NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

BP, Green Initiatives and Global Governance

Communism and The Liberal Progressives:

It’s all about perception and controlling the message. Divert attention form the real truth; distract with ambiguous obstructions and cover-up the facts. These people will absolutely say and do anything to seize and keep power, and acquire as much money as possible. Their wicked lusts continue to be the driver behind their greedy motives. When the ends justify means – Any Means, they will pervert, lie, cheat, steal, rape and murder to get what their evil hearts desire. Nothing is out-of-bounds for them!

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils:

Speaking lies in hypocrisy: having their conscience seared with a hot iron: . . ." (I Timothy 4:1-2)

The radical leftist’s Satanic policies are bent toward generational theft. Their purposes lack all vestiges of sound ethics or decent morals, as they seek a corrupt societal transformation. This illegal president and his administration don’t care about our environment, the economy, or the health and well being of any American citizen. These people possess only deviant values and tainted principles. And, this den of thugs and crooks are out to destroy our republic.

In my opinion, the oil spill in the Gulf was possibly intentional and carried out by those that are promoting Cap and Trade. BP was a major contributor to elect Obama. This corporation is a member of INCR(Investor Network on Climate Risk), and a corporate shareholder of Chicago-based ShoreBank (heavily involved in the Cap & Trade planned CCX mega-theft. BP is involved in green technology, with wind farms with ties to G.E. (Camco, CCSA member).

Also see-

Al G\ore and his London-based hedge fund, Generation Investment Management.

How else can the escalation of the ecological disaster and lack of urgency be explained? Their lackadaisical attitude is quite telling, given the above facts. Remember at the same time the government was condemning Goldman Sachs, we found out about their investment in Joel Roger’s Emerald Cities Collaborative? Maurice Strong said that this is potentially a ten trillion+ opportunity - toward the higher goals social and econmic justice, of course.

They are still about collapsing our capitalist system.

Keep watching to see what the magician’s other hand is doing.

Views: 54


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 22, 2010 at 12:44pm
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 22, 2010 at 10:00am
We need an Investigation and removal of this Administration. To many things line up that all point to this Administration being more and more Corrupt.

Obama to make $85 million from BP disaster?

“Goldman Sachs wasn’t alone either in its astute “foreknowledge” of the collapse of BP’s stock value due to the Gulf disaster as BP’s own chief executive, Tony Hayward, sold about one-third of his shares weeks before this catastrophe began unfolding too.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 22, 2010 at 9:06am

Obama administration is exploiting the oil spill for every political point they can make

Oilgate Could Spell The End Of Obama

 By JR Dieckmann  Monday, June 21, 2010 

What is wrong with Obama? Did he actually go down to the gulf and try to suck up oil with a straw after saying he couldn’t do it? You might think so by the way he has been handling the gulf oil spill. Rahm Emanuel says, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” while the Obama administration is exploiting the oil spill for every political point they can make. Enter the cap & tax energy bill - designed in part to kill the oil industry. 

Obama has done just about everything wrong since snorting that oil. The Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations prematurely held hearings - strike that - interrogations of BP CEO Tony Hayward last Thursday. Most of the questions concerned decisions made on the rig during the drilling process. Hayward had one answer to almost all of their questions, “I don’t have that information, the investigation is not yet complete.”

Of course, he wouldn’t have the answers. He is the CEO charged with running the overall company, not the drilling Foreman who was involved in these decisions. The CEO doesn’t have time to be involved in every operational decision of every rig in the company; it‘s not his job. That’s what managers are for. Even if he did have the answers, he is not going to answer questions that are under investigation by Obama’s justice department. Anything he might say would be used against him in court.

Time and again, they drilled Hayward with questions on well pipe centralizers and the cementing operation. The issue centered around BP’s decision to use seven centralizers on the well pipe instead of the 21 recommended by Halliburton. It was an engineering decision made aboard the drill ship and agreed to by Halliburton. Centralizers are attachments that encircle the pipe to keep it centered in the borehole during cement operations.

Why was so much time spent with questions about the well pipe and cement job? There have been no official reports of failures or defects below the sea floor. The subsea structure had nothing to do with the blowout that occurred at the top of the riser pipe, a mile above the sea floor. They appeared to be making it into such an issue to show that BP had cut corners and costs, and that was the best example they could come up with. It may have been something else.

Did Hayward and the committee know of a problem in the borehole? Why didn’t Hayward at least point out that no failures had occurred in the borehole and save himself an hour of badgering? Could it be that he didn’t want to commit perjury? It may be that there is something seriously wrong with the well that is being kept under wraps. 

There is an unofficial report from an oil company insider that suggests that the problem may be much worse than we have been told. The report explains that the down pipe has been compromised and is leaking oil into the subsea floor. Any attempt to cap the well and stop the oil plume at the wellhead would result in the rupturing of the down pipe with catastrophic consequences. The report explains why no attempts have been made to cap the well, plus much of the activity we have been seeing in the videos from the underwater ROVs.

