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Former Secret Service Agent Says No Such Thing as Gun Control, It’s People Control

Godfather Politics March 2, 2013
Dan Bongino has worked as a New York City Police Officer and member of the Secret Service where he was assigned to guard Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.  He is an ambitious man with a passion for his family and his country.

While working with the New York Police Department, Dan used his vacation time attend City University of New York, earning a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in psychology.  His field of study centered on neuro-psychology and behavioral learning.  He graduated with honors at the NYPD academy and in college.

While working with the Secret Service, he obtained a second Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Penn State.  At the Secret Service academy, he graduated with honors.  After several years in the field, he became an instructor where he was the project manager in charge of re-designing the investigative tactics training program.  He received several commendations for his efforts in researching and implementing changes in the investigative training program and how they relate to trends in federal crimes.

In 2010, Dan was instrumental in breaking up one of the largest fraud groups in the history of Maryland.  His entire career has had him involved with guns and people.  He has seen the worst and best of people.  He was asked to speak at a recent Guns Across America Rally in Annapolis, Maryland.  What he said is well worth listening to:

There were four things that impressed me about Dan’s speech.  The first was his emphasis that there is no such thing as gun control, it’s really about people control.  Guns don’t do anything by themselves; it’s the people who have them that are the problem.

Secondly, our rights and freedoms are God given.  They were not given to us by Obama or Congress.  Since they didn’t give them to us, they have no right to take them away either.

Third, he pointed out that the people who carry out the gun crimes we hear about all got their guns illegally.  That means that none of the pending pieces of legislation will do anything to prevent more gun violence.  In fact, it will only serve to increase it.

Lastly, he pointed out that the people who do nothing are the ones to blame for getting America into the mess we’re in now.  People who don’t vote are to blame for where we are as a nation.  If people want to preserve what we once had or regain those freedoms and rights, then they have get off their butts and do something about it.

After watching the video of Dan Bongino, you must make a decision.  Are you going to be part of the solution and take action or are you going to be part of the problem and sit on your lazy butt and do nothing?  In my opinion, the person that does nothing to help or to fix the problem shouldn’t be complaining about it.  If it bothers you that much that you have to say something, then you should actually do something to help.

`Obama and his administration lie and obfuscate. He changes with the wind. What was good in 2012 is bad in 2013.
The "Sequestration" that he now rails against in 2013 is the same legislation he signed into law in 2012.
His Gun Control has nothing to do with guns. It's all about the liberal progressive radical democrat machine taking control of our nation.

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on March 10, 2013 at 11:40am

: “The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War,"

Hey Feinstein!!! PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) perfectly fits your state of mind TOO! You have been "AT WAR" with the patriots of this nation far too long. Your constant search for ways to "expand" government has taken an ugly turn . . . . and it is YOU who should be referred to a treatment center for confinement until your attacks on our Liberties and Freedoms are reversed. Many of your liberal progressive radical democrat legislator (troops) brethren,  suffer from the same condition. There may be a solution for you and your ilk soon.

 You are quickly becoming a "first choice" target of opportunity.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 9, 2013 at 7:53pm

Sen. Feinstein Makes Wild Claim to Push Gun Control at Senate Committee Hearing

Sen. Feinstein Says Its Legal to Hunt Humans With High Capacity Magazines

Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March 5, 2013, after a closed-door committee vote on CIA director nominee John Brennan. The committee voted Tuesday to approve President Barack Obama’s pick to lead the CIA after winning a behind-the-scenes battle with the White House over access to a series of top-secret legal opinions that justify the use of lethal drone strikes against terror suspects, including American citizens. Credit: AP

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun control Thursday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) shot down a proposed amendment to her “assault weapons” ban that would exempt military veterans from the gun ban. She also made some questionable claims.

Pushing a ban on high-capacity magazines, Feinstein argued that it is “legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.”

Here’s her dubious rationale:

“The time has come, America, to step up and ban these weapons. The other very important part of this bill is to ban large capacity ammunition feeding devices, those that hold more than 10 rounds. We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines. Limiting magazine capacity is critical because it is when a criminal, a drug dealer, a deranged individual has to pause to change magazines and reload that the police or brave bystanders have the opportunity to take that individual down.”

