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America’s immigrant population has doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980

Explosion of Immigrants

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Friday, November 25, 2011
Census Bureau figures disclosed that the number of foreign-born residents in the United States, legal and illegal, reached 40 million last year, the highest in American history. Fourteen million immigrants came to America between 2000-2010. The Bureau reports that, of the 40 million total foreign-born residents, 10-12 million are likely illegal.

America’s immigrant population has doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980. Some states experienced more than 75 percent increase in immigrant population:
  • Alabama (92 percent)
  • South Carolina (88 percent)
  • Tennessee (82 percent)
  • Arkansas (79 percent)
  • Kentucky (75 percent)

The immigrant population in the country grew 28 percent from 2000-2010. The current share of immigrants when compared to the total U.S. population is 12.9 percent. We have had a larger share of immigrant population in the early 1900s but the U.S. population was much smaller then.

California (27 percent), Texas, Florida (19 percent), New York (22 percent), Nevada (18.8 percent), and New Jersey (21 percent) have the highest percentages of foreign-born residents.

Countries in Latin America represented 58 percent of the growth in immigrant population from 2000-2010.  Mexico brought us nearly 12 million immigrants, followed by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Philippines, Vietnam, and El Salvador. (Newsmax)

The federal government is bending over backwards to accommodate the estimated 12 million illegal aliens through back door amnesty. Since Congress has not acted to write amnesty legislation, a stealth amnesty began during the week of November 17, 2011 with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reviewing all deportation cases.

A nationwide “training program” will assure that agents and prosecuting attorneys will not remove illegal immigrants who have not been convicted of crimes. I thought crossing the border illegally was a crime.

According to Judicial Watch, in 2010 a Texas newspaper published a story that DHS has systematically cancelled pending deportations. Judicial Watch pursued DHS records and sued them when the agency ignored a federal public records request.

Virginia’s population grew between 2000-2010 by 2 million people, 25 percent of growth due to an influx of Hispanics. The Hispanic population grew from 3 percent in 2000 (160,000 people) to 300 percent (632,000 people) in 2010.

In 1990, the Hispanic population in Prince William County, Virginia, was 4 percent or 9,662. Today it is 81,460 and “accounting for almost 40 percent of total population growth in the county.”

“Virginia House Bill 3202, signed into law by Democrat Governor Tim Kaine in 2007 with bi-partisan support, required 67 counties and cities to create Urban Development Areas (UDA) based on decennial population growth criteria.”

“The Urban Development Areas must be able to accommodate high population growth and include features like ‘pedestrian friendly’ design, mixed use housing, and minimum housing densities that presume an urban landscape and encourage low-income subsidized housing.” Interestingly, these are the same guidelines for Smart Growth from the UN Agenda 21.

“By demanding Urban Development Areas in counties with high population growth rates, the Virginia legislature is pandering to illegal immigrants.” The character and the voting preference of Virginia’s rural counties have changed. When the stealth amnesty is complete, all newly minted American citizens will vote Democrat. However, with all the leftist vote fraud across the country and Democrat-driven redistricting, amnesty may not even be necessary in order to “fundamentally” alter the American voting landscape.

What do we do with all the illegal immigrants in the country? As New Gingrich said in the latest presidential debate, we cannot throw out people and their families who have been in this country illegally for 25 years. What if the “undocumented workers” had been in this country illegally for 15 years? What if they do not have a family? Who gets to decide and how? What is the cut-off point? Would amnesty not encourage more illegal aliens coming to the U.S.? That is exactly what happened when Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 2 million illegal aliens during his administration. Reagan regretted his decision later and admitted that it was a failure.

What is the rate of assimilation for foreign-born residents into our society? Are illegal aliens interested in assimilating and learning our language and culture? Do they respect America, its Constitution, its flag, national anthem, the pledge of allegiance, and our way of life?

Judging by the fact that illegal aliens are translating our national anthem into Spanish, our government prints everything in Spanish at huge cost to taxpayers, corporate America advertises in English and Spanish as if we are a bi-lingual country, and American students are forced to pledge allegiance to Mexico during Spanish classes in Texas, I would say the answer is no. The pandering left and the Marxist academia promote multi-culturalism in spite of the fact that it is a huge failure in Europe.

The Oregonian reported recently the success of Oregon students in English Language Learner programs (ELL).  Last year, of the 65,000 students enrolled in ELL, only 10,379 were deemed proficient in English. That is an 84 percent failure rate. School districts receive $3,000 per ELL student from the state and another $150 from the federal government. Such funding takes away school resources from English-speaking American students.

ELL programs, heavily promoted by the Department of Education bureaucrats and teachers, encourage a bilingual, divided society, rather than a society united by a common language and culture.

“ELL programs are overwhelmingly provided for Spanish-speakers, encouraging a divisive, disruptive, ethnocentric activity.” Foreign-born students feel entitled to receive such benefits and college aid provided by the forced generosity of the American taxpayers. No such largesse is extended to American citizens. They must work hard in order to pay for the entitled illegal aliens.

A very wise radio talk show host and author offered a simple solution to our quandary: “borders, language, and culture.” Enforce and protect the borders, require English only language proficiency, and promote, teach, and respect our monolithic culture.


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