NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
President Barack Obama is bringing 11 relatives of those killed in the shooting at Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School to Washington on Air Force One on Monday so they can personally encourage senators to back gun legislation that faces tough opposition.
A nonprofit organization that works with the families, Sandy Hook Promise, said that after Obama's speech on gun control in Hartford, he is flying with relatives of seven children and one staffer killed during December's massacre at the school.
The White House says Obama is going to argue that lawmakers have an obligation to the children killed and other victims of gun violence to act on his proposals.
Gun legislation could come up for debate in the Senate this week after lawmakers return from spring break.
The Sandy Hook families want to speak this week to senators who have not so far voiced support for the legislation to ask for support in memory of their children and the staff that was killed Dec. 14.
The White House offered to give them a ride so they could also attend Obama's speech before their lobbying push.
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Sen. Toomey Betrays Gun Owners
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Gun Owners of America |
Sellout is worse than the Feinstein gun ban!
Urgent action required. It is urgent that every gun owner call their Senators today and demand that they oppose the “See a Shrink, Lose your Guns” sell-out bill that is being authored by Senators Pat Toomey (R) and Joe Manchin (D) - but which also has Chuck Schumer’s fingerprints all over it. Call immediately at 202-224-3121. See a Shrink, Lose your Guns. The anti-gun "ranters" have spent the last week telling us that Republican Senators can’t filibuster Harry Reid’s gun control bill; that they can’t cut off debate to a bill they haven’t seen yet. “Let the bill come up,” they say. “We need to see the bill” before Senators can vote against cloture to proceed to it. Well, we’ve seen the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out, and it’s worse than the Feinstein gun ban, which will reportedly be tied to it and offered simultaneously in a Senate procedure known as an “amendment tree.” Toomey and Manchin will claim that their bill only covers “gun show sales” and Internet sales. But if you’ve ever talked about your gun and /or let it be known you’d like to sell or buy a gun on the Internet, this language covers you. If you advertise your gun in the church bulletin and the bulletin is put on the Internet, you’re covered. The only exemption is for sales that are sold exclusively by word of mouth. The increased number of background checks would likely exacerbate the system breakdowns (inherent to NICS) which have shut down gun shows over and over again. It would mean that Americans who were illegally denied firearms because their names were similar to other people's would effectively be barred from owning a gun. (We would never tolerate such delays for voting rights or other freedoms that we are guaranteed.) And for those Republicans who think they’re going to be able to offer their useless amendments, guess what? Reid is reportedly going to use a procedure to block out all amendments (called an “amendment tree”). And there are plenty of Senators standing in line to make sure that the Senate doesn’t give “unanimous consent” to let those Republicans offer their amendments. So if you live in a rural area, you’re effectively barred from selling or buying a gun - or it at least becomes very, very difficult. Incidentally, the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer “national registry” language is full of holes. There will be a national gun registry as a result of this sell-out. But that’s not the worst part. Under an amendment in the bill to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), you could have your guns taken away because your private shrink thinks you’re “dangerous” and could send your name directly to the FBI Instant Check system. Did you think it was terrible that 150,000 military veterans had been added into the NICS system because they’d seen a VA shrink about their PTSD? Well guess what? Now it’s going to happen to the rest of the population ... by the millions! And the next step, of course, will be to begin to sue psychiatrists that don’t send every single patient’s name to the Instant Check system, and to make sure that their lives are ruined if they don’t send a patient to NICS and anything goes wrong. The bottom line: “See a shrink; lose your guns.” All of this will reportedly be on an amendment tree with the Feinstein gun ban and magazine bans. Repeal of gun owner protections. In addition, Toomey no doubt unintentionally agreed to repeal one of the most important protections for gun owners that was included in the 1986 McClure-Volkmer Act - the provision that would allow you to take an unloaded, locked-up gun through states like New York without being stopped. Under a new subsection (c), the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer bill would require you to “demonstrate” to the satisfaction of New York police where you were coming from and where you are going to. And, if you don’t do that to their satisfaction, they can arrest you. Please keep in mind, nothing in this bill would have stopped Newtown dirtbag from killing his mother and taking the firearms that she owned and perpetrating the horrible crimes that he committed. Nothing is this bill would actually make children safer at schools. There is nothing that will actually keep bad guys from stealing or illegally acquiring guns, but there’s plenty that will threaten our gun rights! ACTION: Click here to contact your two senators immediately. Tell them the “see a shrink; lose your guns” sellout is even worse than the Feinstein gun ban which will reportedly be on the same amendment tree with it. Distribute this alert far and wide. Time is short, so if you call - at 202-224-3121 - you may click here to see the pre-written letter and use the contents to help direct your comments. |
First he told Colorado policemen that Michelle had said she might want a gun if she lived on a farm in Iowa. Never mind that Iowans are overwhelmingly hard-working, law-abiding, peaceful, salt of the earth people. And never mind that Barack and Michelle call the gun-free but killing-filled zone, the Windy City home. And never mind that the Obamas have 24/7 fully-armed security detail, so of course neither will ever personally need to own a gun.
