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A lesson in fear and hate in Scientific Terms

Originally posted by Alexander Freeborn on January 12, 2010 at 2:50pm in Fascist/Marxist/Communist Heavy Handed Government Actions, Constitutional Emergency - Patriots For America

A lesson in fear and hate in Scientific Terms

For over a year there have been constant discussions in the social political sciences of Socialism, Communism, and Republican Governments. Manifestos, Doctrines and Philosophies have also been discussed in detail along with Theology. No one can say that there wasn’t something for everyone to learn, and yet with all this education, Political Correctness continues to force everyone to ignore one extremely important element, the question of why.

No one dared examine the mind set of those who seek to destroy us. What exactly are they thinking? At this writing there is no factual means of mind reading when applying Science regardless of your thoughts in regards to psychic phenomenon, or ESP. Nor is psychology an exact science, but what we do know; is that utilizing the Scientific Method and Observation we can determine human behaviors with a high percentage of accuracy.

From its earliest beginnings, criminology, and the work of detectives is nothing more and nothing less than the simple study of physical evidence and human behavior, or what would later be called forensics, and profiling.


The FBI method of profiling is a system created by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is used to detect and classify the major personality and behavioral characteristics of an individual based upon analysis of the crime or crimes the person committed.

But wait, haven’t we’ve been constantly reminded that we can’t use profiling, it’s just not right. But the fact is; Science makes no distinction between what is right, and what is wrong. Science only determines fact from fiction, what is real, and what is not. Profiling for decades have saved countless lives, and if we are ever to save our Nation, we have to throw right and wrong out the window and focus on what is fact and what is fiction.

Granted most if not all of us are not psychiatrists, nor do we have a degree in criminal science, but we can determine what an individual is thinking, or what their motives are within an acceptable level of accuracy by utilizing Observation, and the Scientific Method. Now what should we be looking for when examining the mind set of those who seek to destroy us in Scientific Terms?

In the world of researching human thought, and motivation, one only has to consider six basic theories:

Obsessive–Compulsive Behavior - To repeat certain behaviors over and over again. Patterns of behavior that control their daily lives.

Analytical Thought – The ability to reason, to come to a logical conclusion based on reality.

Insanity – The ability to determine reality from fantasy. The ability to accept civilized mores and structure. In law, it is the ability to determine right from wrong

Narcissism - The personality trait of egotism, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image ego. Excessive love or admiration of oneself.

Paranoia - Anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion.

Psychopathic - Never remains attached to anyone or anything. They live a "predatory" lifestyle. They feel little or no regret, and little or no remorse - except when they are caught.

The Left, Socialist, and Obama Worshipers are winning the war of words simply because no one dare question their motives. Motives buried in a stack of diplomas, degrees, and having positions of power, or influence. Thus their followers believe every lie, and every manipulation of facts. Not once having an ounce of doubt or dare to question anything.

Look around, and listen;

He’s a professor; he’s studied for years,
He’s been here, he’s been there.
He’s a Senator; he’s taken an oath,
He’s done this, he’s done that?
They’re reporters; they’re only reporting the news.

Americans have become dependent upon the warped logic that if someone obtains a specific position, they deserve a measure of protection from criticism, and can virtually do no wrong. They are placed above all, and in many cases become gods.

How many reading this right at this moment realize how hard it is to prosecute a police officer, an attorney, or even a judge? It’s not because the judicial system makes it hard, it’s because we allow others to manipulate us, to restrict us, to demand that we place certain individuals above others. The simple phrase “fair is fair” is much more powerful than anyone can ever imagine, if we dare to use it. If we expose their motives, justice becomes easier to obtain.

We are first and foremost individuals, but we must also accept the fact that no man is an island, and that we are a part of something larger. Individuality determines for the most part what group or society we choose to belong to. Our ancestors choose what group to belong to, what society they felt was needed, and by all measures of Science and History, they made the right choice. Their decision was based on the simple principles of Scientific Method and Observation.

Before we attempt to answer the question of why of others, we first must examine our own motives. Look at yourself, look at those around you, those who are with in the groups you chose to be a member of. It is not hard to see that we obey the law, avoid racism, hate speech, vulgar language, senseless violence and we have a thirst for knowledge. We fully understand there is a time and place for everything, and acknowledge the need for force at the appropriate time and place. We have for over 200 years set an example for the world to follow, and followed they did, that is until recently.

From this moment on, we have to do more than just set an example to follow like we did when we marched on Washington where we avoided vulgar language, hate speech, and never left as much as a coffee cup on the ground. We must not just report the lies, and manipulation of the facts by the left, we must expose their motives, their mind set, and what really is the reason behind the lies, and corruption.