Even without capping the wellhead, this worse case scenario is likely to happen soon due to erosion. The only hope for preventing an even greater and devastating disaster in the gulf is for BP to complete the relief well, to relieve the pressure, before they lose the existing one completely. I will be posting more details on this in the next few days This is a worse case scenario but unfortunately, the source of the information can see no way to avoid it.

You can follow the work now being done on the seafloor with 12 streaming video feeds from the underwater ROVs at the Great American Journal website.

One highly significant question was asked at the hearing, but it was asked of committee chairman Bart Stupak by Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia: Why are officers of the MineralManagement Service not at this hearing and being questioned? Rep. Michael Burgess of Texas later reiterated the same point saying that MMS needs to be held accountable for the miserable cleanup failures.

Everything BP did on that rig was regulated and approved by the MMS

Everything BP did on that rig was regulated and approved by the MMS. With hundreds of safety violations already against BP, why didn’t MMS or Congress speak up and investigate this before the drilling was done under a record 5000 feet of water?

As Stupak gaveled down for a recess, Burgess again brought up his request for the MMS to be present at the hearing. Stupak didn’t want to hear it. He immediately interrupted, shoved it under the rug, and recessed the hearings. He seemed quite upset that anyone on the panel would even suggest that questions be asked of Obama’s MMS department, but he did say that there would be at least two more hearings and that all parties would be heard from. He then added, “MMS isn’t going to help Mr. Hayward answer these questions.”

On Wednesday, Tony Hayward had met with the White House and agreed to a $20 billion trust fund for the victims of the spill. Obama and BP agreed that the fund will be run by Kenneth Feinberg, now the White House’s “pay czar” who sets salary limits for executives of companies getting government bailout money.

If our free market economy is even going to be salvaged, companies and states must stop accepting federal money and the strings that come with it. BP also agreed to put another $100 million into a foundation for out-of-work oilrig workers.

Obama put out of work with his 6 month moratorium on oil production. BP is not responsible for that - Obama is

Rep. Joe Barton called it a “shakedown.” I don’t know if that’s the right word to use, but it is cause for concern. BP said they would cover all LEGITIMATE claims but they should never have agreed to this. Why - because with the White House administering the payouts, a lot of the money will go to people whom Obama put out of work with his 6 month moratorium on oil production. BP is not responsible for that - Obama is. BP shouldn’t have to pay for Obama’s disastrous and politically oriented response to the spill, but now they will.

With a 6-month moratorium on oil wells in the gulf and Alaska, thousands of oil workers are now out of work and those jobs aren’t going to come back. Those floating oilrigs will be moved to less hostile waters in countries that are friendly to oil drilling. The rigs are way too expensive to let them just sit idle and unproductive. They are not going to wait around while their business dies and Obama fiddles.

Thousands of fraudulent claims are now pouring into the gulf region. It’s going to be up to Feinberg to decide which claims to pay and which to reject. With the White House deciding which claims are valid and which are fraudulent, isn’t it likely that the first question asked of the applicant will be: Which union do you belong to? The fishermen better find one and sign up before they file their claims.

In an email to his worshipers, the Obama regime says Joe Barton should step down for his shakedown comment. When are Democrats even asked to step down for their nasty and derogatory comments? But just let a Republican show a little contempt for this regime and it’s off with their head.

Hell no, he should not step down. He should step up more often - and more representatives of the people on the right should do the same. They are the only ones who are standing up for Americas’ energy needs, affordable taxes, and constitutional rights and liberties that the left has been trampling on.

Hayward should have stood his ground and insisted that BP attorneys and the courts would determine the credible claims. When will these industry CEOs get a spine instead of cowering in the corner when these despicable politicians start hammering on them? It was the same with the CEOs of GM and Chrysler who were even badgered into selling their private jets and taking the train. Stop kissing government asses and defend yourself. The government is not your mother.

BP doesn’t even have $20 billion. Their available funds currently rest at $7 billion. They have worked out a payment schedule with the government, but that is contingent on BP remaining a viable and solvent company. Already, BP stock has lost 50% of its value and BP has agreed to deny stockholder dividends. What effect is that going to have on BP stock? Who wants to invest in a company stock that doesn’t pay dividends?

BP has been made the sacrificial lamb in the Progressives’ scheme to destroy the oil industry

With the typical Obama demonizing and badmouthing of privately owned companies and industries, BP has been made the sacrificial lamb in the Progressives’ scheme to destroy the oil industry, just as Fannie and Freddie were sacrificed to disrupt the economy in an election year. In spite of their $100 billion bailouts, Fannie and Freddie stock, now down to about 42 cents, is being taken off the stock exchange while the two are back asking for more taxpayers‘ money.

