NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


Imagine this scenario. A man resorts to a life of crime in order to ensure material wealth and well-being for his children. He violates the law, works hard at it, risking life and limb in a high risk, deadly, clandestine life of crime, addicting others to drugs so that he can enrich himself at the expense of others' misery, despair, and at times the loss of life.

The man steals, murders, cheats, and ravages the social landscape, and justifies that his actions are done in order to provide for himself and his family the fruits of affluence and security.

The Children are innocent in all this, you say? Or are they?

What would you say to an adult child of such a Mafioso? Would you expect the child, if he found out about his parent, that he turn the parent in? Is he expected to "do the right" thing and right the wrongs? How should he face the victims who survived his father's evil? What should he do?

Ideally, one might expect, the child should do the right thing, unless he was brought up to be a sociopath, and wants to continue in the "family business." If the child had any conscience whatsoever, he would attempt to correct the wrong by stopping the father, take responsibility for the chaos, mayhem and murder, and realize that no material wealth is worth the sacrificing of one's values in order to enrich themselves or their families. A wealth that is acquired through stealing the survival of others is not one's own.

While this example might be extreme, Socialist Harry Reid asks lawful U.S. citizens not to do the right thing, but to continue and perpetuate "the family business." While the Dream Act is promoted as and purports to be an act of kindness, it in reality is an effort to enlist you in collusion to encourage, continue, perpetuate, and advance illegal activity.

There is nothing preventing illegal aliens from joining the military if they so choose. As a matter of fact, after they have served in the military they are allowed to apply for and are given citizenship. One such ceremony was held by the military the other day, in which illegal immigrants, after having served in the military were sworn in as citizens. And after they are citizens they are certainly eligible for the G.I. Bill and Veterans' benefits.

So what about the children of illegal immigrants?

This, after all, is a country which stresses individualism, an American Ethic, and individual responsibility and accountability.

Why, then, should we not expect for the children of illegal immigrants to say to the parents: "No, no, 'papi,' what you did was wrong, unethical, and illegal, and while it might have seemed a noble cause, and while you may have had your child's best interests at heart, the material wealth and the life that you have given us was stolen. It is, as if you had gone and robbed a bank, and brought to us a million dollars so that we could survive on it. What would it make of us, if we did not immediately return the money and righted that wrong? How could we ever face our family and friends?"

The Children of illegal aliens, if they have learned to love this country, would be thankful for the ETHIC, the values of honesty, integrity, and morality, and would want to right a wrong. And they would be prudent if they used the talents and abilities acquired as a result of having grown up in the American Culture to go back to their home country, use their acquired education and abilities, and enter the U.S. that they love so dearly by using legal means at their disposal.

He or she would say to his illegal alien parent: "Dad, if I learned anything at all here is that what you did was wrong, and that it is my responsibility to go back and make this right.

And that is what Harry Reid should be preaching. That is what Harry Reid should be advancing. But he is not, is he?

What would you expect Harry Reid to do? He knows nothing of American Values. He is not familiar with American culture. And, while growing up here in the United States as a legal citizen, one certainly can learn to become ethical, moral, and to be honest and to have integrity, these qualites are things that somehow escaped Harry Reid, because he most certainly does not demonstrate that he reaped the benefits of the American culture in which he was raised.

He does apply, and he does practice, it appears, the values of an alien culture, the culture of Socialism, the culture of entitlement, a culture of criminality.

And to add insult to injury, he legislates to others by way of his political office, those alien values, and in the case of the Dream Act, is aiming to impose that culture with the force of the law. And if that law is passed: He is going to make you pay for it too.

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Comment by Van Guard on September 22, 2010 at 9:42am
This article is not about anchor babies. It is about children who were brought here by their parents at a very young age and grew up here. The Dream Act is not about anchor babies. Anchor babies are U.S. citizens and have the same privileges as you and I. The Dream Act targets illegal alien children.
Comment by Kathryn Ball on September 21, 2010 at 10:01pm
Dear Van Guard,

These 'anchor babies' are, indeed US citizens but if their parents are apprehended they can be returned to their country of origin. The child born in the US, can, at the age of 18, return to the United States and apply for citicenship and recieve it. He/she can then apply to have his/her family moved into the US legally.

Obviously, this process tales a very long time.

Harry Reid is a dinosaur, he is in danger of extinction and he knows it and will employ every trick possible to delay his departure from the senate.

His son, Rory, is running for congress and oddly enough is only using his FIRST name.

We can stick the proverbial fork into Sen Ried as he is officially "DONE"!






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