Then Wednesday night, at a DCCC fundraiser in San Francisco, the president told the attendees that the Newtown shooter had mowed down those school children with a full-auto weapon. From the WH transcript:
Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon — by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.
However, the Connecticut state attorney and prosecutor is on record stating:
Lanza killed all 26 victims inside Sandy Hook Elementary School with a Bushmaster .223-caliber rifle before taking his own life with a Glock 10 mm handgun. He says Lanza had another loaded handgun with him inside the school as well as three, 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster.
Both the rifle and the Glock are semi-autos, not fully-automatic.
In a recent alert to supporters and activists, Gun Owners of American summed up the situation perfectly:
"We are beyond the point of negotiating our demise with people who have made it clear that their objective is to destroy us.
"The only solution is to oppose EVERY SINGLE GUN CONTROL proposal. Every single one".
You know that... we know that... and now it's time for Congress to get the message. Our Second Amendment right are non-negotiable and the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab MUST be filibustered.
No negotiations! No compromises! Period.
TO: The Republican Members Of The United States Senate: The Hon. Mitch McConnell, The Hon. John Cornyn, The Hon. John Thune, The Hon. John Barrasso, The Hon. Roy Blunt, The Hon. Lisa Murkowski, The Hon. Jeff Sessions, The Hon. Richard Shelby, The Hon. John Boozman, The Hon. Jeff Flake, The Hon. John McCain, The Hon. Marco Rubio, The Hon. Johnny Isakson, The Hon. Saxby Chambliss, The Hon. Chuck Grassley, The Hon. James E. Risch, The Hon. Mike Crapo, The Hon. Mark Kirk, The Hon. Dan Coats, The Hon. Jerry Moran, The Hon. Pat Roberts, The Hon. Rand Paul, The Hon. David Vitter, The Hon. Susan Collins, The Hon. Roger Wicker, The Hon. Thad Cochran, The Hon. Richard Burr, The Hon. John Hoeven, The Hon. Deb Fischer, The Hon. Mike Johanns, The Hon. Kelly Ayotte, The Hon. Dean Heller, The Hon. Rob Portman, The Hon. Tom Coburn, The Hon. James M. Inhofe, The Hon. Pat Toomey, The Hon. Tim Scott, The Hon. Lindsey Graham, The Hon. Bob Corker, The Hon. Lamar Alexander, The Hon. Ted Cruz, The Hon. Mike Lee, The Hon. Orrin G. Hatch, The Hon. Ron Johnson, The Hon. Mike Enzi
RE: Filibuster The Obama-Feinstein Gun-Grab... PERIOD!
Let me make myself perfectly clear. Any Member of the United States Senate that does not actively join a filibuster against the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab (S. 649), will be viewed by the American people as supporting this tyrannical attempt to circumvent the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Moreover, it is not enough to simply give token approval to the efforts of others who may filibuster S. 649. Any action short of standing on the floor of the United States Senate and saying: "I stand here today to join the filibuster of S. 649" will be viewed by the American people as a violation of your solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
The American people don't want any more debate on this attempt to subvert the Constitution. The American people don't want any "compromises" or "grand bargains" or any attempts to "fix" S. 649 for the sake of "getting things done in Washington." We want each and every one of you to filibuster S. 649... PERIOD!
Our nation is at a crossroads and the time for choosing is upon you. Choose wisely!
It might seem like a question with an obvious answer. But at this very moment, 40 Senate Republicans are either confused or are secretly planning to side with at least one senior GOP Senator who mistakenly thinks it better to icompromisei with Barack Obama and his gun-grabbing colleagues than to stand firm against any attacks on our Second Amendment rights.
Well... we're going to help them end their confusion. And make no mistake... we're not ASKING them to filibuster the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab... we're DEMANDING that they filibuster the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab... and we're ACCEPTING NOTHING SHORT OF A FILIBUSTER.
It seems like insanityOe even though Senators Paul, Lee, Cruz, Rubio and Inhofe are trying to rally support for a filibuster, others in the Republican caucus are SABOTAGING those efforts and calling for "compromise."