With the oil cleanup costs, the lawsuits, and loss of production, BP may not be able to pay the claims and may end up in bankruptcy court. Then who do you suppose will be held liable for the claims? That’s right, we taxpayers. BP stock may go the way of Fannie and Freddie stock. Will BP too get a taxpayer bailout, and how much will that cost us? Where are the British pounds?

So not only will we have to shell out a minimum of $20 billion to cover oil damage claims, but also to cover the income of those oil workers that Obama put out of work with his 6 month moratorium on oil production in the gulf and in Alaska. And that $20 billion? - They say that is just the beginning. But I am sure Congress will work that into their “pay as you go” budget by cutting out tens of billions in waste.

A majority of these expenses could have been avoided as well as most of the shoreline damage with proper government management. When 13 oil-producing countries with ships equipped for oil cleanup offered to help, Obama refused the offers. When they sent their ships to the gulf anyway, Obama dug up the 100-year-old Jones Act to deny them entry into the gulf.

The Jones act - waved by President Bush during Katrina - and other presidents, was created to protect American Merchant Marine ships from foreign competition while hauling goods in American waters from port to port.

These foreign skimmer ships and tankers have the capacity to collect 88% of the oil being spilled into the gulf. They are still waiting outside the gulf while Obama refuses to wave the Jones Act. Is Obama intentionally making this crisis worse, or does he simply care more about protecting union jobs than the people and businesses along the gulf coast?

Obama has been there from day one doing everything that can possibly be done to make this crisis worse. Not only has he done nothing to help BP get this well under control, he has added extra burdens on the company with lawsuits and financial liabilities before we even know what the extent of the damage or the liabilities are. 

Even the Coast Guard has been involved in stopping skimmer ships from sucking up oil because the government wanted to make sure they had fire extinguishers and life jackets on board but was unable or unwilling to contact the ship owners. Environmental groups have insisted on hampering cleanup operations by imposing regulations that stand in the way of efficient and proper cleanup management.

Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal, went to agency after agency to try to protect his coastline but was constantly stonewalled with a different excuse by each one. No one seemed to know who was in charge and who had authority to make decisions. That authority was reserved to the White House but the president was nowhere to be found.

The media doesn’t seem to have an interest in reporting on this, yet when Tony Hayward, after being on the job in the gulf for two months straight, decides to take a day off for a yacht race, criticisms are all over the media that he doesn’t care about fixing the problem. Maybe he should have gone golfing with Obama instead.

There has been no command and control or communications available to minimize the effects of the disaster. A total lack of leadership from the White House has been the main cause of white gulf beaches turning black with oil.

What is ironic here is that BP is run by a bunch of European liberals who supported Obama and were a major contributor to his campaign. Now, with the demonization of BP by Obama, the dogs are eating the dogs and turning on their own kind. The only difference is that the dogs being demonized are productive workers.

Obama has done everything wrong from day one of the oil spill. Many people believe he is doing it intentionally while others believe he is just an idiot with no idea of what to do. I think maybe it is both. This is just another crisis not to be wasted and a chance to run up the bill for the taxpayers again. But I also see signs now that due to his massive failures of leadership, this could be the crisis that destroys his presidency as his poll numbers fall to an all time low. His glaring incompetence and lack of leadership skills in this crisis are proving that he is not fit or qualified to be Commander in Chief

“Every time that we try to lift a problem from our own shoulders, and shift that problem to the hands of the government, to the same extent we are sacrificing the liberties of our people.” John F. Kennedy

Even JFK would be turning over in his grave if he could see what is going on now with this regime in Washington.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 22, 2010 at 8:59am
The spill is a disaster, but exploiting it is truly despicable

Obama Is Wrong; Alternative Energy is Not an Alternative

By Dr. Tim Ball Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama is using the oil spill in the Gulf as an emotional lever to push his cap and trade policy. The spill is a disaster, but exploiting it is truly despicable. It is made far worse when the alternative energies solutions don’t work. Increased costs will damage the economy and negatively impact the people he claims to represent. We’re in this predicament because of exploitation by politicians and environmental groups who deliberately ignore scientific evidence and corruption in climate science. Options were dramatically reduced by campaigns of fear against nuclear power creating legislation so that it now takes up to 14 years to construct a nuclear power plant.

Obama’s Cap and Trade will increase the cost of oil, coal and natural gas sufficient to make the US economy uncompetitive. This will reduce the possibility of paying off the massive debt he has incurred.

Capabilities of alternative energies were misrepresented and real costs grossly distorted by subsidies. Politicians added political canards such as US self-sufficiency, when all solutions are available in-house. Wikipedia says, “alternative energy is an umbrella term that refers to any source of useable energy intended to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the replaced fuels.” If this were true what people consider alternative energies would qualify as “replaced fuels.” It is a cute academic definition, but the reality is the only fuels considered “undesirable” are those that produce CO2. This is because of the false work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). People forget their predictions of future temperatures are based on continued and increasing demand for electricity – business as usual. They cannot anticipate technological innovations. For example, though expensive at present, Light Emitting Diode (LED) white light will dramatically reduce power requirements.

