NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

I wrote this blog of my feelings of what's going on, in a group I open somewhere else call "USA within US" I want to share this with you, because many here don't know of me. I am for most a fighter against injustice, someone who willingly will fight against tyranny, corruption, dictatorship, communism, fascism, because those are the way's of chains, the way of killing the decency of people's heart. Where is no freedom is no life, I'm for Freedom all the way. I already know about the others, and I can't live here allowing for those freedoms to be take away from the people I love.
So here are my thoughts.

I have started this group because the Pride that my heart holds for this Country. I'm one of the few blessing people, who have the opportunity and the gif to be able to say, that surrender my life, are many people who I love, who are my friends, and I care dear for.
I know by the fight that we all go thru all this pass months and the one's to come, that things are hard for all of us, that we have many reasons to be angry, desperate, and frustrated people.
A hurts me deeply more them anyone know, the betrayal and the treason that this Country is been suffering by the hands of the elite, those that live comfortable life, and they don't look much around to see that the very people who put them in power, are the one's who suffering the consequences of their act.
Sometimes my friends ask me... do you ever sleep? Sure I'm! Not am much I wish to, but I do sleep. My daughter complain to me, and tell me the same, that I should take vacation, away from this madness, that I should take easy, but something in my heart, do not allow me to do so. I believe that when I die, I will have plenty of rest.
In these times, one must stay in awareness alert, because even if many of us know what's coming, it's sure that many don't move, for the lack of back bone “as you my friends call it ".
I got very angry when I see pictures and videos of Muslim step on the flag, or when some foreigner from Africa demand for the Flag to be put down in Memorial day, because " offended her " or when people of faith been harass, or Vet attack if not worse.
Been angry for sure do not help to find a solution, just let me to understand that I'm one person in many, and the only thing I can do is inform people, to take steps forward to make difference, but that is something that have to be demand in the heart of each of us. Been angry allow us to keep fighting the best way we can, but also to let us understand that we can't fight alone, that we need each other.
I was one of those kids who love to read and be inform, one of those kids that read about American battles in war, allow to her think that Americans was heroes, people make up for great story's and of great valor. I never though that my steps in the path of life will bring me through time to America and I will be one more of many who fight for the equality and the rights of the people's life.
I read about the Founder Father's, and I notice that all of them have life, have property, family, assets, work, but they thought that to keep all of that, and to be able to transfer the hard earning of their life to their children's was more important with freedom in rights to dream and accomplish goals.
I read about the pioneers, those that stop in the middle of no where to build something, to create from nothing great cities we have today, people that have a brave heart and fight against all the odd’s, and I grow with the understanding that American people are people of will, people of understanding of the values, and principles that make a Nation to be a Great Nation, so I love and I respect.
Never since I'm here that I ask for something that I don't build my self, even when the unfortunate things that sometimes happen in life, hit me so hard that almost destroy me, by the customs, laws in corruption that we do have here. The reason is because I'm a proud woman, someone who believe that hand out's are not the way to success and to grow. Because I have grand children's that need to understand that progress start in one self
Today I know I need this Pride, because thanks’ to that I have the right to be with those that fight for this Nation, for the right of survival and exist of the Republic of the USA, I don't owe anything to the government or anyone also, so I'm free by choice.

I know things are hard for many of my friends, and I want them to understand that my fight is for all of them, for all of you, for everyone who have the love and the care about this Country that I have. Things in the future don't look very promising, things will get worse before they get better, but I have something also to say... as long that we keep fighting, we keep keeping this Country, maybe with some damage, but We the People can and will fix that.
I will love for all of you to be part of this group, not just sing up... sometimes talk about what is bothering us, help our soul, but also helps others and our self, our friends will find with their own situations a way to help out, we can find ways to make things easier, to learn about each other.
I have a dream, the dreams of a dreamer never die, and I’m a dreamer!
I dream that one day, when our life's go back to normal we will find somewhere in this Great Land a place where we can all gather, we can actually hug each other, and make the commitment to let our kids know their story, and to preserve our fight, to tell to their kids, so this Country will never sleep again, in the hand's of the government, that the people will run government and assure them self, that true Patriot's will be the one's in power.

