NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Despite what he claimed on his website, Robert Spencer was never 'barred' from receiving the People's Choice award at the 11th Annual Blogger Awards (Sponsored by Right Wing News & Furthermore, even after Robert lied by claiming he was 'barred" from receiving the award, I alerted him publicly and privately that he won and there would be a plaque for him at the ceremony. He apparently chose not to show up or send anyone to receive it because I would not allow him to make personal attacks on anyone from the ACU at the ceremony. Since Breitbart's own article on 'The Uninvited' panel indicated "(Stephen) Bannon reinforced that the panel was not the time or place for personal attacks," that doesn't seem like an unreasonable position in the least. In any case, I believe you have a duty to at show some small amount of courtesy to an organization when you're a guest at their event and so I have no apologies, regrets, or second thoughts about my decision whatsoever."
Andrew Breitbart frequently spoke and wrote of the need for an American dialog including voices beyond those approved by the mainstream media and the political establishment. Therefore, in his honor, the Breitbart News Network put on a panel called "The Uninvited" to feature topics and speakers otherwise absent from the CPAC agenda.
Breitbart News CEO Larry Solov and Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon compiled an ambitious slate of foreign policy experts and activists, as well as a discussion of the cronyism that has turned our nation’s capital into a boomtown.
Despite the fact that the event was pieced together just days before CPAC commenced, the ballroom was packed and the audience was enthusiastic. Panelist Pamela Geller was greeted with standing ovations just for entering the room.
Iowa Congressman Steve King kicked the session off with a few remarks before Breitbart Editor-at-Large Larry O’Connor introduced former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. The former DOJ head charged that the FBI actively removed references to Islam in documents relating to the Nidal Hasan shooting at Fort Hood in November of 2009. The Obama DOD labeled the murder spree “workplace violence” instead of terrorism, despite that fact that Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar” before he opened fire. Mukasey said that this is an example of the U.S. government redefining Islam in a politically palatable way at the expense of the truth.
Mukasey went on to make the case that, if left unchecked, the rise of global Islam would become the 21st century equivalent to fascism or communism. The former Bush AG warned of a “civilizational jihad” in which the Islamists attempt to destroy the entire Western world as we know it and enforce Sharia law. "They want a world without infidels," Mukasey told the crowd. "The want a world without us."
Mukasey also suggested that there ought to be hearings on Al-Jazeera's purchase of Current TV. "If an American medium is controlled by a political force from abroad, that's a proper subject for inquiry," he said.
Next, the panel took a brief diversion from the topic of radical Islam and shifted focus to cronyism in big business. Breitbart Editor and Government Accountability Institute co-founder Peter Schweizer described the Washington, DC boomtown and blistered DC’s political establishment and consultant class. “Both parties are complicit in a culture of corruption,” Schweizer said before noting that seven of the ten richest counties in America border not Beverly Hills or New York City but our nation’s capital. The crux of the problem, according to Schweizer, is the revolving door between Congress and the lobbying profession. “When they enter Washington, DC,” he asserted, “they think of it as a cesspool. But when they leave, they think of it as a hot tub.”
Schweizer wasn’t merely interested in identifying problems; he also offered up solutions. In particular, he proposed a lifetime ban on congressmen becoming lobbyists and more stringent term limits for federal elected officials.
The final hour of the program was devoted to a panel on radical Islam at home and abroad featuring Rosemary Jenks of Numbers USA, Dan Gouré of the Lexington Institute, The Hudson Institute’s Nina Shea, Frank Gaffney of Center for Security Policy, Jihad Watch blogger Robert Spencer, and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs.
Jenks had the mic first and made the case against a pathway to citizenship and for a comprehensive e-Verify system (which would require employers to check the immigration status of their employees). One key reason to oppose a pathway to citizenship, according to Jenks, is that Hispanics are not natural conservatives, despite what many on the right claim. Jenks explained that, as a demographic, Hispanics tend to support expanding social programs. Thus, if conservatives support the legalization and naturalization of illegals, their compassion would be rewarded with electoral defeats.
Gouré followed with a discussion of how America’s lack of military preparedness undermines our economy. Nina Shea spoke on Christian persecution abroad. She said that while the Middle East was made up of 30% Christians 100 years ago, that number has dwindled to just 3% at present day.
In between Gouré and Shea was Breitbart veteran Frank Gaffney. One of the most prominent foreign affairs experts in the conservative movement, Gaffney criticized the Obama administration for cutting back America’s nuclear arsenal. While Iran and North Korea inch closer to nuclear capabilities, America is the only country on Earth that is depleting its stock, he explained. Yesterday, the U.S. announced that it would deploy 14 missile interceptors to Alaska due to the increased threat of the North Korean regime—which, according to Gaffney, is a reversal of the administration’s efforts to downplay the threat of nuclear conflict.