Some define renewable energies as the only acceptable alternative energies, but they have severe limitations. The focus is diverted away from the real power production problems and potential resolutions. Obama cleverly concedes they’re not a short-term solution, but ignores the fact they’re not a long-term solution either. Major energies touted are wind and solar, but in 2007 they provided only 6 percent of alternative US production, which is just 7 percent of total US production (Figure 1). Percentages have changed slightly but are still insignificant and limitations continue.

Figure 1: Breakdown of US energy production.

Except for petroleum to drive vehicles the common denominator of any energy source is to produce electricity. The overarching need is for a continuous supply of energy. Solar and wind are not continuous, so they must have backup sources instantly available and coal, oil, or nuclear are the only options. Countries that have attempted wind power experience an increase in CO2 production. An article titled “Wind power is a complete disaster” reports the German experience. “Germany’s CO2 emissions haven’t been reduced by even a single gram,” and additional coal- and gas-fired plants have been constructed to ensure reliable delivery.”

Wind power is a complete disaster

Denmark has the highest percentage of wind power and their experience is telling. As the National Post article reports, “Its electricity generation costs are the highest in Europe (15¢/kwh compared to Ontario’s current rate of about 6¢). Niels Gram of the Danish Federation of Industries says, “windmills are a mistake and economically make no sense.” Aase Madsen , the Chair of Energy Policy in the Danish Parliament, calls it “a terribly expensive disaster.” Because the wind can drop or surge suddenly it puts stress that can overload the grid so wind power is generally limited to 12 percent of the total supply. Other problems include the surge demand placed on the grid when the wind drops off, or the addition of surplus power when the electrical demand drops and wind power is still being added. A report from Britain tells of wind farms being paid to shut down turbines to prevent this problem.

These are economic realities, but add in the number of birds killed, the blight on the landscape, and the cost of transmission from remote locations and it is not an alternative.

Solar power is no better

Solar power is no better. Spain has paid the price and has moved to stop the bleeding. “Spain is lancing an 18 billion-euro ($24 billion) investment bubble in solar energy that has boosted public liabilities choking off new projects as it works to cut power prices and insulate itself from Greece’s debt crisis.”

Loss of supply is slightly more predictable because of known hours of daylight. However, these are less than half the day in winter for most of the world. The unknown factor is cloud cover. You reduce this by going to desert regions but then there is wind blown sand damage, as well as vast arrays despoiling landscapes and ecologies.

Even modest usages of biodiesel would consume almost all cropland in some countries in Europe!

We’ve already experienced limitations of biofuels triggered by government subsidies. In that case it was simply US agricultural land diverted. As one review notes, “Switching to biodiesel on a large scale requires considerable use of our arable area. Even modest usages of biodiesel would consume almost all cropland in some countries in Europe!”

More CO2 and nitrogen oxides are produced than from fossil fuels, but they divert from this reality by presenting a net figure achieved by subtracting CO2 used to grow the plant. Biodiesel has lower fuel efficiency than petrodiesel. Low temperatures are a serious limit for all diesels but worse for biodiesels.

Geothermal has potential but is limited in location and usually far from where it is needed. The same is true for hydroelectric and tidal power. If Obama really wants to solve the energy problems he should offer a prize for a method of reducing line loss, and another for a method to effectively store electricity.

Obama’s exploitation of the Gulf oil spill is a shameless effort to push Cap and Trade

Obama’s exploitation of the Gulf oil spill is a shameless effort to push Cap and Trade, a policy that will bring the US economy to its knees and give the government control over all aspects of people’s lives. He claims the spill is proof of the need to shift to alternative energies because they do not produce CO2. He acknowledges that alternative energies cannot replace traditional energies in the short-term, but he ignores the fact that they cannot replace them in the long-term either. Like all his other actions, such as massively increasing the debt, creating jobs by expanding government, introducing legislation to increase the role and power of bureaucracies to bypass the elected representatives, have all been tried and failed. The pattern seems to support the argument that all his actions are designed to cripple the US economy. A political motive is the only explanation for such illogic.

Thanks to Wayne Mercier for his research to find and reveal the truth.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 22, 2010 at 8:30am
Further Proof of TREASON? Decide for yourself.

There can now be no doubt whatsoever that the BP oil spill was purposefully contrived, either through deliberate negligence or outright sabotage, and is now being used to further the Obama administration’s political agenda. Criminal investigations into the government and BP’s role in the disaster need to be launched by state authorities in Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi immediately, while local authorities also need to call emergency legislative sessions in order to take over emergency response efforts from the feds before the crisis gets much worse.

