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Barney Frank’s Gutter Language and Penchant for Mob Violence Surfaces Again

The prime GOP demand is that Congress gut Frank's perverted bank-reform bill known as Dodd-Frank

Barney Frank’s Gutter Language and Penchant for Mob Violence Surfaces Again

Jerry McConnell  Saturday, September 10, 2011

image One of Congress’ least appealing figures, the morals-and-scruples challenged Barney Frank, (D-MA) and reigning People’s Director of Sleaze in absentia from the Halls of Hades, is back in the news once again with his usual tirade against Republicans; as if the Democrats had all the correct answers for our national problems.  Or ANY! 

The current case of Frank’s fulmination against the Congressional Republicans stems from the officially called Bank-reform Act more commonly known as Dodd-Frank and as John Ransom of Townline Finance Daily on September 03, 2011 states, “can be called a lot of things, but it’s the furthest away from bank-reform that legislation can get. Dodd-Frank will accomplish a lot of things too, but few of them will be good for America.”

Ransom states that “The prime GOP demand is that Congress gut Frank’s perverted bank-reform bill known as Dodd-Frank.” Ramson further quotes Stephen Lewis, Chief Economist at Monument Securities in London “it is already seen to be failing as a means of preventing the revival of market practices that led to the 2007-08 crisis.”  Ransom also quotes Ted Price of Canada’s Office of Financial Institutions as saying, “I think we have seen this movie before but the amazing thing is we continue to expect a different ending.”

How often have we seen this in the Obama-current liberal Democrat Congress that seems to operate continuously under the assumption that they can repeat the same mistakes while expecting different results?  It seems to be their “Inanity for the day.”  Or at the very least, the Obama de rigueur or usurper custom of operation, loosely translated, as is everything in this Administration.

Congressman Barney Frank and former Senator Chris Dodd have been designated as major contributing culprits in the infamous Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac government financial scandals of the early Obama presidential years.  Ransom further states, “Barney equates the principled Republican opposition to the disaster that is Dodd-Frank to a “mugging” and generally uses other rhetoric denoting violence. So much for the civility lesson.”

Of course it seems of late that civility, or the lack thereof, has been a trumpeting point for Democrats seeking to degrade Republicans in their insistence of overuse of same by the GOP.  But Frank has never been timid or lacking in spirit to use incivility whenever he is frequently backed into a corner.  In those instances, civility absents itself from Mr. Frank. 

But, are other liberal Democrats taking lessons from Barney in derogatory and defamatory discourse, to wit:  Teamsters Union President Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., close buddy of President Obama, in a Labor Day ranting to his fellow union thugs, with the accepting plaudits of Obama standing nearby, saying of the Tea Party, ” let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out.”

On the following day Yahoo News contributor Todd Jacobs wrote, ‘Jimmy Hoffa Jr. Crosses Line with Thuggish Comments’ that Hoffa said, “There’s going to be an election in ‘12, and maybe the answer is, we wipe these people out.” Perhaps he hoped to make it more “civil” and less Barney Frank-ish?  But did you notice how un-labor and goonish-like that timid statement sounded as you read it? 

Barney Frank is peeved with Republicans, as you may have noticed, and in particular with Minnesota Congresswoman who is running for President on the GOP platform, Michele Bachmann, who introduced legislation earlier this year for full repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act saying the law protected Wall Street at the expense of taxpayers.

Bachmann was quoted by in a January 06, 2011 article titled, “Bachmann Moves to Repeal Dodd-Frank Finance Law” by Henry J. Reske, “I’m pleased to offer a full repeal of the job-killing Dodd-Frank financial regulatory bill,” Bachmann said. “Dodd-Frank grossly expanded the federal government beyond its jurisdictional boundaries. It gave Washington bureaucrats the power to interpret and enforce the legislation with little oversight.”

Ironically, Obama will be giving his latest “jobs creation” speech September 08, 2011 for which the Republican Party has no planned rebuttal.

Taking advantage of her position as a Republican member of Congress, presidential candidate Michele Bachmann scheduled a press conference to respond to President Obama’s jobs speech on Thursday night, even though the GOP has declined to offer an official rebuttal.

Candidate and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was the only Republican to offer a response to Obama’s jobs creation message.  I can’t think of a better person to give this counter to what we all know will be a lot of bluster and egocentric self-aggrandizement.  She was the first one in Congress to initiate a response to the incompetence of the Dodd-Frank Act for bank reform which has since drawn several co-sponsors.

The NewsMax article by Henry J. Reske quoted President and CEO of the American Bankers Association as saying the new law contained a “tsunami of new rules and restrictions for traditional banks that had nothing to do with causing the financial crisis in the first place.  The result will be over 5,000 pages of new regulations on traditional banks and years of uncertainty as to what the massive new rules will mean. The impact of these rules will be very real and will be felt not only by banks, but by consumers, businesses and the broader economy.  Implementation of this legislation will be challenging for regulators,” he said when the measure was signed into law. “

What this all boils down to is that this fiasco of a piece of legislation cooked up by Dodd and Frank will not get to the root of the problems that created the depressed economy and massive job losses starting about five years ago and as Congresswoman Bachmann has said, Dodd-Frank also failed to address the taxpayer-funded liabilities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 

“Real financial regulatory reform must deal with these lenders who were a leading cause of our economic recession,” she said. “True reform must also end the bailout mind-set that was perpetuated by the last Congress. I am proud to work towards repeal of Dodd-Frank because Congress must protect the taxpayers, instead of handing out favors to Wall Street.” 

As I said above, Michele Bachmann is the best person of all the candidates to address the usual bluster of Barack Obama on “jobs creation”, a subject on which he is totally absent.  He spent nearly a trillion taxpayer dollars in his first “jobs stimulus” and lost more jobs than were created.  Now he wants $400 billion more; does that mean he won’t lose as many jobs as he did two years ago?


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