The final portion of the panel, and of “The Uninvited,” proved to be the most electric. Robert Spencer took the name of the session to heart, clearly outraged that these issues were not featured on the CPAC main stage. Before Spencer began his talk, Breitbart’s Bannon reinforced that the panel was not the time or place for personal attacks. This, however, did not deter Spencer from calling out several people in the conservative movement by name. Spencer’s Jihad Watch website won the People’s Choice blog honor this year at CPAC, but he was barred from receiving the award when he refused to promise not to attack Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan in his acceptance speech (both Kahn and Norquist are on the board of the American Conservative Union, which puts on CPAC every year). But Spencer used the platform at “The Uninvited” to do just that, despite Bannon's request. He took direct aim at Norquist, the founder of Americans for Tax Reform, for being “in bed” with "the same people as Obama" (he was presumably referring to the Muslim Brotherhood).
“Obama has aligned this country with the Muslim Brotherhood,” Spencer said, but the conservative movement is not sufficiently engaged in the fight against the proliferation of Sharia at home and abroad. This suggestion caused the room to erupt in applause.
Pamela Geller picked up right where Spencer left off, accusing Suhail Khan of being worse than Anwar al-Awlaki for what she described as secret ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. “The right sanctions a truth-crushing device,” Geller said of CPAC. She asserted that the group behind the conference is guilty of the same politically correct censorship that has caused the mainstream media to draw conservative ire over the years. “The media is self-enforcing the Sharia,” Geller said, and “the biggest threat to mankind, the biggest threat to freedom is the spread of this totalitarian philosophy.” According to the "Freedom or Submission" author, “you are a racist, Islamophobic, anti-Muslim bigot if you touch this subject," and most of the country is content to keep it that way, even many who describe themselves as conservative.
Spencer piled on. “People are very anxious not to appear bigoted or racist,” but “there are many groups that have the same goals as those who wage violent jihad.” “Infiltration is very great and very sophisticated and those with the best of intentions are falling for it,” Spencer cautioned the room.
During the question and answer portion at the very end, Gaffney reinforced the importance of the fight against radical Islam. “You'll be cannon fodder for the next war if you don't take these issues seriously,” he said.
Later on, Bannon asked the panel to address detractors that say some of the speakers are radicals and have marginalized themselves to the point where they are ineffective. The panelists responded by reinforcing the seriousness that the War on Terror and the threat of Sharia are to America and our allies abroad.
Toward the end of the Q and A, “Birther” leader Orly Taitz piped up and took the discussion off course with a question about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President of the United States. Bannon—along with a chorus of booing audience members—shut her down, but the Breitbart Executive Chairman offered to have it out with her after the session came to a close.
Finally, Solov closed the session with the truly “Breitbartian” message of inclusion. He noted that everyone in the room likely disagrees with one another on many fundamental issues, but so long as speech is free and debate is open, the world will be better off. “Andrew preached the message of ‘more voices,’” Solov reminded the audience, and that’s certainly what attendees heard from this eclectic and informative CPAC panel.
by William Bigelow, 6 Aug 2012 at Breitbart:
The most harrowing prospect is the Obama Administration’s passivity in the face of attempts to introduce aspects of sharia law into our legal system. Now there is strong and open evidence of the Obama administration collaborating with Islamist activists to ensure the path toward sharia law is accelerated.
Just last week, Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division, was asked this question by Trent Franks (R-AZ), a member of the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution: “Will you tell us here today that this Administration’s Department of Justice will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?”
Perez refused to answer. Four times.
And why would Franks target Perez?
Here’s why:
Last October, at George Washington University, there was a meeting between DOJ officials, including Perez, and Islamist advocates against free speech. Representatives from the Islamist side included Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The ISNA was an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding trial in 2008, as well as functioning as a Muslim Brotherhood Front. The leader of the Islamist attack was Sahar Aziz, an Egyptian-born American lawyer and Fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, a Muslim advocacy group based in Michigan. At the meeting, the Islamists lobbied for:
Aziz said that the word “Muslim” has become “racialized” and, once American criticism of Islam was silenced, the effect would be to “take [federal] money away from local police departments and fusion centers who are spying on all of us.”
And what was the response from Perez and the DOJ officials?
That’s right: no objection, no defense of our first amendment right to free speech.
University says it covered over the monogram “IHS”–symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ—because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where President Obama spoke at the university on Tuesday and the White House had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols there.