States Need To Launch Criminal Investigation Into BP, Federal Government’s Role In Oil Spill

Read the article here and phone numbers and email addresses are at the bottom of the article:

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 21, 2010 at 7:55pm
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 13, 2010 at 1:25pm
Ongoing Updates-

The BP Oil Spill May Be Bad, But This Cover Up is Far More Deadly

Oil Spill - BP Corporate Fascism

What right does the 'security' dept of a foreign corporation have to tell our media where they can and cannot go on a public beach? v=dZHnStD690U

And of course, what are they hiding that causes them to prohibit (or intimidate) their employees from talking to the media while they are on break?

We can't forget that when a foreign corporation hires 'security' to work on our soil, they have no authority over properties they don't own - like a beach. Perhaps from now on we could stop calling this corp 'BP' and start referring to it as 'the foreign corporation British Petroleum'. The whole BP tag is being used relentlessly to downplay the FACT, they are visitors in our country, with absolutely no authority.

If this isn't corporate fascism, I don't know what is.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 12, 2010 at 5:38pm
Was Venezuela Behind the BP Oil Spill?

I found it very interesting that a Venezuelan gas rig mysteriously sank just one week after the BP oil rig explosion and it was blacked out by the media. Immediately, the media was reading the White House script handed to them, rather than reporting or investigating events that could lead to the real reasons why this catastrophe happened.

What made me come to this theory that a Venezuelan submarine (bought from the Russians) was behind this tragedy that killed 11 oil workers in the Gulf?

Well, websites that are supposedly linked to Russian FSB intelligence leaked stories that a North Korean submarine attacked the BP rig with a torpedo. Russian intelligence never releases the truth; they only release a cover story to hide the truth. This made me very suspicious and I kept an eye on this angle, rather than the mainstream media/White House script that was being spewed daily.

Hugo Chavez has spent billions on Russian weapons in recent years and at least 6 submarines were part of that purchase if I remember correctly. Venezuela is a Russian proxy and there is nothing more that Russia and China would like is to weaken the USA's oil drilling abilities via a crisis.

Did a Venezuelan submarine hit the BP oil rig with a torpedo and the USA retaliated against one of their gas rigs and this entire incident is being covered up? Why did the Russian KGB/FSB sites release that cover story blaming a North Korean submarine? We may never find out the truth to this entire incident folks.

Russia is the number one oil exporter in the world and it is interesting that none of their off shore oil rigs are blowing up. Russia passed Saudi Arabia over one year ago as the leading oil producer in the world, but we still hear the propaganda that Russia is weak, poor and our friend.

This spill is a blessing to the Marxist American environmental groups, because they are working for our enemies. It is their goal to weaken the USA as much as they can with lawsuits to prevent us from drilling, but Russia and China are drilling away off of the coast of Cuba and in the Gulf as well.

This spill is also a blessing for Obama, because it keeps the media off of the real issues like his ineligibility to be president and his radical left wing agenda. When is the last time that you heard about the health care takeover? They want the health care takeover erased from your memory just in time for the November elections and it is working like a charm.

This spill is also a blessing for Obama, because this crisis will be used as a tool for him to take over all oil drilling in the USA and the oil companies will be held hostage. This will drive up gas and all energy costs through the roof. The elite love this, because your car will not be in the way of their limousines any longer due to the fact that you can not afford the gas to drive on your little road trips.

The Conservative Monster
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 12, 2010 at 5:17pm
Find out what's really going on, as opposed to the spin you're getting on TV: lindsey-williams-talks-with- alex-jones-about-deadly-gases- leaking-from-bp-spill/
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 10, 2010 at 1:54pm
BP Oil Spill In The Gulf Synopsis:
Thanks to my patriot friend Richard Sanders.


Treason - How to file charges!


Whenever a judge acts where he does not have
jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of
treason. U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216, 101 S.Ct. 471, 66
L.Ed.2d 392, 406 (1980); Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat)
264, 404, 5 L.Ed 257 (1821).

You need at least 2 people to witness that someone is trying to give aid and comfort to our enemies, by attempting to attack this country from without or within. Does trying to change the form of government, against the will of the people, in time of war, classify as treason???? You're damn right it does.

You need to get about a dozen people *(preferably military types) to go into the US District Attorney's office near you and demand that he file treason and sedition charges against one of the Congressman or US Senators. If one is investigated or charged, and it goes public, it will scare the rest into line.


In Illinois, 705 ILCS 205/4 states:

"Every person admitted to practice as an attorney and counselor
at law shall, before his name is entered upon the roll to be kept
as hereinafter provided, take and subscribe an oath, substantially
in the following form:

'I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that I will
support the constitution of the United States and the
constitution of the state of Illinois, and that I will faithfully
discharge the duties of the office of attorney and counselor at
law to the best of my ability.'"

In Illinois, a judge must take a second oath of office.
Under 705 ILCS 35/2 states, in part, that:

"The several judges of the circuit courts of this State, before
entering upon the duties of their office, shall take and subscribe
the following oath or affirmation, which shall be filed in the office
of the Secretary of State:

'I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that
I will support the constitution of the United States, and the
constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully
discharge the duties of judge of ______ court, according to the
best of my ability.'"

