NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

For Freshman Congressmen & those who don't read current events.

For those politicians who may need information about just how destructive your compatriots (& maybe you) have been to our country, this message is for you.

I became a Constitutional Conservative activist after realizing that many politicians who I thought were Republicans had become almost as progressive as Dems. I worked for a Conservative during the 2010 election, and will be working again for a Conservative during the coming 2012 election.  In the meantime, as a working writer in all the mediums for >30 yrs, I am reaching out to the people who are demanding that our country be saved from the corruption in our current administration.  They need to STAND UP themselves & take action instead of just talking and whining.  They need to demonstrate their determination to save us.

We ALL need to communicate with our representatives & write letters to the media about Bills or actions that we disagree with.  We need to gather with like-minded voters & organize Marches & Demonstrations just as Soros and the unions did with the Occupiers.  We need to demand that our Congressmen develop some backbone and take action against the unconstitutional Bills that Obama and his cohorts are passing and hold them to account by going to the Courts to start RECALLS & IMPEACHMENTS.  We can't afford to wait until November 2012!!

The polls show in what low esteem the voters hold Congress and Obama in, so they need to remember that they work for WE THE PEOPLE.  Corruption, fraudulent elections, excess spending and lending to terrorist countries, passing of Bills or assignments of radicals while illegally bypassing Congress, not protecting our country as they vowed to do when taking office...all those actions will cause them to be FIRED!

The politicians have no idea how angry the average working voters are about our taxes being used to take care of illegals, the Federal govt. not protecting our borders, Obama stopping our use of our own energy resources, and the govt. letting people go on welfare instead of making it "minimum-wage Workfare."  In the meantime, they must stop calling "Social Security" and "Medicare" entitlements, when the workers & their employers paid that money into a “lockbox” that was supposed to protect it from the politicians stealing it & putting it into the General Fund so they could spend it on Pork & put it in their own pockets.

The people know that the Government politicians were the guilty majority, along with banks, mortgage companies, the welfare-class that wanted to own a home when they knew they couldn't pay for it, and real estate officials, in causing our Housing Bubble and then its downfall by giving houses to people who couldn't pay for them. 

They've seen Obama throw most of the Stimulus and Tarp money away by using it for unapproved causes and his agenda.  They've caused businesses to take their companies to other countries because of their over-regulating & taxing them to death--thus taking away all the jobs and causing the massive unemployment.  They've let the unions run rampant, especially in the public (govt.) arena...thus causing States to go broke and pensions to go unpaid.

You should all be aware that there are plenty of websites that are keeping track of every vote and action by politicians during the past 10 years.  They will PAY THE PRICE, even if we have to FIRE 90 percent of our politicians.  I intend to copy this document and request that every Conservative with a SPINE make at least 50 copies to give away at Conservative meetings,  and go to at leave five web sites and install it to tell the voters that it is time to get busy.  We can't wait for "someone?" to organize our protests any longer. The "Organizer" with a spine who already has the power to start the process will show up when we all pray long and hard enough to bring him forward.

Edie Boudreau

Views: 148


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Comment by Leon Ewers on January 14, 2012 at 6:30am
Well I hate to break the bad news here but SS is not an intitlement or a benefit or anything else other than another tax on the people. While they do, at this time, payout, any time in the future they can simply say "sorry, we don't have any money" and there is not a damned thing any of us can do about it.
Look, why do you think they started paying out to any tom - jane - or doe that sends in a claim form? I know, some are turned down but there are more that don't than do.
The government has no, let me repeat that, "NO" obligation to pay SS benefits so you are correct about one thing Edie, if the go belly up that will end SS.

" and none of the males in my family have every received Social Security because they all died before they were 65 yrs."

And that's why the house will always come out ahead. Yeah there are some that will live to be 100 and they will get more than what they put in but really that's only just a very few jackpot winners, the house still comes out on top.
Comment by Edie Boudreau on January 13, 2012 at 1:37pm

Leon, I did some research after you said that Social Security had never had a Lock Box, because I knew that I had read about it before.  Wikipedia is only supported by information from the public, but even they called it a Trust Fund.  I scanned the entire article, which was breath-taking.  As usual, the government corruption screwed up the concept royally.  I don't know how you can say it will never fail because the General Fund pays it.  It will fail when this country goes bankrupt and no one will loan us any more money, We are already $15 trillion in debt, Obama is demanding another $1.2 trillion, and none of that debt includes Social Security, Medicare, or Welfare.  I still resent the media calling Social Security and Medicare Entitlements, as for 50 yrs I paid for half, my employers paid for half, and none of the males in my family have every received Social Security because they all died before they were 65 yrs.

Comment by Leon Ewers on January 13, 2012 at 10:25am
Oh and guess what that trust fund or lock box is stuffed with.... Worthless paper called security bonds better known as IOUs. And even if it was stuffed with money it would still be worthles cause it would be fiat monopoly money which is worth less than nothing cause it is a debt owed.
Comment by Leon Ewers on January 13, 2012 at 10:11am
Let me repeat myself.

Social security will never fail. The money used to pay S.S. comes from the general fund. The money taxed under FICA (who ever that B is) goes into the general fund. Social Security draws what ever funds it needs to pay its debts to the people comes from the GF.

And I think this one explains it a lot better yet.

