Warning to everybody,
Negative emails are circulating.
These are the tricks that may be used. We NEED to stay strong and on game plan and we CAN win on Tuesday. Do NOT believe anything negative you read and keeping fighting on and we WILL be victorious on Jan 19th and their tactics WILL become obsolete!! Stay strong, work TOGETHER and we Can win!
Here's the negative game plan so you can notice it. Take action by immediately posting this message after it.
(3) Concern trolls will invade all Scott Brown email lists, blogs, and forums to breed Eeyores. Concern trolls are people who pose as Scott Brown supporters, and then make statements that start out sounding like they support him, but then finish by saying, “Well, I really wanted him to win, and like I said I really like him, but I think he can try again in a few years. It wasn’t his time, and he did a good job, but let’s face it, he’s lost this time. We should just all sit home and bake cookies tomorrow instead of voting. Doesn’t cookies sound yummy? Much better than going to vote. Martha Coakley’s already won”. The concern trolls hope to find weak minded Brown supporters and infect them with Eeyorism…the disease Republicans, especially are so susceptible, that makes people lose all their fire and plop their big butts into comfy sofas and sit there doing nothing. ”Oh, I read on the Internet that it’s over and Coakley’s already won and that I should sit home and eat cookies instead of voting. I am so depressed, there are rain clouds over my head now. If a stranger I don’t know at all on the Internet told me to give up, I have to give up, because that person said to.” Waaaaah! The Eeyores then infect other people, breeding more Eeyores, keeping more butts in comfy sofas, and before you know it Brown’s lost half his ground troops to an Eeyore outbreak. Hillary Clinton lost contests like Wisconsin, North Carolina, Guam, and Missouri because of Eeyores.
You need to stay fired-up and motivated to see this election through to January 19th. We CAN and WILL win. WE are STRONG. They will try to divide and conquer but we are united as Americans!!!
Keep making phone calls for frredom. If you haven't joined the national phone bank sign up at:
The phone calls are free and you can be part of this exciting election!
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