As of Wednesday afternoon, the “IHS” monogram that had previously adorned the stage at Georgetown’s Gaston Hall was still covered up–when the pediment where it had appeared was photographed by
Saudi Arabia, the nation which produced 15 of the 19 hijackers in the 9/11 attacks, is about to become one of a handful of countries whose travelers can bypass normal passport controls at major U.S. airports. Sources tell the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) that this will mark the first time that the Saudi government will have a direct role in vetting who is eligible for getting fast-tracked for entry into the United States.
An agreement to accept Saudi Arabian applicants into the Global Entry trusted traveler program drew little notice when it was announced in January. Now, some officials question why the country merits such a benefit – which is similar to a theme park "fast pass" to avoid long lines – when other allies like Germany and France are not yet included. A program for Israeli travelers was reached last May but has not been implemented.
Travelers approved for the program can skip the normal Customs and Border Protection (CBP) lines starting next year and enter the country after providing their passports and fingerprints at a kiosk. Only Canada, Mexico, South Korea and the Netherlands currently enjoy the benefit, although pilot programs could expand it to a handful of others.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the agreement in January after meeting with Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. It "marks another major step forward in our partnership," Napolitano said at the time. "By enhancing collaboration with the Government of Saudi Arabia, we reaffirm our commitment to more effectively secure our two countries against evolving threats while facilitating legitimate trade and travel."
Details about how the plan will work with the Saudis have not been released. Nayef's ministry, however, will be responsible for screening which applicants will be considered when the pilot program begins next year. It's not known whether the Saudi ministry will share its raw intelligence about applicants with its American counterparts. What is known, based on information provided by a Homeland Security source, is that each individual who makes it into the program will have been vetted by both the CPB and by the Saudi Interior Ministry against various databases.
The Department of Homeland Security declined to make anyone available to answer questions about Saudi Arabia's inclusion in the Global Entry program after repeated requests throughout last week, and after indicating someone would provide more details.
That is cause for concern, given lingering questions about possible Saudi support for some of the 9/11 hijackers and given the Ministry of Interior (MOI)'s inconsistent record on sharing its intelligence on suspected terrorists and terror financiers. Additionally, recent studies by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified significant problems in the way DHS components use computer systems and process intelligence for posting watch list lookouts and overseas screening of foreign nationals.
Once accepted into Global Entry, travelers can enjoy the faster border entry for five years.
A memo obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism said Saudi applicants "must meet the individual vetting criteria of both CBP and the MOI, and successfully complete vetting by each side against information available in various law enforcement, customs, immigration, criminal, intelligence, and terrorist databases."
That doesn't bring confidence to those who have investigated Saudi Arabian connections to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., whose district lost more than 70 people during the attack on the Pentagon, called the pact a bad idea. He also stated that he had not previously heard about the deal.
"I think you have radical Wahhabism in certain elements in Saudi Arabia, and I think to be more lenient there than in other places would be a mistake," Wolf said. "There were 15 [hijackers] from that country, and there is a lot taking place in that region.
"Some of the people who went back to Saudi Arabia through Guantanamo – we find that they are in battlefields in Afghanistan or some other place, so I don't think it's a good idea."
Saudis have long been known for withholding information from their American counterparts. Wolf recalls that the Saudis obstructed former FBI Director Louis Freeh's effort to investigate the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing by refusing to share information.
"I think there has been a history of not cooperating," Wolf said.
The Saudis paved the way for 9/11 by funding the madrassas along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, which adds to Wolf's concern.
Unseen Information, Unanswered Questions
"Adding KSA to the program before a full vetting of the Kingdom's involvement in 9/11 is very unwise," said Sharon Premoli, a 9/11 survivor who has sued the Saudis for allegedly helping finance the attacks.
"We don't know if what they tell us is correct. Why should we trust them?" she said in an interview Thursday. She points to a 1998 agreement Saudi Arabia struck with bin Laden and the Taliban prior to 9/11. A 2011 Vanity Fair article described it this way:
In sworn statements after 9/11, former Taliban intelligence chief Mohammed Khaksar said that in 1998 Prince Turki, chief of Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence Department (G.I.D.), sealed a deal under which bin Laden agreed not to attack Saudi targets. In return, Saudi Arabia would provide funds and material assistance to the Taliban, not demand bin Laden's extradition, and not bring pressure to close down al-Qaeda training camps. Saudi businesses, meanwhile, would ensure that money also flowed directly to bin Laden.
"They didn't tell us that," Premoli said in the interview. "They haven't been forthcoming on anything."
Saudi officials deny that deal existed. The only way to find out is to continue investigating, Premoli said. She's perplexed that the brutal murder of 3,000 Americans even requires an effort to trigger additional investigation.
