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999 Just An Upside-down 666? Another “Hope And Change” Ruse?

Yesterday under separate comment I offered this unkind assessment of Herman “The Godfather” Cain: “Not only a ‘good ole boy,’ he's a pompous condescending windbag- a bigger rhinoceros than Romney or Gingrich.” However, upon overnight reflection as to whether or not I was too harsh on Herman, I came to the unalterable conclusion that I didn’t go far enough.

But first my unbridled opinion of Mitt Romney. True, Mitt isn’t conservative enough for me- and since I’m a great admirer of Ron Paul, my Constitutional objection to the former Massachusetts governor comes as no surprise. Nevertheless, I’ll tell you this about Romney without slightest reservation. He is an honest and honorable man. He is also a devout Christian. Anyone who says otherwise is either uninformed or a liar. Take your pick. And although it’s not saying a Hell of a lot, he’d be the best President since Reagan. I also believe Governor Romney will be the GOP nominee- like it or not. Moreover, despite my comment about Governor Christie earlier this week, my best guess (to accommodate the TEA Party) is that the GOP ticket will be Romney-Bachmann.

But make no mistake. My dream ticket would probably be a father and son duo- namely Paul and Paul. But we all know that ain’t gonna happen…

Now more on Cain. The 999 thing is in my view an upside-down 666- simply another globalist dispensation of “hope and change.” The main reason is the proposed institution of a 9% national sales tax:

1. If you think the expansion of the Infernal Revenue Service under ObamaCare is glaringly hazardous to yer health, just wait until the IRS is empowered to collect a national sales tax. They will give tax evasion a whole new meaning! (And please remember that the IRS is most certainly a globalist collection agency.)

2. Remember how our various state sales taxes have increased? Do you really think Congress (or the globalists) will stop at 9%?

3. Do ya really want to give a corrupt Congress yet another tool to rob ya? Give the international banking (crime) syndicate another knife to slit yer financial throat?

4. Do you really want to add a national sales tax to kill jobs and discourage commerce? In addition to state sales and use taxes already imposed on most American consumers, many of our municipalities also impose LOCAL sales taxes- also often disguised as luxury taxes. Ya think ObamaCare is a job-killer? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Just how much taxation can the American consumer and our sputtering economy bear?

5. A national sales tax would unfairly target the nation’s working poor- whose growing numbers are already plagued with significant malnutrition and starvation. Also, a national sales tax would increase Food Stamp dependency, either directly or indirectly. (Cain, unless I missed something, hasn’t said if he would tax foodstuffs. Nevertheless, in New Jersey for example, while food purchased in supermarkets is exempt from any sales tax, the Garden State’s sales tax still takes a bite out of family food budgets indirectly.)

6. Federal agencies already harass our family farms- and unfairly favor their foreign competitors. Do you really think these ruthless bastards (for want of a more appropriate appellation) won’t be hounding and/or arresting local farmers for failing to collect national sales taxes at their local fruit and vegetable stands? And ya think the raw milk debacle was unwarranted?

I probably missed a few things, but you get my unavoidable drift. But one more zinger! Herman said in the last debate that when he worked for the Fed, those financial pirates weren’t all that bad. That’s like saying Lucifer wasn’t all that bad before he enticed Eve with forbidden fruit!

Finally, there’s been a lot of talk about the GOP pushing Romney down our throats, but it seems to me Mitt is currently mainstream America’s preferred alternative to Barry “The Undocumented Kenyan Usurper” Obama- and that GOP mouthpieces like Newsmax seem to be touting Cain just a tad too much. (Sadly, my revered Congressman Paul is pretty much at the bottom of that mainstream heap- though Ron does poll much better among conservatives.)

So is 999 just an upside-down 666? Another version of globalist “hope and change?” I report (or perhaps arrogantly pontificate). You, my dear friends, must decide…
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

Views: 157


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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 2:29pm

Good video, Sandra. Thanks.


Darlene, whatever the connection between ObamaCare and RomneyCare, the latter was never intended to be a national program. What individual states desire for themselves, as in "for better or worse" in marriage, is and should be up to those individual states. The people of Massachussetts apparently got what they wanted. On the other hand, ObamaCare (to the best of my knowledge) is neither good for nor desired by Massachusetts- or any of the other 49. Moreover, in addition to the tons of healthcare-related refuse, ObamaCare contains a veritable garbage dump of additional tonnage that doesn't even pertain to healthcare. ObamaCare is Obama's baby- period. He is the father- Pelosi most likely the mother.   


Comment by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on October 13, 2011 at 2:26pm



A national sales tax should be the only form of taxation from the Federal Government. It would give Citizens the one power over the big spenders that they dread. The power to BOYCOTT goods and services when We, the People smell the faintest whiff of corruption. No need for street demonstrations ala the Tea-Party movement. Just cut them off with a boycott!!! Instant, maximum effect.