Further, if the judge had enlisted in the U.S. military,
then he has taken a third oath. Under Title 10 U.S.C. Section 502
the judge had subscribed to a lifetime oath, in pertinent part,
as follows:

"I, __________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; ...".

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has stated that:

"No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against
the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it.".
Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958).

Any judge who does not comply with his oath to the
Constitution of the United States wars against that Constitution
and engages in acts in violation of the Supreme Law of the Land.
The judge is engaged in acts of treason.

Having taken at least two, if not three, oaths of office
to support the Constitution of the United States, and the
Constitution of the State of Illinois, (or any other state),any
judge who has acted in violation of the Constitution is engaged
in an act or acts of treason (see below).

If a judge does not fully comply with the Constitution, then
his orders are void, In re Sawyer, 124 U.S. 200 (1888), he is
without jurisdiction, and he has engaged in an act or acts of

Also, check this out:

TREASON/Judges as Criminals


The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois is a criminal enterprise. U.S. v. Murphy, 768F.2d 1518, 1531 (7th Cir. 1985); See United States v. Maloney, 71 F.3d 645 (CA7 1995), cert. Denied, 519 U.S. ___ (1996); see generally J. Tuohy & R. Warden, “Greylord – Justice, Chicago Style (1989).
The United States Supreme Court recently acknowledged the judicial corruption in Cook County, when it stated that Judge "Maloney was one of many dishonest judges exposed and convicted through 'Operation Greylord', a labyrinthine federal investigation of judicial corruption in Chicago". Bracey v. Gramley, 520 U.S. 899, 117 S.Ct. 1793, 1797 (1997).
Since judges who do not report the criminal activities of
other judges become principals in the criminal activity, 18
U.S.C. Section 1, and since no judges have reported the criminal
activity of the judges who have been convicted, the other judges
are as guilty as the convicted judges.
The criminal activities that the Federal Courts found in the
Circuit Court of Cook County still exist, and are today under the
care, custody and control of Judge Greylord II (Chief Judge
Donald O'Connell). The Circuit Court of Cook County remains a
criminal enterprise.


Dear Elected

I am an average everyday American. Until this past election cycle, I
was not very political. I am now an awake and aware American. Please
take the time to read the information I am sending to you. I know it
is extensive, but the continued existence of our free country, The
United State of America, is at stake and I believe this with every
fiber of my being. There is fear in the pit of my belly all of the
time, fear that we are loosing America, and I do not mean “as we know

I about fell out of my chair when Obama approved some offshore
drilling, I was waiting for the other shoe to fall. Then all of a
sudden, we have an unprecedented “gusher” in the Gulf, with rumors of
sabotage I refused to believe. No one could be that evil. I did
however find the timing very fortunate for the agenda of Cap and Trade
and waited for those next pieces to fall into place as we knew they
would. Please follow what I am seeing. There is something very smelly
going on.

Then we find out that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the
first quarter of 2010:
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman
Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010.
Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman
would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings
were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.
And the chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares:

The chief executive of BP sold £1.4 million of his shares in the fuel
giant weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to
There is a boot on the throat of the press:

Conservative Examiner has also learned that the few authorized
journalists and photographers that are allowed in the area have been
instructed by the Feds not to write anything critical of the Obama
Administration's response--or shall we say the lack thereof--to the
crisis. Photographers have also been instructed to limit photographs
of the devastation
Withholding information from the public:

But inside the unified command center, where BP and federal agencies
were orchestrating the spill response, video monitors had already
displayed hours of footage they did not make public. The images showed
a far more dire situation unfolding underwater. The footage filmed by
submarines showed three separate leaks, including one that was
unleashing a torrent of oil into the Gulf.
And more cover-ups:

New videos show more clearly than ever how BP, with little resistance
from the Coast Guard or other federal agencies, kept the public in the
dark about just how bad things were beneath the surface of the Gulf of
Also, BP knew weeks in advance there were major problems with this well:

However, evidence shows that BP executives were aware of the looming
disaster before March 17.

According to the May 31 Bloomberg article 'BP Lacked Well Control Six
Weeks Before Gulf Rig Disaster, E-Mails Show':

The White House is right in the middle of the cover-up:

Contrary to early reports from the Obama Administration that it was
not aware of the catastrophic nature of the Gulf oil spill,
newly-released Coast Guard logs show that the government knew within
hours that the spill would be devastating.
Reports indicate Obama is to use the Oil Spill Disaster to renew a
push for Cap & Trade. This is made more suspicious by his apparent
delay and even obstruction of solutions:

Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil
spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when [he]
was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill—which
will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to
afford basic electricity—the BP oil spill occurred. This was most
convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its
If all of this is not enough to rouse suspicion, then we get reports
of the dispersant being ineffective and unsafe, and of people getting
sick as a result. The Obama Administration reported they asked BP to
use something less toxic as a Dispersant. BP says “no” and Obama lets
BP continue using Corexit, a Nalco product.

