NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Everybody but Obama acknowledges the enemy are muslims. And we in America are forced to give them special treatment.

David Horowitz

Freedom Center

`Monday November 16, 2015


Just moments after Barack Obama told Good Morning America that “ISIS has been contained,” the worst attack occurred on French soil since German Panzers rolled through the Ardennes in 1940.

Over 130 people are dead, 350 injured as France is in shock from an ISIS credited attack.

This just a little over a year from Obama's professorial pronouncement that ISIS is just a "Jayvee team."

ParisI think we have arrived at the point where we may just need our President to shut up when it comes to discussing Islam, the Jihad, terror any other such topic.

Of course, the President won’t say Islam or Jihad. In fact Obama said he won’t “speculate” on who is responsible. May he give the brave police officers on the streets of America such latitude as he does these Islamic savages.

But then we don’t need Obama to tell us what is happening in the world. We know what happened. The war of Jihad against the West has risen to new levels. The war against ISIS that could have been contained or killed in its infancy in Iraq if Obama hadn’t fled the field in a shameful retreat has exploded. We are left to ask, where will the next attack be?

How can we respond? What can my Freedom Center do? We are all engaged in this battle, whether we want to be or not. Folks, for me and my team here at the Center, it is bare knuckle time.
And I have to be honest, the Center has been told that our views on Islam are too extreme, too far to the right, that they make people feel “uncomfortable.” And these are the opinions from many of fellow conservatives! Never mind what the Left thinks of us. And trust me; this affects us in terms of donations and support. It would be easy to take the safe road. But after 27 years in the trenches, I think you know me better than that.

Nothing will stop us from telling the truth about the threat we face. The articles and opinions that appear at Frontpage and TruthRevolt, or in our books or pamphlets, have never pulled punches in the war against the Islamists. Our two lead writers on this topic, Daniel Greenfield and Robert Spencer are unapologetic in their views about Islam and what we need to do to defend America and Western Civilization. There is not a better team of writers on this topic that we have here.

If you had been reading FPM for the past few years, nothing happening in the world today comes as a shock. We have been ahead of the curve on this issue for over a decade. That is important and what that means is that we need to double and triple our efforts. We are reaching millions, but we need to expand that exponentially. We need to reach every member of Congress, more members of the media and millions more citizens.

Our own Robert Spencer just published an incredibly timely book, The Complete Infidels Guide to ISIS. I will send you a copy today for a contribution of $35 or more, a signed copy for a contribution off $50 or more and I will have Robert personalize a copy if you can make a donation of $100 or more.

Thank you again for all of your support. Please stay with us during these trying times." border="0" />
David Horowitz



The Obama administration has created a mind boggling array of executive orders attempting to mandate the moving of muslims from various parts of the middle east to the United States with little concern for our safety. Those muslims may be the same terrorists that rape, murder, and massacre anyone who disagrees or defames, in their eyes, islam and it's followers.

Obama bringing the enemy into our tent is much worse than when our founding fathers declared our freedom and announced to the King of England, "No taxation without representation".

Obama must be stopped even if it requires a revolution. PWS

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on November 19, 2015 at 2:03am

I HAVE considered as have others that the Obama plan may be to institute Martial Law.

But I fail to see what benefit accrues to that for Obama and whoever.

We the People shall resist at any point where THE STATE OF LAWLESSNESS exists with or without Martial Law.

A state of anarchy will be in affect and the nation will reach beyond  fail safe.

No one wins.

Comment by I.M. Patriot on November 18, 2015 at 10:40pm

Haven't u figured it out? Martial law.






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