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Chemtrails: Exploring a Mystery

June 27th, 2011 | By Sarah

[] The vapor trails left by high-flying airplanes are a familiar sight. Known as contrails, these ghostly remnants of upper atmosphere condensation are brief reminders that man-made aircraft now rule the heavens, flying higher than even the most daring birds can ever go.

But over the last 10-15 years, something different has been appearing in the atmosphere above us. At first glance, these white lines seem to resemble the typical contrail. But as careful observers have noted, after their initial appearance these contrails act in an unusual way. While normal vapor trails fade and disappear rather quickly in most cases, these contrails billow and spread, eventually changing into thin, hazy clouds that effectively shade the ground below.

All the indications are that this kind of contrail is being created intentionally, as unmarked tanker jets are apparently dumping huge amounts of something in our skies for unknown purposes. Based on analysis that has been performed on what is alleged to be fallout from these emissions, these trails of mystery have been given the name “chemtrails.”

The Characteristics of the Chemtrail Phenomenon

These unusual white trails have been observed in every state of the union, as well as in many other countries around the world. Thousands of people have caught them on video, and this footage is now widely available on YouTube and elsewhere across the internet.

What eyewitnesses describe and videos show are unmarked white tanker craft repeatedly crisscrossing the sky, leaving lines of white vapor behind them in straight parallel lines or in the shape of X’s. Activity has been observed to continue until the sky becomes all but completely covered by the hazy clouds that generally form from chemtrails. The jets that leave these patterns in the sky are often seen leaving the area after finishing their work, with the absence of accompanying contrails authenticating the fact that what had been happening previously was intentional. These airplanes have even been seen and filmed flushing out their tanks after a run directly over the heads of astonished witnesses.

Unfortunately, mainstream media, government, and science will inevitably attack anyone who purports to have seen something that falls outside of the mainstream idea of what is true or possible. Because the existence of these chemtrails smacks of covert and possibly less-than-virtuous government activity, witnesses and others who express concerns are accused of wearing tinfoil hats and ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists,” which mainstream media gatekeepers consider to be the ultimate insult. This is incredibly unfair to chemtrail witnesses, who are only reporting something they have seen and do not understand. No one deserves to be called names simply because they are inadvertently helping to expose the fact that our government frequently lies to us about what it has done and is doing. And besides, so much first-hand testimony has now been collected and so many hours of video recorded verifying the true facts of chemtrail-related activity, that skepticism about the existence of chemtrails at this point can be dismissed as willful ignorance. The fact that mainstream authorities continue to deny the existence of this phenomenon despite the wealth of evidence of its reality now available provides excellent insight into how strong the systems of control that are enslaving us all really are.

Providing further proof of the reality of this ongoing program of atmospheric spraying, soil, water, and snow samples taken from directly beneath areas where heavy chemtrail activity has been observed have been found, after scientific analysis, to contain elevated levels of chemical pollutants, including two in particular­aluminum oxide and barium oxide. Other unusual heavy metals and chemicals such as strontium, titanium, and sulfur hexafluoride have also been found in these tests, and it is because of these findings that researchers first began to call these new kinds of sky lines chemtrails.

Chemtrails and the Science of Geo-engineering

The chemicals found in chemtrail fallout areas have provided an important clue to the phenomenon’s ultimate purpose. For the last two decades, there has been much discussion in certain scientific circles about the feasibility of using weather modification tactics as a way to stave of the effects of “global warming.” The science of geo-engineering is dedicated to the study of how science experiments could be used to alter the climate and the weather in ways that might be advantageous to human beings. In essence, the idea is to counter man-made global warming with man-made global cooling, with the hope that by playing God in this way, maybe things can be put back in balance again.

The most famous advocate of using science and technology to try and fix global warming was the late atomic scientist Dr. Edward Teller. In 1997, Teller wrote a scientific paper in which he speculated that if megatons of metal particulates such as aluminum and barium were released in the upper atmosphere, it could reflect enough sunlight back into space to cancel out the effects of global warming. Even earlier, back in 1991, Hughes Aviation was granted a patent on technology that was designed to efficiently release streams of particulate matter into the upper atmosphere for the express purpose of countering global warming. At the 2010 meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science, one of the topics discussed was the following: “Can Geo-Engineering Save Us from Global Warming?” The proposal debated involved the use of megatons of aluminum oxide to shield the planet from the light of the sun.

The Dangers of Chemtrails

So it appears that the government, at some point, decided to implement this oft-discussed potential solution to global warming in secret. The problem is that metals like aluminum and barium are toxic to the human body. Heavy metal poisoning is associated with neurological damage, chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, multiple-chemical sensitivities, and respiratory illnesses such as asthma. In fact, many of these diseases have been increasing in recent years, for reasons that are not altogether clear.

Putting massive amounts of these chemicals into the atmosphere is a threat to the health of millions, which would in all likelihood make such a program politically nonviable if the attempt were made to implement it openly. Perhaps government insiders have decided the threat of global warming is so dire that they have no choice but to sacrifice the health and welfare of tens of millions in order to save everyone.

Leveling with the American People

It is vitally important that the citizens of the United States not be intimidated by the tactics of ridicule and dismissal used against those who try to bring the issue of chemtrails before the public eye. There is little to no evidence that global warming is really such a threat and not merely the cyclical changes inherent in the Earth’s weather system. We do not need to rogue elements to carry on dangerous experiments that are more than likely not necessary. It is hard to believe that the best scientific minds in the world could not come up with a better solution to global climate change than dumping toxic poisons into our atmosphere in amounts heavy enough to cause large numbers of people to suffer serious illness.

But these other solutions will never have a chance to be heard or developed if the government is allowed to get away with trying to take care of it all on their own, with no possibility of public input or oversight. The chemtrail program is a reckless and dangerous experiment, and it needs to be stopped as soon as possible before any more damage has been done to the health of the American people.


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