New information on the traitor jihadist killer is that he was brought up a Muslim. Earlier reports that he was a “recent convert” are apparently incorrect as of this posting.)

Maj. Hasan, raised a Muslim, had wanted to go into the military against his parent’s wishes, but he was taunted by others after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, his cousin said. (FoxNews)

It is also treason and a betrayal of everything American and civilized by the killer. This rejection of one set of concepts of right and wrong (Americanism and decency and civilization) for another set (Islam) that is founded upon submission resulted in mass murder at Fort Hood. Islam is the greatest danger that faces this country and the civilized world today.

It is a particular kind of murder – Muslim murder of non-Muslims. This is something that Sharia law says merits “no retribution”. There are several kinds of murder that Islamic law (Sharia) states do not merit “retribution” from the Islamic state. (In Islam there is no separation of church and state; Islam is the state.) Here is what “Reliance of the Traveller” the definitive book of Sharia law says on the matter of allowed murder:

The following are not subject to retaliation:

a Muslim for killing a non-Muslim (o1.2(2))
a Jewish or Christian subject of the Islamic state for killing an apostate from Islam (O:because a subject of the state is under its protection, while killing an apostate from Islam is without consequences); (o1.2(3))
a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offsprings offspring (o1.2(4))
Where is the outcry from the “moderate Muslim community” condemning this horrific mass murder by a fellow Muslim? There is only a great silence. This silence is our worst fears about Islam confirmed.

Jihad is war against the kafir, the unbeliever. This was not an “outburst of violence” as Mr. Obama claims – this was a jihad attack on Americans motivated by Islamic ideology. The killer, a Major in the US military, was acting as a Muslim according to the commands of Allah and Mohammed as found in Islamic doctrine; Koran, Sira, and Hadith (and codified in Sharia law, “Reliance of the Traveller”). Devout Muslims commit acts of jihad because that is what Allah and Mohammed command. Obedience to the commands of Allah and Mohammed as found in the doctrine is the highest form of devotion for a Muslim.

Loyalty to Islam overrides any ties of kinship, friendship, contractual agreements, or loyalty to any State other than an Islamic State. We see this total loyalty to Islam (and the “umma”) and abandonment of other ties most significantly in so-called “honor killings” that continue to occur more and more often here in the US and in Europe. These are murders of children or relatives (universally the victims are females) by family members for having committed the crime of not being Islamic enough, or of leaving Islam. In the “religion of peace” leaving Islam is not allowed and results in a death sentence. Killing of children by parents and murder of apostates do not result in “retaliation” in Islam; it’s alright to kill one’s children and people who don’t want to be Muslim anymore. This is barbarism.

The doctrine of Islam, to which the jihad killer at Fort Hood adhered, instructs the adherent the following:

Jihad is the highest form of devotion to Allah and Mohammed.
Those who do jihad go to Islamic heaven.
There are three kinds of jihad: by the sword, by the tongue, and with money.
Those who do not participate in jihad or refuse to assist those who do (if they themselves cannot participate) are hypocrites, a very bad thing in Islam (as bad as unbelief).
Dying in jihad means you do not get judged for your life, you go right on through to the 72 virgins and the sexual “paradise” that is Islamic heaven, with houris and boys with pearly skin, etc.
Allah commands all adherents to do jihad, no exceptions. After all, Allah knows what is best, and adherents don’t.
We are infiltrated by a hostile ideology; but we refuse to acknowledge it. We want it to go away, we want it to not be real, so we take no action – we do not respond. We pretend it is not so. We wait for the “moderate” voices and hear only silence. We are confused about Islam and its doctrine and goals, so we cannot respond effectively. We are confused because we are ignorant. Our ignorance about Islam must end, now. The result of our inaction and ignorance is Fort Hood. We are in serious trouble.

The killer of Fort Hood was identified 6 months ago by American authorities as a possible jihadist and traitor to his country and yet he was not arrested and cashiered from the military service. This is malfeasance and ignorance on the part of those law enforcement and intelligence officials who did nothing. They apparently did not understand the threat, and they did not do what they should have done. The blood of innocents is on their hands for their lack of action.

The Associated Press, quoting federal law enforcement officials, said Hasan had come to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats. The officials said they were still trying to confirm that he was the author.

One of the Web postings that authorities reviewed is a blog item that equates suicide bombers with a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.

Many Americans will continue to deny that there is any linkage between this atrocity and the doctrine of Islam. They will do this regardless of any evidence to the contrary, all of which shows that the killer is a jihadist.

He (the traitor jihadist killer) said, precisely, “that maybe the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor.” (source)

They will deny it because they do not want to accept that it can be true, preferring to live in their utopian imaginary world in which jihadists are “misunderstanders” rather than the very illustration of Islam. Others will realize the truth and will learn about the doctrine of Islam, and they will educate themselves and others to this existential threat to our freedoms and civilization that is Islam.

It is reported as of this posting that the gunman traitor jihadist is not dead as was originally reported.

Base commander Lt Gen Bob Cone has now said that the gunman was not killed, as earlier stated, but is in custody. (BBC)

Hasan was in stable condition at a local hospital Thursday night, after previous reports said he was killed at the scene.
(Fox News)

Officials have so far provided only the most basic of facts. Investigators believe Hasan alone was responsible for the attack, and contrary to earlier reports, Hasan is alive and in the custody of authorities, though he was shot by a female first responder, according to Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the commanding officer at Fort Hood. (Christian Science Monitor)

If the jihadist traitor murderer survives, there will be a trial. This will be the trial of the new millennium and could set the stage for a new understanding of the doctrine of Islam, its purpose and goals.

The trial of the traitor-jihadist-mass murderer, if it occurs, will be a key moment in Mr. Obama’s presidency and a turning point in the fight against Islamic supremacism and Islamization. If we do not acknowledge the truth of Islam, if we do not come to understand it and then oppose it - we are lost.

Knowledge of Islam – its doctrine and history – is the foundation of our response, without it we have nothing. Learn, share your knowledge, then oppose Sharia law and Islamization. This is existential war; everything is at stake.


Learn Islamic Doctrine, History, Jihad – Foundational Lectures
Foundational Lectures – Bill Warner, Center for the Study of Political Islam


Thanks to Donna Crowell, for the above content.

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Comment by Linda Maddox on November 8, 2009 at 6:30pm
In Dick Morris & Eileen McGann's book "Catastrophe" , the introduction is Take Back Our Country. In chapter 7, The United States Sends Aid to Hamas, I believe this was a Presidential Order, we gave them $1 billion dollars. He explains a lot of what is going on today in his book.
Comment by Linda Maddox on November 8, 2009 at 5:30pm
This was a terriorist act on America soil, just as 9/11 was. Most Americans are not aware of how the Muslins will affect their lives. I have been reading "America Alone", by Mark Steyn. It tells what has happend in Canada and around the world. What is going to happen to America, if we don't stop it. And Obama has given millions to bring more Muslins here to the United States. What does that tell you, 9/12 is happening now!
Comment by Your Uncle Sam on November 6, 2009 at 8:30pm







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