Patriots beware: The anarchists are coming!
British style rioting coming to USA
- Judi McLeod Saturday, August 13, 2011
Anarchists are in training for the US Day of Rage coming to a political theatre near you.
Gleeful about the raging riots that held England captive this week, the tweet has gone out to activists and ‘disaffected’ youth to “occupywallstreet#Sept17”
Social Networks FaceBook and Twitter are abuzz with plans for coming anarchy on U.S. soil.
The Days of Rage will continue beyond the ‘occupation’ of Wall Street with activists being told “bring your tent”.
In spite of their lofty talk of believing in “non-violent” action, the anarchists on the way to Manhattan, are singing the same tune sung by America haters like Code Pink, the Ruckus Society, radical Islamists and (God help us), the anti-American Obama regime.
“Where is America’s conscience?” are the words on the sign held by a woman depicted on the website. “We want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months,” states the website.
Wording for US Day of Rage promos come directly from Marxist dialectic in a verbal pretense of wanting what the Tea Party wants:
“US Day of Rage is calling for free and fair elections, not elections manipulated by the economic elite, special interests, or corporate media, where choices are limited to bought candidates and two corrupt parties. US Day of Rage is organizing with OccupyWallStreet to create a tent city in the financial district of New York beginning on September 17. October2011 and OccupyWallStreet have endorsed each others’ actions.
“Legitimate government is born of the people expressed by its citizens in free and fair elections. It does not spring from a tyranny of special interests, crony capitalism, or a system of ideology that runs counter to the aims of life.”
Like all other anarchist riots that started with so-called Arab Spring in Egypt and led to England, the call to American anarchists is being portrayed as spontaneous, “springing up from nowhere”.
- “The term “Days of Rage” is the product of Chicago’s Weathermen, led by Obama workmate Billy Ayers and cohabitants.”
- “This Day of Rage speaks of non-violence, yet plays up the violent terrorism of the current rioting proceeding in Great Britain. It is eschewed by a disclaimer put up since this article was first posted, but it is featured, pronounced, highlighted, and utilized on the site. It’s kind of like “good cop, bad cop, only played by the robbers.” ( Gulagbound, Aug. 13, 2011)
While the Day(s) of Rage are the footwork of the far left, they are being cheered from the sidelines by Radical Islam, evidenced in the many worldwide Tweets.
Activists planing riots in the cities of the world are the shepherds who lure their sheep from grade school children. They romanticize the revolution and prey on the young and naive.
The Ruckus Society, financed to the tune of $150,000 over the five-year period between 1999 and 2004 by then Teresa Heinz-Kerry’s Tides Foundation, spent months training activists in the fine art of civil disobedience for the 2004 GOP convention. (
Canada Free Press, Sept. 8, 2004)
After riots organized by the Ruckus Society shut down Seattle during a meeting of the WTO in 1999, Ruckus director John Sellers told Mother Jones magazine: “I make a distinction between violence and destruction of property. Violence to me is against living things. But inanimate objects? It may be violence under the law but I just don’t think it’s violence.”
How to convince Ruckus Society members that a police officer is hardly an inanimate object and that police dogs and horses are not SUVs.
- “Anarchists plotting May Day riots in London this year were trained at action camps in the US.
- The camps, run by a group which has Body Shop founder Anita Roddick as a director, have staged courses attended by members of anarchist factions such as Reclaim the Streets, who are among people involved in planning unrest for the anti-capitalist protests on 1 May.
- A Californian-based group called the Ruckus Society, which says it advocates non-violent civil disobedience, according to police intelligence, is behind the courses.
- The group, which is publicly supported by Ms Roddick, runs courses on “direct action” protests with training schemes on climbing buildings, monitoring police radio frequencies, disabling video cameras and blocking roads, trains and ships with mass demonstrations.
- Ruckus insists it advocates non-violent action but its training methods and volunteers were a crucial element in the anti-World Bank and IMF riots in Seattle in 1999 and Washington last year.
- Activists trained at Ruckus courses were also part of the recent highly successful German protests against the transport of radioactive nuclear waste.
- Last week, Scotland Yard said a hard core of 1,000 activists was planning to bring London to a standstill on 1 May, which is a working day.” (, Aug, 12, 2011)
The anxiety that far left groups will lead the way for the imposition of martial law in the USA just got more real.
Patriots beware: The anarchists are coming!
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