"Let's vet them properly. Let's really declassify. Let's look at all of it. Until it is done, it's an open wound. It's an unanswered question."
The Global Entry deal comes three years after U.S. officials briefly placed Saudi Arabia on a list of 14 countries whose travelers would face enhanced scrutiny when entering the United States. It followed Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's failed attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day 2009.
A cable sent from the American embassy to the State Department that was publishedby Wikileaks reported that Saudi government officials expressed "shock to be included on the list" and threatened to "to re-evaluate areas of cooperation, including counter-terrorism cooperation" if it was not rescinded.
The policy was dropped three months later, replaced with a new program designed to use threat assessments and intelligence of traveler's behavioral traits and travel patterns.
To Premoli, who is pushing legislation to strip sovereign immunity protection from governments tied to terrorist acts, both the removal of Saudi Arabia from that list and its addition to Global Entry show the country enjoys "favored nation status. It's so extraordinary that they are so protected."
She was critical of the Bush administration for its warm relations with the Saudi royal family and is equally critical of the Obama administration for being "a continuation of the Bush administration." When the plaintiffs suing Saudi Arabia sought to appeal a decision absolving the Saudis to the Supreme Court, then-Solicitor General Elena Kagan filed an amicus brief siding with the Saudis.
Saudi Arabian officials say all the investigations into the 9/11 attacks exonerated them of any involvement. But two former U.S. senators who led inquiries into the attacks say that's just not so.
In affidavits submitted last year for plaintiffs suing the Saudis – including Premoli – former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey and former Florida Sen. Bob Graham wrote that the book on Saudi Arabia's 9/11 connections should not be closed.
The 9/11 Commission on which he served lacked the time and resources "to pursue all potentially relevant evidence" involving Saudi Arabia, Kerrey wrote.
"Significant questions remain unanswered concerning the possible involvement of Saudi government institutions and actors in the financing and sponsorship of al Qaeda, and evidence relating to the plausible involvement of possible Saudi government agents in the September 11th Attacks has never been fully pursued," Kerrey wrote.
Graham, who was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time of the attacks, was co-chairman of a joint congressional inquiry. He has spent years arguing that a 28-page chapter from that inquiry would cast things in a different light if it ever is declassified.
"Based on my experiences as the Co-Chair of the Joint Inquiry, and the evidence collected by the Joint Inquiry during the course of its investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, the information contained in the Final Report of the 9/11 Commission, and reports and published material I have reviewed, I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia," Graham wrote in his affidavit.
Hijackers and Their Helpers
That line may have come in the form of Omar al Bayoumi, a Saudi who befriended hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar. While the 9/11 Commission Reportdescribes Bayoumi as "an unlikely candidate for clandestine involvement with Islamist extremists," Graham believes he was a Saudi government agent.
Al-Bayoumi first met the hijackers in 2000, helped them find an apartment and "fronted the initial payments for that apartment" along with other financial help, Graham noted.
"During the period that he assisted the hijackers, al-Bayoumi's allowances from a ghost job with a Saudi private firm and contractor with ties to the Saudi government increased eightfold. During that same period, Al-Bayoumi had an unusual number of telephone conversations with Saudi government officials in both Los Angeles and Washington."
All this convinces him al-Bayoumi was a Saudi agent. "To this date, this evidence has not been fully explored and pursued, to the considerable detriment of the American public."
In a column co-written with Premoli last fall, Graham said the classified chapter from the congressional inquiry focuses on the hijacker's financial support while they were in the United States. "Sadly," Graham and Premoli wrote, "those 28 pages represent only a fraction of the evidence of Saudi complicity that our government continues to shield from the public, under a flawed classification program which appears to be part of a systematic effort to protect Saudi Arabia from any real accountability for its actions."
Abdulaziz al-Hijji, an executive with the Saudi government oil company Aramco, lived in Sarasota until just before the 9/11 attacks when he is reported to have suddenly left the U.S. Al-Hijji now lives in London. Recent media reports indicate al-Hijji met with 9/11 terror leader Mohamed Atta and current al-Qaida fugitive Adnan el-Shukrijumahwhile he lived in Sarasota. Graham has also looked into the al-Hijji matter and reportedly met with the FBI deputy director in November of 2011 and the deputy director refused to discuss the al-Hijji matter. Graham said, "I think that in the period immediately after 9/11 the FBI was under instructions from the Bush White House not to discuss anything that could be embarrassing to the Saudis."
Saudi Arabia sends thousands of travelers into the United States each month, and more than 92 percent of Saudis who seek entry visas receive them, Asharq al-Awsatreported. In 2012, 20,677 student visas were granted to Saudi citizens.
