A week in our nation’s capitol can have a profound effect on a person. It is impossible not to be awed by the splendor of that beautiful city. As one walks among the monuments to our great founders and leaders, one cannot help but have a sense of pride in all that this has meant to the freedom of the Western world.
From the Lincoln Memorial inscribed with the Gettysburg Address one can look across the mall and see the towering spire of the Washington Monument. From the Washington Monument can be viewed both the Lincoln and the Jefferson Memorials. The city on the Potomac contains our magnificent Capitol Building with its impressive dome, the Supreme Court Building, the heart of American justice, and the White House, home of our President; each symbolizing one of the three divisions of our national government. Just across the Potomac stands the Pentagon, the seat and symbol of America’s military might.
On all the monuments and memorials are inscriptions which touch us at the very core of our existence. One cannot help but feel great pride as, standing before these tributes to greatness, a person is able to read the many quotations and inscriptions engraved in the granite from which they are made. And in each of these places one can hear a myriad of voices pointing to and discussing the various tributes that we have erected to commemorate our national heritage. Among all of these, however, there is only one that is more than just a mass of cold stone.
Across the Potomac, high on a hill overlooking the city stands a monument surrounded by silence. The only sound heard by the two or three hundred visitors there at any given time is the sound of footsteps. The guard takes twenty-one steps then turns to face the tomb for 21 seconds; then turns to face back down the mat; changes his weapon to the outside shoulder, then twenty-one steps back down the mat. This procedure has never been interrupted since its beginning on July 2, 1937. The monument is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The inscription reads:
Here Rests
In Honored Glory
An American Soldier
Known But To God
The Tomb and the thousands of graves on the grounds around it are a nation’s tribute to the valor and courage of American men and women who have fallen in battle. These men and women have known the sounds of battle and the meaning of taps. The tradition of President’s laying wreaths and making short statements on Memorial Day has been a honored privilege since 1937.
The present occupant of the White House has never known the sounds of battle nor has he ever understood the meaning of taps. For the first time since the inception of our republic we have a man in the White House who not only shuns the great traditions of our nation, and demean our military, but is in the process of trying his best to destroy it. So, it should come as no surprise that Obama, who has shown his contempt for the United States Military, should also have no respect for the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. In fact, it is entirely appropriate that he not disgrace this monument to the fighting men and women who gave “their last full measure of devotion.”
America was born on the field of battle. Since the Revolutionary War, American patriots have answered the call to arms. Most of our presidents have spent time in the military service. We have withstood a Civil War and numerous battles overseas as well as attacks on our own soil. The sons and daughters of America have risen to every challenge. As the “Greatest Generation” passes into history, others will rise up to take their place. This is what we do because we are Americans. The present occupant of White House does not understand this. He does not know where to place his hand when our National Anthem is played. He is a Muslim who never has and never will understand what it means to be an American. It is entirely fitting that he not tarnish this Memorial to our heroic military dead or the nation for which they died.
He has chosen to take a vacation during this time of national remembrance and arranged to make a speech instead at a location which will take the least time away from his vacation. If true justice were to prevail he would be prohibited from even walking on the hallowed soil of Arlington National Cemetery.
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