The point is that the funds to pay SS are coming out of the GF and if need be all they have to do is raise taxes to keep paying the SS cause they are already cutting benefits.

Look out Greece we are right on your....
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 11, 2012 at 1:26pm

Hey Leon,

What kinda job you got where you don't have to put some of your OWN money into the FICA system?

Under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act 12.4% of earned income up to an annual limit must be paid into Social Security, and an additional 2.9% must be paid into Medicare.

That limit is $106,800 for 2010.

There are no earned income limits on Medicare taxes -- so even if your salary is well above the cap for Social Security tax, you will still owe Medicare tax on your total earned income.

If you're a wage or salaried employee, you pay only half the FICA bill (6.2% for Social Security plus 1.45% for Medicare), and the tax is automatically withheld.

Your employer contributes the other half.

For most people that means 7.65% of their paycheck is withheld and their company pays another 7.65% on their behalf.

If you're self-employed, however, you're expected to cough up both the employee and the employer share of FICA. You are, however, permitted to deduct half of this self-employment tax as a business expense.

When I was fully employed there was ALWAYS FICA deducted from my check that went to fund (Social Security).

I'm now retired, drawing Social Security. and getting some of my OWN money back and glad of it! Hopefully I'll live long enough to get it ALL back . . . . with interest.

This is NOT a criminal enterprise it's what we hard workin, straight shootin, HONEST people do to get along while goin along.

Is there a better way than Social Security, sure and the last President Bush tried to make congress allow us to invest some of the FICA payments in our own plan. Democrats AND Republicans both shot that down.

There are LOTS of problem areas in our government, Social Security is just one of them. IT IS NOT an entitlement!

Let me repeat that, Social Security is NOT AN ENTITLEMENT! That is, unless you're an illegal Alien or some other people class who never paid into the system.

The current media and political debate over using the Social Security as a "gift" (tax cut) to fund unemployment compensation is just one of those congressional legislative jokes making people think congress is lookin out for them. All they're accomplishing by cutting the amount workers have deducted from the their pay checks in the form of reduced FICA payments is making Social Security fail 5 years sooner.

THAT"S the criminal enterprise!

Comment by Leon Ewers on January 11, 2012 at 5:30am
Hmmm... it all sounds pretty good Edie but maybe your history of SS is a little rusty.
Social security was never put into a lock box, it has always went into the general fund. When the social security department needs money the tressury simply prints some IOUs for them which they give to the general fund for cash to make payment. This is why social security will never run out of money because it comes from the GF.

See this big whoopty la about the social security "lockbox" is a PR stunt to get the people to actually defend that tax, yes it is a tax cause the money goes into the GF.

See, on average a lot of people don't live long enough to collect their benefits or only collect a fraction of them before they kick the bucket. So it kinda works like Vegas where the house wins the most, this is not saying that only the house wins cause there are some jackpot winners but the house wins more than it loses.

If people just took some time to educate themselfs on exactly how the government works and how much money it steals from the people there would be riots in the streets before the sun came up in the morning.

You are being ripped off yet they, the government, has manipulated the people so badly that the people defend this rip off. Works in the same manner as reverse psychology.

Hopefully I will never have to collect on this rip off. I plan to work till the day I die. If I can't do that then I will do everything I possibly can to not apply for this criminal activity. If I do I will probably just go to Vegas and gamble with as much of it as I possibly can. I mean all I have to pay for is a room, the food is free pretty much and I don't drink so.... Might as well have fun with it.
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 10, 2012 at 8:33pm

There's more in law that will protect Obama until he's finished his first 4 years. Even AFTER the election he'll be protected by a law few made notice of when he first came to the office. He allowed foreign nations the freedom to seal information from ANY US entity including congress, Supreme Court, and We the People.

That is where I think all his personal and problematic documents are being kept  in the British Embassy vault. Just like when Nixon wanted his White House tapes kept from everyone, it took years, an act of congress, and the courts to get them released. This time for Obama though there is NO way anyone can get to whatever he needs to hide.

Our only chance is to find a document that hasn't yet been "sealed shut" by the Obama administration and the democrat machine. Maybe the Hawaiian documents are still unsealed.

Comment by Edie Boudreau on January 10, 2012 at 7:58pm

Philip, I really feel that that is their intention--to have us keep attacking each other candidate instead of rising up about Obama's daily illegal acts and the Occupiers destroying the cities they are in instead of marching peacefully as Tea Partiers did.  That is why we can't be diverted by thinking that the Polls will give our message alone.  I just read that the Hawaii judge who originally scheduled Orly Taitz to appear on the same day she had to be at a hearing in Georgia has changed the date to the 13th of this month instead, and also subpeoned Obama's Georgia attorney to turn over all his "sealed" data, including all school, passport, and other records. Now we will see if Obama can manipulate the law again.

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 10, 2012 at 7:14pm

With the presidential campaign in full swing the political playing field gets strewn with all sorts of startling accusations from candidates who should be friends directing their wrath at the imposter sitting in the white house.

The politicians are NOW paying attention to We the People through the polls which are  supposedly reflective of our attitudes towards a particular candidate.Everybody wants a piece of the electronic election pie.

I'm conflicted as to whether or not NOW is a good time to make our case to congress about smaller government, less taxes, closed borders, Obama's eligibility, etc. or is everybody consumed by the election process? Are we being blinded by the media hype as a way to cover-up additional misdeeds of Obama and congress?






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