BP Won't Change Dispersants in Oil Spill Despite EPA:

BP has told the Environmental Protection Agency that it cannot find a
safe, effective and available dispersant to use instead of Corexit,
and will continue to use that chemical application to help break up
the growing spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Eight Fishing boat crews downwind of dispersant get sick:

Venice, Louisiana (CNN) -- Kindra Arnesen's husband often calls while
he's out on a shrimping trip, so she wasn't surprised to hear her cell
phone ring the night of April 29 while he was on an overnight fishing

However, this time, her husband, David, wasn't calling to tell her
about the day's catch or to wish their children Aleena and David Jr. a
good night. He was calling to tell her he was sick, and the strange
thing about it, so were men on the seven other shrimping boats working
near his.

Corexit a Nalco product may be just masking the problem:

Cousteau was investigating whether Corexit, the
environmentally-tenuous chemical dispersant that BP has been spraying
into the Atlantic since the spill began is "breaking down the oil or
if the byproduct they are forming is causing more damage to sea life."
ABC Good Morning America reporter Sam Champion, who was along for the
ride, was shocked and appalled at what he found.
And more evidence of Corexit being ineffective and unsafe:

When we got into the water our worst fears were realized. One of the
concerns has been what is happening in the Gulf with the application
of these chemical dispersants into the oil and indeed, the oil was not
confined to the surface, which was the original goal of applying
chemical dispersants. It had permeated the water column down 15, 20
feet and would wash over us in these billowing waves, clouds of this
red toxic soup in which we found dead fish and we could see dead
jellyfish floating through it. It was really a terrible sight. You
know, often times it’s out of sight, out of mind and no one had done
this before. No one had seen what this looks like and what the
condition of the water would be. And while we know very little about
the effects of these chemicals and the oil in the water, what we do
know is that we have put 800,000 gallons of a very toxic chemical into
the water column and that it’s likely these plumes of dispersed oil
and this toxic soup is now distributed from the surface to the bottom
and will be spread throughout the Gulf of Mexico and potentially
through the Gulf Stream, down the Florida Keys and all the way into
the Atlantic.
Why do Obama and BP refuse to use most effective and safer method of
oil cleanup?

As the Gulf oil disaster closes in on the 50-day mark, the Obama
Administration and BP refuse to use the most effective method of oil
cleanup. The top oil barons of the world--the Saudis--have used this
method to avoid a mammoth oil disaster. And the result was swift,
effective, and conclusive.
Nearly 50 Supertankers Are Waiting for BP for clean-up and collection
(on the Cheap):
John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell Oil, and Nick Pozzi, a
former pipeline engineering and operations project manager for Saudi
Aramco say: "Supertankers Could Save the Gulf, So Why Won't BP

Pozzi saw the technique used in the Middle East, where it recovered
85% of the oil from the Saudi spill. And he thinks it could work in
the Gulf of Mexico. "The only downside is that you tie up oil tankers.
That's why we think that BP won't listen to us. They don't want to
spend that extra money.
Now a very industrious group of Citizen Journalists has uncovered what
may be the real reason why BP is allowed to use unsafe, toxic,
ineffective chemicals. Now please read this all very carefully. This
is so EVIL I am sick to my stomach.

The real reason the oil still flows into the Gulf of Mexico:

Nalco is associated with UChicago Argonne program. UChicago Argonne
received $164 million dollars in stimulus funds this past year.
UChicago Argonne just added two new executives to their roster. One
from Nalco. The other from the Ill. Dept of Educaution.

If you dig a little deeper you will find Nalco is also associated with
Warren Buffett, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Soros, Apollo, Blackstone,
Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway.

Warren Buffet / Berkshire Hathaway increased their holdings in Nalco
just last November. (Timing is everything).

The dispersant chemical is known as Corexit. What it does is hold the
oil below the water's surface. It is supposed to break up the spill
into smaller pools. It is toxic and banned in Europe.

Nalco says they are using older and newer versions of Corexit in the
Gulf... (Why would you need a newer version, if the old one was fine?)

There is big money and even bigger players in this scam. While they
are letting the oil blow wide open into the Gulf, the stakes and
profit rise.

The Dolphins, Whales, Manatees, Sea Turtles and fish suffocate and
die. The coastal regions, salt marshes, tourist attractions and the
shore front properties are being destroyed, possibly permanently. The
air quality is diminished. The Gulf of Mexico fishing industry is

All to create a need for their expensive and extremely profitable poison.

I am beyond livid at the Administration’s and it cohorts in crime
covering-up and partying all the way to the bank. There is a lady with
a little known oil company who writes this:

1. BP is one of the largest investors of alternative energy in the
world and Cap & Trade gets voted on/passed this month so, it won’t
hurt their pockets.

