NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

America's Restoration cannot happen until we get involved with this Issue!

 Some of you may have read my rants on this topic, and for those of you who have not I invite you to read this note and go to the links I will provide. 

We all have to wonder what will we do if we lose the 2012 elections?  Most of us are tried and true voters, and most of us claim to be true Patriots, especially those of us willing and able to jump at going to the closest Tea Party rally we can find, all prepared to hold up our signs and bring attention to so many prominent issues plaguing our Country..hoping our message will be heard by those that call themselves our representatives. We have tackled the issues of H/C, Taxation, regulation, over spending, illegal immigration and constitutional rights, Now by all means I am not saying those issues are not important ones, but the one issue that we have failed to bring to the front and center is the one issue that has been responsible for all the other issues combined, It is by and large the biggest problem America's future faces and it has been ignored by the majority of people in our Country, yet it is responsible for the failures of the conservative voters.

This issue, is the issue of the Public Education System in America, We have for the last forty plus years watched as the Unions and the NEA have infiltrated our educational system through our Government with our tax dollars, We as parents cannot even so much as bring ourselves to our local School Board meetings, yet we can complain when we get wind of an indoctrination program directed at our own children..While I am not here to scold or belittle anyone for their Lack of participation toward their own children's education, I am here to say that if we are going to restore America it must start with our education system and the youth of America.  Our children are under assault, they are being taught lies to discredit America and American values,they are being indoctrinated to promote promiscuity, homosexuality, communism, socialism and marxism.

Each year our schools across America graduate hundreds of thousands of children, Each of these kids are now voting age and have been conditioned for the past 13 years to a communist agenda, do we really think they will walk into the voting booth and vote for a conservative candidate?  Take a look at our Party the Republican Party, are we as republicans all standing behind the most Conservative Candidate we can support? or our we backing candidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney?  Those of us that have attended the public schools  within the forty+ years have all expirenced some of the fall out of the indoctrination process, making us turn to the center, which in my humble Opinion is why we end up with candidates that wear the "R" banner next to their names but are all to willing to "go along " with the "D" ideals, heck the republican establishment is and has been responsible for pushing these non-Conservative candidates and a large portion of the voters follow their lead because they fail to do any research on every candidate.

The following links are links that I feel are important ,to the point I am trying to make, in regards to the Communist takeover of America through the educational system, Please I ask that you at least read them or watch them if it is a video, they may be things you have seen before..Please share with all of your republican friends and most definately with fellow Conservatives.

I will start with the Communist Goal list of 1963, pay particular attention to the goals starting at #15- 45.

NEA General Counsel Robert Chanin farewell speech after 41 years in the NEA.

Planned Parenthood to be in all public schools

Michelle Malkin on La Raza in our Schools

Should public schools be teaching sexual intimacy?

All of the above links are just a sample of things we must be watching for, and it is imperitive if we are going to Restore this great Country we must elect candidates that are willing an able to take on the Unions and put an end to the Department of Education, which never should have become part of the federal government in the first place. All education should be in the hands of the People and the State and local governments.

This is the banner for the Gay, Lesbian,Bisexual, Transgender Caucus of the NEA!

Also let me point out that California just passed a bill SB48 that says our schools must teach our children in History and Social studies the Gays that have contributed to the history and culture of America..I ask you is sexuality really more important than teaching facts to our kids? do we really care who shared a bed with these individuals? Does their sexuality matter now ? why should it?  The schools are more concerned about the social engineering of our children than they are about teaching academics, just look at our world ranking in education..Is this what we want for our children and grandchildren? WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT OUR LACK OF INVOLVEMENT WITH THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN IS THE PRIMARY REASON OUR COUNTRY IS FAILING..THE COMMUNIST GOALS OF 1963 VERY CLEARLY POINT OUT THAT INDOCTRINATING THE YOUTH IS THE WAY TO FORWARD THE COMMUNIST AGENDA.  THINK BACK TO THE 2008 ELECTIONS, IT WAS THE BLACK VOTE AND THE YOUTH THAT PUT OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE..OUR BLACK AMERICANS AND YOUTH ARE BEING USED AS PAWNS FOR THE GREATEST COMMUNIST TAKEOVER THE WORLD HAS EVERY SEEN, IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES AS WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE THEIR USEFUL IDIOTS!

