NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
The following article is from The American Thinker.
We MUST know history in order to learn and NOT make the same mistakes!
February 13, 2012
Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots
By Steve McCann
How many times will the American people have to be hit over the head before
they understand that Barack Obama is the most corrupt, dictatorial, and
ideologically driven president in American history? That his entire being and
psyche are devoted to transforming the country not only into a socialist
utopia, but into a nation permanently governed by a radical oligarchy?
This mindset has been on display since the beginning of Obama's term, as
detailed by David Limbaugh in his book, Crimes Against Liberty. Yet so many
seem to not care or are deliberately oblivious to the long-term implications
of his actions, many of which mirror those of the despots that ran roughshod
over the last century.
The recent ruling by the Obama Department of Health and Human Services
forcing religious institutions to provide either directly or through private
insurance not only contraceptives, but abortion pills and sterilization is
not a matter of so-called women's rights, but a means of setting the
precedent and foundation to force organized religion to be subservient to the
The passage of ObamaCare, from which this edict stems, has nothing to do with
healthcare; rather, it is a vehicle to ultimately control the day-to-day
activities of the American people through the dictates and mandates emanating
from an overarching bureaucracy. Once fully implemented, individual liberty
and freedom, the hallmarks of the nation's history, will be eradicated
Further, the Obama regime has shown a callous disregard for the sanctity of
life, as no administration in the nation's past has so aggressively promoted
abortion, and, through the rationing mechanism in ObamaCare, the very real
prospect of government-sponsored euthanasia.
Nothing reveals Obama's dictatorial mindset more than his relationship with
Congress. His recent actions in unilaterally making appointments that are
subject to Senate approval while the Senate is still in session are blatantly
unconstitutional and done to marginalize Congress. His appointment of
innumerable "czars" is a means of bypassing Congress and their oversight of
the federal Cabinet departments. His Department of Justice has been
transformed into an advocacy group to enforce the left-wing radical version
of social justice while refusing to be accountable to Congress. Obama has
resorted to utilizing executive orders and volumes of regulations from
various agencies under his command in order to put in place his radical
policies and sidestep Congress and thus the will of the people.
In furtherance of Obama's transformative goals, he and his minions are in the
process of shackling the free market through unfettered government control
and influence. It is the aim of the Obama presidency to create a so-called
"government-business partnership" wherein the government chooses the winners
and losers based upon their allegiance to and support of the regime.
The massive spending and debt incurred over the past three years are the
byproduct of Obama's overarching objective to make certain that the
overwhelming majority of the populace becomes, by necessity, dependent on the
government, thus more subservient and easily controlled. Whether the country
becomes insolvent or the middle class ceases to exist is immaterial.
In his public speeches and well-produced appearances, Barack Obama plays the
fictional role of someone who cares for the "little guy." He is the people's
avenger against those he defines as the enemy, be it the wealthy, the
corporations, deeply committed religious groups, conservatives and the Tea
Party movement, or those intransigent ideologues in Congress who stand in the
way of his nation-saving agenda. In this quest for power, there are no lies
or obfuscations too egregious to tell or societal tensions too dangerous to
create, as he alone can save the nation.
Barack Obama is following in the footsteps of the despots who dominated the
20th century. If given another term in office, he, along with his
fellow-travelers in the administration, will be unencumbered in attempting to
complete the transformation of the United States. However, they will not
accomplish their quest -- just as those they admire in the previous century
did not. They will succeed only in initiating massive social upheaval and
I had to survive a war that was precipitated by leaders in various European
countries who were democratically elected. Yet once in power, these
power-crazed ideologues began to systematically usurp and overthrow the rule
of law with the ultimate goal of becoming the government themselves.
Their lust for power led them to shred any written constitution or traditions
as they systematically imposed new regulations, laws, and executive orders
geared primarily to centralize authority in the government as individual
rights and liberties were extinguished. Legislatures were abolished or
marginalized; organized religion was forced to be subservient to the state,
and respect for the sanctity of life was extinguished. The owners and
managers of business and industry were intimidated and compelled to be
submissive and loyal to the state. By the time the populace became aware of
what was happening to their respective countries, it was too late.
The citizens of Germany in the first four years of the 1930s would have found
it impossible to imagine what became of their country by 1945 or to think it
even remotely possible. Those in Italy in the 1920s, promised so much by the
Mussolini regime, eagerly voted the Fascists into power only to end up with a
society torn asunder and a nation lying in ruins. The same results were
played out in Russia, China, and many countries in Eastern Europe.
The history of the United States and its traditions of liberty and individual
freedom should be a bulwark against the successful emergence of someone like
Barack Obama and his cronies. Yet the majority of the citizenry, the media,
the opposition party, the members of Congress, and the judiciary are not
shouting from the highest hilltop and taking action to stop the Obama
regime's unconstitutional acts and power-grabs.
Has this country enjoyed peace and prosperity so long that everyone is jaded
and preoccupied with themselves, or in a self-induced stupor, either ignoring
the situation or telling themselves that these unconstitutional steps and
power-grabs are minor? Is a pre-packaged television image all that matters?
Is it because Obama happens to have black skin, and everyone is too
intimidated by political correctness to speak out? Are we as a society
unwilling to say in the bluntest of terms that a national leader is a liar
and a fraud? Why are countless members of the Ruling Class unwilling to learn
from history, or is it that their egos are such that they cannot admit a
mistake, or do far too many have a vested interest in the current state of
Perhaps it is as it was in Germany, Italy, and Russia among many -- a belief
that the worst could never happen here.
For those of us who emigrated from those nations whose societies suffered not
only overwhelming destruction, but a devastating loss of freedom and liberty,
we can only warn our fellow citizens that the country is going down a road
that is becoming eerily familiar. It is not hyperbole to say that we see
someone in the White House whose character reflects the worst and most
dangerous traits to be found in a national leader, and we are stunned that
the majority of the American people do not understand what is happening to
the most successful society in the history of mankind. We know that the only
viable solution to avoid the stormclouds gathering over the horizon is to
relegate Barack Obama and his regime to a footnote in the annals of American
Either the citizens, on the 6th of November 2012, will choose to reverse
course and return to the basic tenets of freedom and liberty upon which the
nation was founded, or the people will choose to blindly follow Barack Obama
on a path which will eventuate in internal chaos and violence as well as
subservience to those countries who wish to see the end of America's time on
the world stage.
Dont' agree that if Comrade Obama is re-elected that he will continue with his transformation of the country "unencubmered".
As A Tea Partier, conservative, vet and patriot, I know firsthand--as you all do as well-- how many of us are out here. We are NUMBEROUS and we're fed up! In short, Barack will not be unencumbered. The rubber will hit the road BIG TIME if he is re-elected. Of that I am absolutely sure. It will begin with massive civil disobedience, which will be ignored or punished, then nullification and secession. There will be no need for rebellion--so long as Barack doesn't mobilize his thugs to quell our spirit, that is. But, we will not all go down with a sinking ship. NO WAY!
You can call him a despot and be correct, you call him the worst president and be argumentative, you can call him an inkspot and be called a racist.
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