During the same hearing, she also argued that a military veteran could be mentally ill and suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), therefore should be prevented from buying the semi-automatic weapons that would be banned in her bill.

The California Democrat also made the bizarre claim that the “advent of PTSD” is a “new phenomenon” and a “product of the Iraq war.”

Here’s exactly what she said in context: “The problem with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War, it’s not clear how the seller or transferrer of a firearm covered by this bill would verify that an individual was a member, or a veteran, and that there was no impairment of that individual with respect to having a weapon like this.”

(H/T: Real Clear Politics)

Featured image via AP

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 7, 2013 at 8:19pm

Over the last few months I’ve warned you that crafty phrases like “expanded background checks” and “beefing up the database” were simply code words for a national gun registration scheme.

But today there’s a new threat emerging under the guise of “gun trafficking.”

I’m talking about anti-gun Senator Patrick Leahy’s so-called “Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013” (S. 443).

More properly referred to as the Forced Gun Owner Registration Act, S. 443 imposes harsh sentences – up to 15 years in prison – for minor offenses.

The committee approved the gun trafficking measure on an 11-7 vote. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, was the only Republican to vote in favor of the measure, whose chief sponsor was the panel's chairman, Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.

You see, this dangerous legislation imposes a 15-year prison sentence on anyone who purchases a firearm with the intent of giving or selling it to a “prohibited person.”

And just who is considered a “prohibited person?”

Unfortunately, more and more individuals are being labeled a “prohibited person” for non-violent reasons.

Already, 150,000 of our nation’s veterans are considered “prohibited” just because they acknowledged PTSD stress on returning from war.

And since Barack Obama just issued an Executive Order calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to “review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun,” the definition of “prohibited” could change any day depending on the Attorney General.

But under the Forced Gun Owner Registration Act, it doesn’t matter if you knew whether someone is a “prohibited person” or not – you’re going to prison either way.

The truth is, if the Forced Gun Owner Registration Act passes, the only way to comply will be through a national gun registration scheme.

And you and I both know gun registration is the first step toward . . .


The gun grabbers understand this, which is why the real purpose of this scheme is to effectively force gun owners to accept a national gun registry in order to protect themselves from Barack Obama’s ATF goons’ sting operations.

Worse yet, the Forced Gun Owner Registration Act is supported by members of both political parties - many who claim to be “pro-gun.”

Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins and Illinois Republican Senator Mark Kirk joined Leahy as cosponsors of this anti-gun scheme in the Senate.

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley – the top Republican on the Democrat-controlled Judicial Committee – just voted for the bill in Committee.

And over in the U.S. House, Virginia Congressman Scott Rigell – given an “A” rating from the NRA – is sponsoring a House version of this scheme.

Supposed “pro-gun Republicans” are dropping like flies.

In fact, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham just introduced a bill – along with Republican Senator Jeff Flake – to massive expand the so-called “background check” system to include mental health records.

The “mental health” is a ruse to hand bureaucrats the power to STRIP Americans of their God-given rights without a trial or conviction by a jury of peers.

According to news sources, this anti-gun legislation is supported by the NRA. The institutional gun lobby is more concerned with making friends with the press then defending gun rights.

The sad truth is, the gun grabbers couldn’t care less about “gun trafficking.”

If they did, they’d be outraged at Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious” scandal where the U.S. government funneled illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

Instead, Attorney General Eric Holder was granted the authority to determine who shouldn’t and shouldn’t be “prohibited” from owning a firearm.

Apparently, anti-gun Republicans like Chuck Grassley, Susan Collins and Mark Kirk would rather empower Barack Obama's ATF goons to harass YOU rather than bring Eric Holder to justice.

That’s why I’m counting on you to help defeat this back-door attempt to impose a national gun registration scheme in America.

While your National Association for Gun Rights and other gun groups are sounding the alarm over the Forced Gun Owner Registration Act, the NRA has been strangely quiet.

This has me very concerned that they could once again be cutting a deal behind the scenes.

The establishment gun lobby is more afraid of the press then they are of losing more gun rights.

That’s why you and I must stop this dangerous scheme. Here’s what you can do to help:

*** Call your U.S. Senators and INSIST they oppose the so-called “Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013” at every opportunity. Let them know you’re not fooled by the gun grabbers’ code words.