At this very moment, Senator Charles Grassley is crafting his own version of "gun-control legislation" and according to The Hill, this act of sabotage is gaining traction.
Our reaction must be clear. Sam Rolley, writing for the Personal Liberty Digest, put it this way: "Conservative critics of the forthcoming GOP gun bill have said that any effort by Republicans to address any aspect of gun control is going too far. And it is yet to be seen whether Senators like Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who have vowed to filibuster any new gun legislation, will embrace the GOP version of gun control."
Why is it that Republican leaders in Congress reflexively and instinctively compromise even after being shown a clear and fool-proof path to unconditional victory? Why ask why?
Simply put, they must be stopped. And as you have proven so many times in the p....
You need to let them know, in no uncertain terms, that as far as you are concerned, any Member of the Senate who DOES NOT openly participate in a filibuster of the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab is effectively voting in favor of the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab.
That's a message they will understand. That's a message they will heed. But the time to take decisive action is upon usOe the time is now.
When Senator Dianne Feinstein proposed her gun grab, patriotic Americans like you drew a line in the sand and sent tens ....
In response, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appeared to bend to public pressure and announced that he was going to strip the assault weapons ban provisions from the bill and ask Feinstein to offer those provisions as an amendment to the bill.
But don't be fooled by Reid's procedural trick or Feinstein's token objections. Our job is far from done.
There's an old expression in Washington: If at first you don't deceive, try, try again. And Obama, Reid and Feinstein aren't backing down one single, solitary inch.
Feinstein's feelings have not changed since that fateful day when she proclaimed: "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them - Mr. and Mrs. America turn eem all in n I would have done it."
Yes... it's a trick, a ploy to allow a handful of Democrats and RINOs, who represent red states, to vote against the amendment and THEN turn right around, once the amendment has passed, and vote in favor of the entire bill. In short, they'll vote AGAINST it, BEFORE they vote FOR it.
Why? ... So a handful of Democrats and RINOs who represent red states can go back home and LIE to the voters. 'I'm on record,' they'll bloviate. 'I voted against banning weapons because the right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution.'
It's an old trick... it's a deplorable trick... and this time around, we're not going to let them get away with it. A handful of brave elected officials are threatening to filibuster the Obama-Feinstein Gun Grab. Senators Paul, Rubio, Lee, Inhofe and Cruz need your help right now.
A speech in Colorado just days ago, Obama used police officers as props. Surrounded by a sea of blue uniforms, the Campaigner-In-Chief pitched his gun-control legislation yet again.
Days prior, he surrounded himself with 21 mothers who lost children in the Newtown, Connecticut, tragedy. Using the White House as a stage, Barack Obama proclaimed: "Shame on us if we've forgotten. I haven't forgotten those kids."
NoOe Shame on YOU, Barack Obama.
Make no mistake, Obama isnit giving up because he knows he can winOe and he isn't going for your guns to save the lives of children. He knows all too well that his assault on the Second Amendment will do nothing to stop such tragedies. He knows that his efforts will only infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans. And only you have the power to stop him.
Senator Cruz had the courage to say that it was "saddening" to see Barack Obama "once again, try to take advantage of this tragic murder to promote an agenda that will do nothing to stop violent crime, but will undermine the constitutional rights of all law-abiding Americans."
Cruz is right. And even though every Member of the U.S. Senate (or at least the Republican Members of the Senate) should be standing with CruzOe they arenit. And right now, it is the duty of every patriotic American to stand with....
Staged events aren't the only tricks Mr. Obama has up his sleeve. The Hill recently reported that Obama "has used his executive powers to... create a million-dollar ad campaignOe"
And in a totally separate article, The Hill also reported: "At the same time, gun control groups were staging a 'Day to Demand Action' with more than 100 rallies and other events planned from Connecticut to California. This was on top of a $12 million TV ad campaign financed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg..."
We don't have millions of taxpayer and Bloomberg dollars for television ad campaigns and propaganda rallies with expensive rent-a-mobs... but we do have another weapon...
And it is a much more potent weapon. National Review Online recently reported on something you didn't hear from the lame-stream media. When Rand Paul staged his now famous 13-hour filibuster the polls showed "a 50-point shift in public opinion toward his position."
Senator Mike Lee commented: "Once it became clear what the principle was that was being stood for, the public naturally followed.i
When Paul staged his first filibuster... we didn't see it coming. We had no warning and we had no time to mount a campaign of support.
But now that we know what may be coming, we have no excuse not to make ....
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