NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

An immigrant who wanted and gained citzenship in the United States of America warns us of a coming disaster



In response to this video a former citizen of communism speaks out.

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  • Seen this on another blog...opened my eyes even MORE..
    I am now in my 80-th year, a retired engineer with a European degree plus M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from UCLA. At the age of 24 I had escaped from a communist hell and received a political asylum in France, where I worked 5 years while waiting for a US immigrant visa. Having finally obtained a 2-year conditional visa I arrived to this country in 1962 and in 1967 became a citizen. In the years since I have voted both for Democrats and Republicans, although after 1976 mainly for Republicans. Given a series of bloviating gasbags and functional morons with strong leftist tendencies such as McGovern, Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, or that disbarred felon Clinton, it was impossible for me to do otherwise. I enjoyed the presidency of Ronald Reagan which put an end to the deadly communist regimes all across Europe; those Marxist dictatorships produced invariably utter poverty, terror, and mass murder, and are still doing it in places like North Korea and Cuba, with Venezuela, Ecuador, Byelorussia and Bolivia close behind.

    However, we have now a completely different and much more dangerous situation here in America. The criminal political Chicago machine gave us a far-left revolutionary Marxist of doubtful origins as our President – Barack Hussein Obama; a son of a Kenyan communist and a flower-child leftist mother, with obscured past lacking any documentation of his university accomplishments before that Chicago criminal political machine sent him to the US Senate. His accomplishments so far have been an arousing speech to the Democrat Convention, and two ghost-written books of his father’s and his own aspirations. I think I am justified by calling that machine criminal – after all two Democrat governors are serving time presently in prison; and in the elections of 1960 the machine elected Kennedy by some 150,000 votes of dead people.

  • Nurtured by his far-left grandparents, by the Communist Party USA Politburo member Davis, by the raving racist-communist Reverend Wright, and by the criminal communists Alinsky, Dohrn, and Ayers, this former citizen of Indonesia and Kenya Obama is implementing a rapid program of communization of America. All the former refugees from various communist hells can easily recognize the signs:

    1) Obama is acting as the Secretary General of the Party;
    2) Democrat Party has been taken over by the communists under various guises such as social justice movements and environmentalism;
    3) Congressional Democrat leaders are in fact the Central Committee;
    4) Obama’s White House advisers are his commissars (so-called czars) in charge of all federal departments – all unelected;
    5) His Attorney General, a fervent racist and communist, is in charge of legal enforcement of Obama’s dictates, and in executive role of assuring Obama’s re-election, by fraud if necessary;
    6) Obama’s program of massive nationalizations of private companies is under way – automobile companies, mortgage companies, many banks, several insurance companies, and pretty soon hospitals, doctor offices, and health insurance companies under Obamacare; then with the help of the global warming hoax will come the nationalization of oil & gas companies, coal mines, electricity companies, transportation companies;
    7) Newly established Consumers Protection Agency will dictate business rules for banks, credit unions, mortgage companies – thus putting those under close government control; the newly appointed members of the National Labor Relations Board will favor unions by force of rules and regulations;
    8) Obama’s Agit-Prop Office, as that organization in communist regimes was known, charged with communist agitation and propaganda, consists of our Main Stream Media: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, CNN, MTV, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Associated Press, Reuters, Marxist university professors, shallow Hollywood actors, TV talking heads, etc.
    9) Under the guise of environmental protection, social justice, sustainable development, and several UN-sponsored initiatives, our government is actively promoting a world socialist government under the direction of enlightened leadership of our intellectual classes; in that effort various domestic organizations such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, Institute of Policy Studies, ACLU, etc. are actively engaged, in collaboration with our EPA and DOE progressives. Our Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is a former member of the far-left Institute of Policy Studies that used to be directed by the KGB of the defunct USSR.
    10) Obama’s system of local soviets, as the community organizations were known in the defunct Soviet Union, consisting of brown shirts and thugs supplied by ACORN, SEIU, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, NEA, AFT, Teamsters, Steel workers, municipal unions, ACLU lawyers, environmentalists, and other local government employees unions, is in charge of assuring the acceptable election results by illegal alien votes, by felon votes, by repeated voting of same people under manufactured names, by transporting illegal voters across voting districts, and by stuffing the voting machines with phony votes – all exactly as in those communist hells well known by us the refugees. These Obama’s striking forces will be financed in 2012 by the still unspent $8.7 billion from his original stimulus bill. AG Holder will make sure that no ID is required for voting. According to the statement by Obama – "We need a domestic military with a budget as large as that of the Pentagon" – these local soviets will soon be equipped with guns and bullets.
    11) Fight against individual achievement by the application of new laws such as affirmative action, diversity, multiculturalism, inclusion, hate speech, anti-marriage, etc. – all are aimed at leveling the society at the lowest possible mark. After 40 years of rule by teachers unions we have now 3 generations of unemployable illiterate nincompoops and bottom feeders manning "Occupy Wall Street" protests and voting for our "Democrats" and for "social justice".
    12) Expansion of old and new welfare programs in order to ensnare the majority of population in the net of government dependence, such as food stamps, AFDC, apartment subsidies, WIC, school lunches, handicap payments, unemployment benefits, home mortgage subsidies, health insurance subsidies, etc.
    13) Massive amnesty for illegal aliens by executive orders, thus creating a pool of about 15 million new citizens expanding government-dependent classes and voting for a new socialist order.
  • After Obama’s re-election in 2012 is assured, the progress of communization of America will be rapidly and irrevocably accomplished. Among the Republican presidential candidates there is nobody with the complete understanding of our dire situation, who could properly articulate and define the problem. All of them are unfortunately just run-of-the-mill politicians – all of them more or less normal Americans. On the other hand we have a president who is convinced of his divine origin: he believes himself to be either the second coming of Christ or the appearance of the 12th Imam (as per his friend Ahmadinejad) – just remember Obama’s words when addressing the global warming scam: "Tomorrow the oceans will stop rising, and the planet will start healing". Shall we ask him to re-arrange the planetary system for a more equitable climatic result?

    Another sign of Obama’s inflated self-importance is his declaration in a TV interview that his performance so far is among the best in US history, and should be favorably compared to those of Lyndon Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln. He reminds me of the Pinocchio in the children’s literature, whose nose grew longer every time he lied; or of a wound-up marionette when he saunters up the steps toward his teleprompter stuffed with remarks prepared by his White House advisers. The present economic crisis will inevitably worsen, thus demanding constitutional changes – such as eliminating the constitutional limit of two presidential terms; that will allow Obama to continue as President indefinitely, and in effect become a dictator for life, just as in communist countries – say North Korea, Venezuela, China, Vietnam, and Cuba.

    Frightening – isn’t it? I sincerely hope to die before soon one day waking up in the new United Socialist Soviet States of America, to become a refugee again – and go where? Escape to Zimbabwe - or Greece perhaps?

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We here at REAL CONSERVATIVES have been ranting and raving and discussing just how it is that Obama and the democrat machine have gained control. I can tell you, it's NOT because we were wrong about Obama and it's NOT because we were complacent. It's because we haven't yet realized the level of dishonesty that dwells in the hearts of some our own country men . . . . and this gentleman, who fled and converted from communism proves that point.

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