Sen. John Boozman: (202) 224-4843
Sen. Mark Pryor: (202) 224-2353

*** Call Republican Senators Chuck Grassley, Mark Kirk and Susan Collins and urge them to reverse their anti-gun positions and instead stand up for your gun rights.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA): 202-224-3744
Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL): 202-224-2854
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME): 202-224-2523

As I told you, this dangerous bill could be out of Committee and on to the floor of the Senate as early as next week.

So there’s not a moment to waste.

Please call both of your U.S. Senators and let them know you won’t let them get away with their anti-gun schemes.

And if you can, please chip in $10, $20 – or ever $50 – to help alert millions more Americans to this emerging new threat, I’d greatly appreciate it.

You can take that to the bank.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
P.S. The committee approved the so-called “Stop Illegal Trafficking in Firearms Act of 2013” on an 11-7 vote. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, was the only Republican to vote in favor of the measure, whose chief sponsor was the panel's chairman, Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.

This bill is designed to force gun owners to accept a national gun registry since that's the only way they'll be able to protect themselves from Barack Obama’s ATF goons’ sting operations.

Please call both of your U.S. Senators and let them know you won’t let them get away with their anti-gun schemes.

Sen. John Boozman: (202) 224-4843
Sen. Mark Pryor: (202) 224-2353

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 7, 2013 at 6:18am
from Wayne Mercier-
Epiphany Episcopal Church in Oak Park, CA held this event on 3-3-13.  About 20 attended, at least 10% Tea Partiers there, primarily as observers. We were able to talk to most of the panelists and sponsor (Pastor).  The small number of people reached says a lot. But, it was valuable just to observe their thought process, which is not 180 degrees opposed to ours- more like 75-90 degrees.
We collected much anti-gun literature from large stacks optimistically laid out.  Lead piece is directly from the White House:  "Obama" is using OUR money to push THEIR left-wing political agenda.  Other stuff was church literature. Their national church is pushing unconstitutional bans hard. Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori testified to Senate Committee:
They also had a list of gun-grabbing orgs and some other misc. stuff. They are at least on the right track on mental health issues, although soft on media violence and morality.
Sponsor would not allow direct questioning or follow-up questions, but had us write down questions on cards.  Pastor was miserly in asking these, but surprisingly, did use one of my rather provocative questions.
Read more here
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 4, 2013 at 12:29pm

Gun Control Bills Split Up in Committee, NRA President Says “the Tide is Turning”

by Outdoor Hub Reporters on February 27, 2013

submitted by: Daniel Xu

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Gun Control Bills to be Split Up for Consideration, NRA President Says “the Tide is Turning”

National Rifle Association (NRA) President David Keene told conservative listeners at a New York meeting that the future of the gun debate will be “a very rough and very ugly battle.” But, according to Business Insider, Keene also believes that the majority of the proposed gun control bills do not have enough support to be passed. One of the most pressing is the new “assault weapons” ban put forward by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), which along with three related bills will be reviewed in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

Instead of considering the four bills as a whole, the Huffington Post reports that lawmakers are thinking of reviewing the proposals separately. The bills are:

  • Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazine ban
  • Senator Patrick Leahy’s (D-VT) illegal gun-trafficking statute
  • Senator Barbara Boxer’s (D-CA) school safety bill
  • Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) “universal background check” legislation

The move to consider the bills separately is thought by experts to minimize the effect the “assault weapons” ban would have on the other proposals. Although expected to pass the committee, the ban is not expected to do as well on the Senate floor. This way, the other three bills will not be dragged down if the ban does poorly.

“I think we hit a snag, there is no doubt about it,” said former Americans for Gun Safety policy director Jim Kessler. “I know that there are real differences between the parties on this. But it is definitely too early to throw in the towel. They agree on a lot. And there still may be some way to figure it out.”

The NRA is also allocating resources to fight state level gun legislation, such as the recent SAFE Act passed in New York, while the national debate heads for an eventual showdown. Keene reiterates his promise that all Americans’ Second Amendment rights will be protected in court if necessary.

Any views or opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect those of Outdoor Hub. Comments on this article reflect the sole opinions of their writers.






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