In my old age, I can say that I'm a woman " In love " I'm in love with USA, who hold's dear in my heart the meaning of well bound life in her symbols...

The Eagle: who fly free thru the horizon, high in sky to assure that her people breath freedoms... but lately the eagle doesn't fly is much, her wing are scattered all over by the attack she's receiving...

The Flag: Proud Stand in the winds of Heavens by the blood of so many who give the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms and rights of everyone. Do you see that blood running through her down the ground, by the insults, the hate that she receives by those calls them self Americans?

The Statue of Liberty: I call her since I was a kid " The Liberty Lady " she has been the door to open the dreams of many foreigners with message of progress, freedoms, rights, principles, honesty, values, faith... she's been the door to hold in her arms, those prosecuted in their Countries, attack with the intention to kill, for those who escape of the claws of usurpers, dictators, killers, she open her arms as a mother will do to those that try to escape miseries... she's cry today, because those she hold so dear are persecuted now, by those that want to dictate, change the course of the Country, and put chains in the life's of the people.

Yes I'm in love with America, you guys know when in old woman falls in love, she can be dangerous and persuasive... but she also give all she have for that love, and there's me. My heart cry many times for this betray and deceive that we are giving every day... and so I ask for yours too, for your love in for your stand.

We have my friend's to work with our back bone, to do a clean up, in government, federal and State level's, eliminate those sleeping cells that are around the USA with Muslim's that just wait for the weakness of the people to attack us, we have to take the government back, in BO need to step out or go to jail for treason, fraud and other issues, those that say nothing they need to be taken as well, and yes, I know that the job is hard, but not impossible. We the People need to be together, need to focus in the right direction. What is the problem if we don't have a Leader? Are we sheep’s that need to be guide? Do we say that we know our rights in wrongs? Fallow the cause, fallow your heart, fallow the desire you have for freedoms, and act with your conscience in your faith in God, because He's the only one who holds the wheel of this path of ours.
We all are Leaders, when the time is right, God will give us a true Leader to guide all of us to victory, mean while we have to do what is a must, to preserve this Country.
We're not abounded my friends, we're in a test and we should pass this test.
When we see injustice done, we came forward like in avalanche and protect the one who the injustice is done; we will become the force, the warriors of our ancestors.
It's your life, the future of your children's in jeopardy, it's the difference between be free and be dead or slave, the difference between rights or scare... it's your choice in the end, because YOU my friend, YOUR'RE USA!!!

I love you and I love USA, because you're part of it. This is my thoughts and I like to share with you. Let me know... what you willing to do for YOU?
We together can tell what we're willing to do, many YOU, became thousand's of WE, and.. WE is POWER!!!.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on January 16, 2010 at 8:57pm
I’ve been wanting to comment on your above magnificent commentary, but have not been able to until now. Like you, I've been so busy doing all I can to stop Obamacare, etc. *I did get one email message today from a man that told me that he donated to Scott Brown's election campaign - due to my blog posting. That was encouraging for me personally.

I too, serve alongside in the army of Yahaveh. Sometimes, I get weary of all this daily confrontation, but as Richard has so well stated the fact, we shall all have time rest in the eternity, after the millennium. Another online patriot friend could not see how I had time to sleep, when he saw the number of conservative groups that I’m striving to encourage and promote. But it helps to know I’m not alone in this struggle, and that lifts my spirit and gives me hope to carry on.

Again, let me say how much I appreciate the powerful true statement you’ve made here. I pray that our Father will give you peace and strength when you need it most. Furthermore, I ask for a special blessing upon you, your daughter and all those you dearly care for. May the LORD continue to assist and empower you by and through the Holy Spirit, to be able carry the message of His righteousness forward.

I honor you for your patriotism and love for our country. God Bless America!
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on January 15, 2010 at 7:54pm
"I believe that when I die, I will have plenty of rest. In these times, one must stay in awareness." Perfect!






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