First, let’s examine Obsessive–Compulsive Behavior. Sarah Palin lost the election, and then later voluntary left the Office of Governor of Alaska. She’s not running for any office, nor has she said she would. She holds no position of authority, or works for any governmental agency. There is absolutely nothing she can physically do to anyone. Examine the hatred and fear of the left over the past twelve months. Take for example these six examples from the previous nine weeks attacking her in the most vile, and corrupt manor possible;

CBS’s Rodriguez Highlights Claim That Palin Didn’t Know History
By Kyle Drennen
January 11, 2010 - 17:49 ET

CNN's Sanchez Suffers Palin Derangement Syndrome Relapse
By Mike Bates
January 11, 2010 - 17:37 ET

Joy Behar and Andrew Sullivan Attack Sarah Palin Is Trig Her Son?
By Noel Sheppard
December 8, 2009 - 09:55 ET

Norah Palin Supporters Too Busy To Know Whats Going On
By Mark Finkelstein
December 4, 2009 - 11:07 ET

CNN Holds Focus Group on Palin...With No Palin Supporters
By Lachlan Markay
November 17, 2009 - 19:33 ET

Plouffe slams Palin on NY 23
November 01, 2009

Examine the fear and hatred of Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and President George W Bush, attacks even more vile, corrupt, and vicious than those directed at Sarah Palin, but each share common elements. None of them holds any position of authority, or works for any governmental agency, nor are any of them considering running for any office. There is absolutely nothing they can physically do to anyone. These are established undeniable facts.

Considering all these facts, one must ask why dose those who seek to destroy America spend such enormous amounts of time, and money in an attempt to destroy these individuals? This is what every Patriot must ask; this is what every Patriot must present to the American Public. We must teach America one word, “Why?”

Now examine Analytical Thought, the ability to reason, to come to a logical conclusion based on established facts. I have often asked those on the Left, Socialists, and many Obama followers questions only to have them repeat word for word what they were told, or had read in the main stream media. Many times when I asked them to explain it, they become so frustrated to the point in which many have physically threatened me.

The point is, even those who call their selves reporters, do not have the ability for Analytical Thought, but what about their education, their background, their degree, and experience? They ignore the one simple foundation to journalism, objectivity.

To report what happen, where it happen, when it happen, and if the facts are there, the how and why. But never ever report the events because you feel, you believe, or think you know. That folks is subjective reasoning. Examine these facts in relation to what the main stream media considers journalism:

Joy Behar
The View, Joy Behar Show and Air America Radio
M.A. in English education
Bachelor's degree in Sociology
English Teacher
Stand-up comedian

Norah O'Donnell
BA in philosophy
MA in international affairs
NBC/MSNBC Correspondent

Rachel Anne Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show, Air America Radio
Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC.
Degree in public policy
First openly gay American to win a Rhodes scholarship
Doctor of Philosophy degree
Named in Out magazine's "Out 100" list of the "gay men and women who moved culture" in 2008.

Christopher Matthews
Degree in Economics
Served in Peace Corps
Police officer
Served on the staffs of four Democratic members of Congress
Carter Presidential speechwriter
Top aide to long-time Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O'Neill, and played direct role in key political battles with the Reagan administration.
Ran for Congress in 1974
Worked as a print journalist

These are just three of the main stream media’s celebrity reporters, and yet none of these individuals, and very few of the many other main stream media’s celebrity reporters I researched have any formal education in journalism. They all have backgrounds either in or related to Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, and Economics. Each of them had a motive other than journalism when obtaining their employment. Today we call that “having an agenda.” They chose to work in public media not to report the news, but to make the news, and push it on the American Public as if it was fact as opposed to what it really is.

Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace
Rod Serling

Today’s main stream media have an intense hatred of America, and fear anything that promotes logic, and facts. They are self serving and care nothing for anything or anyone that gets in their way. They know no loyalty or charity for or to anyone unless….unless it profits them, or support some carefully hidden goal. They even profit from manipulating our economic system by carefully donating only to organizations that advances their goal, and thus receive a double profit, they have their goal advance and receive cash benefits in the form of tax refunds for donating to legally established non-profit organizations. Imagine, organizations who seek to destroy American getting paid by Americans to do so.

Now apply the previous paragraph to the characteristics of Narcissism, Paranoia, and Psychopathic behavior and it’s not hard to see how these Scientific Terms apply. If you research their past, you will discover a history of such behaviors. Observation and Scientific Method tell a completely different story than what these individuals are pushing on America. Our job as Patriots is to gather the evidence, and present it to the American Public. Expose them for what they really are thus destroying their credibility. This must be an essential part of any long term strategy.

It is extremely important that this strategy not be limited to just the areas of the main stream media, but all areas of our society, but especially to the American Judicial system. Remember, it is the judicial system that will either protect those who seek to destroy America, or stop them.

Now I have given you a foundation upon which to do your research. Continue to get the facts out, expose the lies and corruption. Promote free thought, curiosity, patriotism, and how Socialism is not an alternative form of government, but a means to destroy government Of the People, By the People, and For the People.

God Bless Good Hunting and Thank You

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