The INCOME tax as a percentage of your earned income is nothing more than partial Involuntary Servitude (SLAVERY). If you're in a 30% tax bracket then you must work more than 3 months each year to pay the Federal Government. Over a 50 year work life, why accept 15 years of servitude? To anonymous masters? (The bureaucracy)

The national sales tax makes the American consumer the one with the power of the purse, not the bureaucrats. The bureaucrats would then be beholden to the citizens for their existance, not the other way around. If they ever tried to raise the sales tax above, say, 10%, why, that would itself be good and justifiable reason to BOYCOTT them. This is why the overarching unconstitutional "Obamammacare" is so attractive to marxists. It gives the government the power to dictate what you buy, and punish you for your disobediance.

A national sales tax would also have the effect of generating more productivity in the private sector, thereby producing more jobs, fuller employment.



Comment by Sandra on October 13, 2011 at 1:56pm
Comment by Darlene Littlejohn on October 13, 2011 at 12:54pm
I do not like the connection between Obamacare and Romneycare.  Nor do I think that Romney has been honest about this.

I will vote for Romney over Obama, but I doubt that he will be my pick in the primary.
Comment by Sandra on October 13, 2011 at 12:51pm
I hope who ever gets in, puts some of these runners and Sara in positions of good use, they all have a lot to offer! Sara would be a great energy sec., Paul, federal reserve, Michell B, Sec of state, Cain, Economy..
Comment by Sandra on October 13, 2011 at 12:49pm
Your correct on the pick and who it will be, regardless of any input from the people, they have and always will pick for us  I suppose.  I worry he will keep obummber care, and stick up with cap and trade carbon axes, that is what the NWO wants of whoever gets in.  Of course it will be a wait and see, but those who are wrong will not have a chance to change again, we will head don a slippery slope one way or another at one speed or another. I keep wondering who is pulling the strings in the WH Soros or Bush Sr.? Regardless, puppets all of them, what a pathedic debate they have had.. Needless to say, I will vote for whoever is against O, I really expect no change of much regardless, just a softer way of doing it... Just the same old lesser of two evils. Globalists all. None of the are perfect, and none of them are true conservatives, I just wonder how many lies they tell and they all do until they get elected!
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 12:21pm

Sarah Says 'No'

Palin finally ends speculation about 2012 -- and wins new scorn from the derangement syndrome crowd.

Michelle McCormick was "working on a hellacious bar tab" in Clive, Iowa, when I called her Wednesday evening to get her reaction to the announcement that Sarah Palin will not run for president. McCormick has spent months in Iowa as a volunteer leader of the grassroots group Organize4Palin, and had every right to be bitter about the long waiting game that led up to Palin's final "no." Yet the 28-year-old Texan was cheerfully drinking away her disappointment and still full of praise for the former Alaska governor who inspired her.

"I keep telling people, no regrets," said McCormick, who left her job and moved to Iowa to work without pay on Palin's behalf. "I've had so much fun doing this -- the people that I've met and good friendships I've made -- I would not trade that for anything. Shoot -- I got to meet Sarah Palin a couple of times. Man, that was awesome…. We still respect Governor Palin and respect her decision.… I will always respect Sarah Palin. Next to my mom, she's one of my biggest role models. I've had a wonderful journey doing this."

If McCormick did not fault Palin for the drawn-out "will she or won't she" drama that continued all summer and into October, why should anyone else? Yet Palin's announcement was an occasion for some to mock diehard supporters like McCormick...

Palin herself expressed sympathy for her heartbroken supporters. "I apologize to those who are disappointed in this decision," she told Greta Van Susteren in a Fox News interview late Wednesday. "I've been hearing from them in the last couple of hours, but I believe that they -- when they take a step back -- will understand why the decision was made." Palin said she had reached her decision "after prayerful consideration and a lot of discussion with the family." She received messages of encouragement from several leading conservatives...

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 12:01pm

Dick Morris "In this video commentary, I discuss the China trade bill. Don’t be afraid of a 'trade war.' Make China stop manipulating its currency. The Republican House leadership is wrong for opposing this bill. China can’t retaliate. Here’s why."


Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 11:45am

From WND: "At the Values Voters Summit in the nation's capital over the weekend, Romney defended his beliefs, saying, 'Almost all Americans live for a purpose greater than ourselves. Our heritage of religious faith and tolerance has importantly shaped who we have become as a people. We must continue to welcome faith into the public square and allow it to flourish. Our government should respect religious values, not silence them. We will always pledge our allegiance to a nation that is under God.' "






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