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Comment by Beverly Huffman on August 26, 2011 at 12:23am
This is my biggest passion right now to see that this infiltration in our public school system is dealt with once and for all, as long as we allow the Unions and the radical left to run our schools we have no control of our future.  I would really appreciate it if everyone would copy my blog and repost it in any social network site you may belong to. Another thing that upsets me is how all television programing for kids and teens is now pushing the gay agenda, as in the Communist Goals of 1963 one of the goals is to push homosexuality until people believe it is a normal and natural way of life. GLSEN (gay lesbian straight education network) is behind this agenda along with their friends in the NEA GLBTC (Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, transgender Caucus).. as most people are aware the NEA is the national Education Association, in other words the Union.  The transition into this frame of mind has come from many years of organizations pushing just a little more every year on to our kids, most of us parents have had some of this indoctrination that was hidden under the guise of social studies..It is now a much bolder approach attacking our way of life, our religion, our history and our parental rights.  The approach now being used in almost every school across America is the Tolerance  (no bullying) approach, it is designed to socially engineer our children into thinking anything is ok in life, there is no right and no wrong regardless of what the parents try to instill into their children. I have always told my kids they do not have to be tolerant of things they know are wrong, the schools tell them they better be tolerant or it is they who will be punished. Of course I don't want my child (only one left in school) to engage in bullying and I know she wouldn't, but she certainly does not have to be tolerant  of reverse racism, religious persecution or a veteran myself I EXPECT my child to love and respect her freedoms and her Country, and America was not designed to include Socialism, Marxism,fascism or Communism.. Tolerance is not the ability to think for yourself, it is a brainwashing that is created to force our youth into thinking as the communists want them to think. No thank you!  That is not freedom!
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on August 25, 2011 at 11:54pm
"Each year our schools across America graduate hundreds of thousands of children. Each of these kids are now voting age and have been conditioned for the past 13 years to a communist agenda. Do we really think they will walk into the voting booth and vote for a conservative candidate?" A sobering thought indeed!
Comment by Kathryn Ball on August 25, 2011 at 10:57pm


Forgive me for commenting before taking the time to thoroughly study all of the links you have provided [I promise I WILL] but I CANNOT tell you how much I agree with you!

Having grown up in the 60's with the threat of Communism hanging over our heads like a heavy black [RED] cloud, I remember CLEARLY reading a book [sorry...the name escapes me] that said that the way to conquer America was not with bombs but by getting into our schools and into the minds of the children.

We live in Wisconsin and I have no doubt that you are aware of the conflict which occurred when our newly elected CONSERVATIVE Governor, Scott Walker and the republican house and assembly passed a bill which eliminated the ability of the teachers unions to collectively bargain for the teachers benifits. The bill also called for the teachers to pay for a small portion of their health care as well as their pensions.

The resulting hullaballoo was national news and our state was visited by the likes of all sorts of illuminati weeping and wailing about how the teachers RIGHTS were being taken hoo!!!

There were hundreds of paid but unwashed hippie-types camping in our Capital Building and destroying parts of that national landmark.

The results are speaking for themselves and are really not important to my point. The public school teachers UNIONS are heavily socialist and the books they choose are dangerous. I am NOT implying that there are not good teachers among the bad, there most certainly ARE but the curriculae they are teaching need to be carefully reviewed by a parental board in each district. There is more need at this time for parental involvement in public education than ever in the history of this country.

Early this October, the Milwaukee [Wisconsin] Teachers Association will have as a speaker, none other than Bill Ayres. One of the founders of the Weather Underground, A TERRORIST, [an unrepententant terrorist according to a book authored by him released on 9/10/01] and a neighbor of the Obamas from whose living room Barack's run for president was launched.

Your point is well taken and it is a cause worth looking into and getting involved in in each of our communities. THANK YOU!!!



Comment by Katy on August 25, 2011 at 10:29pm
I agree completely.   Even if we cannot change all the schools,  we can make sure that the youth ,in which we have influence ,  are fully aware of the consequences of ignorance.     It is THEIR future they are voting away.
Comment by Sandra on August 25, 2011 at 8:13pm
Been saying this for two years now... I have said take back our school systems and school boards.... Thanks for the post.






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