2. BP is one of the largest campaign contributors to Barack Hussein Obama.

3. Since early last year, it’s been speculated that gas prices would
be over $4/ga by June, 2010 and $7/ga by Jan, 2011. When rumors were
circulating there was no justification. Only way gas prices would jump
like that is with a major oil shortage. Low & behold 1.5 months before
rumors come true, we have an enormous oil spill.

4. I own a small oil company ( and we specialize
in on and off shore cleanup. My CFO wrote all the checks for the
Valdez spill.

5. I sat at an 1.5hr seminar by BP in 2008 at the OTC (offshore
technology conference, the largest in the world) and witnessed first
hand the technology aboard that ship particularly.

There is absolutely NO WAY possible for this to happen without it
being sabotage (emphasis mine). There were way too many tiers aboard
that ship and it could have been stopped at any facet. And, even if
ever man aboard was knocked out with toxic gases and the oil somehow
managed to make it to water, their have huge blowup looking mats that
surround the ship for miles to prevent (93%?) the oil from mixing in
open waters.

It could be stopped now. Cleanup easily within 72 hrs, and the oil
salvageable and able to still be refined and produced IF they wanted
to. I believe it’s intentional to drive up oil and gas prices and push
cap & trade. It’s only speculation as to motives but, the events of
this and my synopsis are based upon facts.

What I have laid out is just one facet of a very inter-connected web
of deceit. As an elected official you swore an oath as follows:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that
I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or
purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the
duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

We have had health care reform pass in the ugliest arm twisting,
middle of the night, back door dealing scheme ever. All against the
will of the people, using fuzzy math and omissions to get the CBO to
come up with acceptable (to them) numbers. They put a $940 billion
price tag on what’s actually a multitrillion-dollar bill. It is also
the single biggest assault on liberty in our history.

We have a president and congress who think they can spend the money of
generations to come. What is this census costing us again? Didn’t we
just pass the “Doctor fix” that was omitted from the cost of the heath
care reform bill so it would pass?

We have at least two illegal “quid pro quos” in our election process
directed from the White House, Anyone who can read can see that the
Obama administration has broken the law. It does not matter if this is
how politics are played. Illegal is illegal even if you are
questioning the definition of “is.”

We have a media who refuses to cover the issues. If they do they are
attacked by the White House as in Fox News and talk radio. We have a
media outlet that is owned by GE who stands to gain incalculable
riches from this president’s Cap and Trade scam. Cap and Trade is a
SCAM and all of this and many of the players have been well documented
by Glenn Beck and is what he now calls CRIME Inc.,2933,591790,00.html

Once again, of course, Barack Obama is front and center, along with
the Chicago Climate Exchange, the Joyce Foundation, George Soros,
Maurice Strong, Edmund de Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, Goldman
Sachs, George W. Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, even Fannie
Mae, and many others. It entails global Marxofascism / global
kleptocracy, with Americans being the chief victims, while a few
overlords rule at, and their financiers skim off, the top. If any
"mainstream" reporters cared to cover this thoroughly (and could) they
could be much bigger characters in U.S. and world history than
Woodward and Bernstein. And as for Americans willingly instigating
this, it is treason.

We have a country being overrun with illegal aliens and when a state
takes action in the most legal way possible to protect their citizens,
they are demonized. Unemployment is skyrocketing yet illegal aliens
are allowed to come here and work. We have a federal government who
will not protect our borders. This should be their first priority, and
is their first duty, to keep America safe.

Now Barack Hussein Obama has put a moratorium on all drilling. This is
going to devastate the Gulf Coast even further. This will bring our
economy to its knees. There are thousands and thousands of jobs
related to drilling that will leave and not come back. There are
people in the food industry that specialize in offshore supply, crew
boats, helicopter companies, drilling equipment and supplies, and
cleaning services, to name a few. This will make us even more
dependent on foreign oil and further weaken our national security. I
believe now that this is the exact intention of this administration,
to weaken us. I am not at all sure now that this “gusher” was not an

The Oil Spill - Round Up the Usual Suspects:

In closing, an article that appeared in FrontPage about a year ago,
noted that “CCX’s members include Ford, DuPont, Dow Corning and the
states of Illinois and New Mexico. CCX also owns 50 percent of the
European Climate Exchange (ECX), which features such members as Shell,
British Petroleum, Barclays—and Goldman Sachs.” British
Petroleum—better known as BP.

Enough! We The People demand that a RICO investigation and criminal
charges be initiated to uncover the criminal actions of this
administration and all of its radical cohorts in crime, like GE, BP,
Goldman Sachs, the labor unions, Fannie and Freddie, ACORN, Organizing
for America, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Warren Buffett, Al Gore,
The Progressive Caucus, anyone who has close ties to this

This is a cabal of crooks. All legislation should be halted until this
is done. We, The People will not stop. We will know justice. We demand
that you do your duty and uphold the oath you took to defend the
Constitution. Our Country is depending on you like at no other time in

With respect,

(Your name here)

(Your address here)






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