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Democrats import illegal voters with communicable diseases

Tuberculosis, Leprosy, pertussis or whooping cough, dengue fever, Hepatitis, Chagas, Dysentery, Malaria

Democrats import illegal voters with communicable diseases

 - Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Saturday, July 16, 2011

image America was built on the backs, hands, and minds of legal immigrants. We all came from somewhere else, except the Native Americans. We fled from religious persecution, communist tyranny, oppressive monarchies and regimes, legal entanglements, murder raps, theft, moral and financial responsibility to others.

We longed for the lure of riches and unbound freedom, but most of all, we desired the opportunity to be better off than our fathers and ancestors.

Lady Liberty welcomed us all, initially at Ellis Island, where thousands and thousands of newly arrived would-be Americans, gaunt and ragged from the arduous Atlantic passage remained on board three or four days in the harbor, then in quarantine before they were allowed inland. Wealthier crossers were processed on board the ship.

The would-be Americans, particularly the poor ones, suffered indignities at times but there was no ACLU to sue for their unjust treatment – they were thankful to be allowed onto the Land of Opportunity.

Proud, intelligent people with dreams, representing every country in the Old World, poured into America, bringing their cultures with them into the melting pot. They entered the enormous Ellis Island Receiving Station, the “Hall of Tears,” as it was known, on “Heartbreak Island.”  Some family members were separated in the long lines, some were accepted, some rejected. Painful decisions had to be made quickly. People’s names were entered in records misspelled or changed on purpose to suit the clerk’s whims or inability to spell.

If they survived the treacherous Atlantic boat crossing and received a clean bill of health after the quarantine, they were free to explore their new country and make their dreams a reality through hard work, self-reliance, and perseverance. One such immigrant from Italy entered Ellis Island in 1902 and became a naturalized citizen in 1908.

In the last twenty years, immigration enforcement has become so lax that now,  illegal immigrants are causing huge financial and social burdens on Americans in spite of La Rasa’s claim that they do the jobs that Americans refuse to do. According to Democrats and the sycophant media, they are “undocumented workers,” not illegal aliens. Only in the irrational progressive mind is someone, who is deliberately breaking the law of this country, an undocumented worker and must be rewarded with citizenship, free schooling, housing, food stamps, medical care, and free or in-state tuition for their children.

The liberal media refuses to discuss the burden millions of illegals place on this country’s resources. They steal benefits from American citizens who have worked and paid Social Security and Medicaid taxes their entire lives and now are unable to draw benefits because the promised lock box is empty.

Hundreds and thousands of hospitals are strained or bankrupt because of the gratis care they must extend to illegal aliens. Having anchor babies in hospitals at taxpayer expense while the rest of Americans have to bankrupt themselves paying hospital bills is an injustice that lawmakers should have addressed long time ago.

An important issue that threatens the health of our nation is the communicable disease emergence, ills that have been eradicated in this country years ago.

Diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, pertussis or whooping cough, dengue fever, hepatitis, Chagas are prevalent in third world countries and are being transported to the U.S. via illegal immigrants who are not checked and given treatment or vaccinations.

Whooping cough is a disease associated with lack of sanitation in third world countries. Places of high concentration of illegals experience sudden problems of disease related to the developing world.  The media in Smithtown, Long Island,  reports “dozens” of whooping cough cases without making the connection to the culprits.

Dysentery, a deadly and very contagious disease for babies has been found to have infected a Phoenix Police officer. Not washing hands or laundering clothes aids in the spread of dysentery.

Malaria, which was eradicated sixty years ago, has re-appeared in California, New York City, and Houston, centers of high concentration of illegal aliens. Blood supplies infected with malaria have also been found in our cities.

Dengue fever, a virus-based disease spread by mosquitoes, which kills millions of children in third world countries, is now increasingly found in the U.S. where immigrants both legal and illegal congregate.

Leprosy currently known as Hansen’s disease to hide its presence, is steadily rising with the invasion of illegal aliens and has accelerated since 2002.

“Hepatitis A-E is making people sick across the country. Chronically suffering illegal aliens who work in our restaurants, are sneaking across our borders from oil-rich Mexico to receive the free $1,500 per patient treatment. Not only do we pay for these treatments with our tax dollars but also we unwittingly become infected with hepatitis. Some forms are transmitted through unwashed hands while handling food, others through blood donations or contact with infected blood.

Tuberculosis, another deadly disease found in Mexico at a rate ten times higher than the U.S., is popping up nationwide wherever illegals are concentrated.  More than half of the medical reporting districts in California have active TB cases. To make matters worse, a new incurable type of TB, XDR strain (extensively drug resistant) has appeared worldwide, including the United States.

Chagas disease, a tropical parasitic disease, previously found only in South America, Central America and Mexico, slowly destroys its victim’s heart and other internal organs. The Chagas Disease Foundation said, “Chagas disease affects more people than any other infectious disease in Latin America and that it ranks as the largest cause of heart disease-induced deaths in the region. The result of a bug bite that leaves behind contaminated fecal matter, the disease can be spread through contaminated food, blood transfusion, organ donation, and mother to fetus.

According to CDC, “Since initiation of voluntary blood screening for Chagas disease in 2007, nearly 800 cases of confirmed Chagas disease have been detected at United States blood centers. The greatest numbers of positive donors, now deferred from donation, have been identified in those states with the largest populations of Latin American immigrants.”

“Population migration can have a profound impact on movement of infectious diseases. The relative magnitude of movement of persons from Chagas endemic countries, including an estimated 18 million to the United States illustrates the problem.” (CDC, 2009)

“Although historically Chagas disease has been considered restricted to Latin America, the disease is becoming a serious health issue in the United States because of the presence of a notable number of blood donors seropositive.” (CDC, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol.16, No. 3, March 2010)

Legal immigrants have always been checked for communicable diseases before they were allowed to immigrate to the United States. We even require k-12 American students and college students to provide records and proof of immunization for certain childhood diseases. Why do we then think that it is a good idea to allow unchecked immigration and risk the health of our population for the sake of political votes and power?

The Democrat Party, Code Pink, ACLU, the environmental nuts with their debunked global warming, the Communist Party U.S.A. La Rasa, SEIU, other big unions, and like-minded progressives have openly embraced and invited illegal aliens into our country.

Democrats want the illegal aliens’ fraudulent vote or legal vote at all costs, including our health, when they become automatic citizens through forced Amnesty and the Dream Act for illegal alien college students. Democrats, in their quest for totalitarian control, do not care that, in the process, they have invited into our country a host of health problems. This Pandora’s Box of societal and financial ills caused by unchecked illegal immigration cannot be cured simply by spending money or signing more freedom-stealing Executive Orders.


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Comment by Sandra on July 17, 2011 at 9:17pm
The need more dumb A$$ people to voe for them and use...






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