NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Bill O. and Glenn B., along with those on The LEFT, have called me and others- dumb, stupid, idiots, kooks, loons, etc. Their Saul Alinsky tactics to scare or intimidate, will not work. I won't back down from this issue - which is not settled! It's a simple matter of seeking the truth. We are a nation of laws, and our U.S. Constitution is still our ultimate guide. The founder's written rules remain in force to this very day, and should be followed to the letter. Obama is not a natural born citizen, and is not qualified to hold the office of commander in chief. Period.
Gordon Ray Kissinger

Jeff Kuhner is doing 3 hour show on Obama Eligibility, Friday Feb. 5th, 2010
Listen LIVE at at 12pm EST

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 5, 2010 at 12:37pm
Comment by Vivian Blink on February 5, 2010 at 12:18pm
Mr Kissinger, I follow both you and Allan continuously. Allan has been critized for some of his views but in the end, I believe there will be many...(maybe even some of our members) that will see eventually, that some of us have a vision and forsight into our world's problems that will prove to have been correct all along. I am certain that most of mine come from the Bible and the word of God.
If we study to show ourselves approved, He will guide us and protect us during these disturbing times. He will carry us through the valleys when we grow too weary to walk alone. His grace is sufficent for all who believe. God Bless You for your standing up, and God Bless America!
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 5, 2010 at 11:44am
Vivian, Did you read Richard Allan Jenni's "Ghostbusters?" post comments concerning this issue? He's right on the mark, as usual.

Evil forces will take hold and wickedness shall flourish, if good men and women don’t step up and fight back against its’ intrusive advance. It’s quite evident, that the Obama administration is extremely corrupt. The present power structure in the highest areas of our government is being manipulated and driven by a socialist mindset. And, we continually suffer through the daily experience of a “The ends justify the means”/”Win at any and all costs” communist attitude. The woeful effects of this expedient, progressive agenda is most obvious in our economy. The ultra-liberal views of the leftist radicals that want to destroy the dollar’s value and redistribute wealth are ruining our nation!

I'm a black and white/success or failure/ right and wrong/good or bad - type of conservative. In my opinion, if ever there was a time to seek after righteousness (to do the right thing), certainly it should be now. I think it must be pursued for the sake of or republic and our posterity. Facing the Truth, no matter how hard to accept, is necessary and always better than living a lie. It can be a difficult process to achieve, but what about the alternatives?

Without honor and integrity, what is anything worth? For me personally, it has always been about taking a stand. The basis being my core values that I was taught early on by my God-revering grandparents, parents and teachers. Christian principles taught in The Word, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, have served as a faithful and trusted guide throughout life. Honesty is forever still the best policy.
Comment by Vivian Blink on February 4, 2010 at 9:28pm
Mr. Kissinger,I agree with you completly! Since the very first question of his eligibility I have believed that Obama was and is not consitiutionaly eligible to serve as president. Even professed patriotic friends of mine "bought" and believed the bogus Hawaiian BC. Their comments were, "Well...there ya have it... He was born in Hawaii and so I guess he is eligible to serve."
Bill O'Reilly, and now even Glenn Beck, (whom I always admired and watched faithfully) seem to be afraid to even discuss the subject of eligibility! I have to hand it to Sean Hannity...he is standing up in what seems like a "solo act" at Fox News. The one fact that could save our nation is being covered up and avoided by people who should be pushing this item in our behalf. This is really wierd folks! Really, really wierd!
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on February 4, 2010 at 8:42pm
Comment by Roger Dail May on February 4, 2010 at 8:23pm
Now that Obama gave up the Intenet to for foreign goverment. thay can shut us down and say we didnt do it.
Comment by Roger Dail May on February 4, 2010 at 8:16pm
Mr Kissinger I do agree with You 100% plus more if there was more. I wonder what would happen if it comes to light that he is not natural born citizen? I believe it would ripped this country and the Dems apart.
Comment by Mamacooks on February 4, 2010 at 5:34pm
So much little concern within our government and even among those who claim to be friends of America. The arrogance of the acting president and his administration and supporters is astounding. I just keep shaking my head and praying that the veil will be lifted, the spell will be broken and the strong delusion will be removed from their eyes. I pray for sanity to return to our elected officials. Lord, we cry out to you for deliverance before we are destroyed by these our enemies, Your enemies.






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