An Open Letter to President Barack H. Obama:
The night of your election was a night of great joy and excitement for many Americans as well as for people around the world.
For me, however, that night was one of the saddest in my life. I pondered over how Americans could have elected a person such as you to be president of our great republic.
Your fiercest defenders say such criticism belies a hatred of you based solely on your race. Considering that I am also black, it is certainly not the case with me. But you should know that it is also not the case with other legitimate critics — despite the claims of your supporters.
A quick look back reveals you were the wrong black man at the right time. Americans showed that the barrier of race was struck down when they elected you president. But I think that they were fooled by your message of “hope” and “change.”
Almost two years have passed since that joyous night for you and your supporters. I am sure, now that time has passed, that many Americans who were happy with you then are now looking back at that night with very deep and sorrowful regrets.
Through your actions, you have shown us that you are, in my opinion, the most anti-American president in the history of this nation. You fail to honor American exceptionalism, our Constitution, our founding principles and our Judeao - Christian heritage.
I have watched you work overtime to promote policies that are ruining our economy, destroying our automotive and banking institutions and making a mockery of our judicial system.
I believe you are weak on terrorism and that you are destroying the morale of our military personal. Your actions encourage the rest of the world to disrespect our nation.
What else, I guess, could we have expected from someone who sat for 20 years before a racist so-called pastor, followed the doctrines of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and befriended people such as domestic terrorist William Ayers.
There are people serving in your cabinet and working in your administration who appear committed to radically changing our American way of life for the worse. Your staff is full of “czars,” immune from Senate scrutiny and confirmation, who are effectively waging a war on our values and our free market economy without oversight.
In short, Mr. President, I am a citizen who loves my country and served in its military to defend it so that my children and other Americans could continue to live in a nation that is exceptional and serves as a beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.
That is why I am asking you to stop the madness. I beg of you to stop embarrassing our race in the process of defending your policies.
We don't embrace the same Marxist and socialist ideas you seem enamored with, and we are not proud of a president who is destroying everything that we, as Americans, believe in.
All you have to do to correct this problem is to begin standing up for this great nation, denouncing socialism and placing us back on the path set forth by our Founder Fathers.
I am sure that I speak for the majority of my fellow Americans. Listen to us and return this nation back toward greatness.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Emery McClendo
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