The United States and Saudi Arabia do about $60 billion in business each year, most of which is Saudi oil exports.
The ambiguity of Saudi Ministry of Interior's role is of particular concern, especially when it comes to who qualifies as a "low-risk traveler." Although individuals with defined al-Qaida ties likely would not get a pass, worries arise particularly when it comes to those who support Hamas or Hizballah.
"I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them," Jim Phillips, senior research fellow for Middle Eastern affairs at the Heritage Foundation, said regarding the Saudi Interior Ministry.
Although the Saudi Interior Ministry has largely decimated al-Qaida's infrastructure in the kingdom since 2003 in the wake of a series of bombings and killings of Westerners in the kingdom, Phillips says the ministry's reliability as a partner remains an open question.
In an interview Tuesday, Graham reserved judgment on the program until more details are released on its implementation. He noted that the United States "went out of its way to placate the Saudis" after 9/11, arranging flights out of the country for Saudi nationals when all other air traffic was grounded, and waging "an effort to keep from public view the role of Saudis" in the 9/11 attacks.
Including Saudi travelers in Global Entry may be "a continuation" of an American policy of deference toward Saudi Arabia. "The question is what was the first step in approving a country to be involved in this? What are the requirements?" Graham asked. "This is not a theoretical. This really happened that 15 Saudis came into the country, I think all by aviation … It would seem there would be some red flags."
Wolf suggested that the House Homeland Security Committee should examine the terms of the agreement to learn how it happened and it will work.
"It's a slap in the face," Premoli said. "Whatever they ask for, they get. There's nothing they can't have."
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial, recently toured the White House and met with multiple officials. According to the group, Paul Monteiro, Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement, “cited ISNA as his primary means of outreach to the American Muslim community.”
The Obama administration’s close relationship with ISNA is about more than photo ops and press releases. It is about policy formulation. The input of ISNA is so treasured that the officials coached the organization on how to engage the White House.
The White House has released what it says is a map of Israel. The only problem is that Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights are missing.
An Obama administration video highlighting the president’s plans for his Mideast trip depicts Jerusalem, the Golan and the West Bank – also known as Judea and Samaria – as non-Israeli territory.
The Washington Free Beacon, which first reported the discrepancies, noted the video shows the Golan Heights as part of Syria; Jerusalem is depicted as part of the West Bank; and northern Israel is shown as part of Lebanon. WND reported in August 2012 when the White House refused to name the capital of Israel – not once, but twice – as the two most senior White House correspondents cornered Obama’s press secretary, doggedly questioning him on whether the Obama administration considered Jerusalem or Tel Aviv to be the capital of the Jewish state.
A Norwegian public television investigation that found taxpayer-funded developmental aid to the Palestinian Authority is being funneled to convicted terrorists in Israeli prisons has ignited controversy in Norway and could be the tipping point for the European Union’s reconsideration of aid, according to an activist group.
The PA is using foreign aid to pay salaries as high as $3,111 per month to imprisoned terrorists, according to the in-depth report by the NRK, a Norwegian public broadcasting station. The salaries reportedly start at around $400 per month and increase with length of prison time.
The PA has maintained the payments are actually “social welfare” for the families of terrorists, not rewards for murderers of Israeli citizens. But Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide acknowledged last week that the PA mischaracterized the payments.
“It is unfortunate that the incorrect information obtained from the Palestinian Authority was communicated to the Parliament,” said Eide. Members of the Norwegian parliament have called for a reconsideration of funding, and are investigating the issue.
Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli-based activist organization that helped uncover the payments, said the Norwegian government’s response to the controversy could influence policy for the entire E.U. Norway chairs the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee, which coordinates Palestinian developmental aid policy. Other participants include the E.U., the U.S., and the United Nations.
Read more from this story HERE.
No, not the Mufti al-Husseini of Jerusalem, but Obama. Close enough.
Why is Obama going to Israel? The Muslim Brotherhood advocate in the White House has refused to speak to the Knesset. He caved to Muslim threats and supremacist demands and is not going to the Temple Mount with an Israeli escort. And an Obama administration official has said that Obama will not bring any new Middle East peace plan with him, because he doesn’t think the Israelis are interested in peace. Not the “Palestinians” with their calls for blood and genocide, but the Israelis.
So what is he doing there? He is going on the offensive against Israel, and he is doing it from Israel. Expect the notorious leftist Israel press to applaud Obama’s land confiscation policy.
And Obama is not going over there empty-handed. He brings a cash infusion of 500 million smackers for the jihadists, aka the Palestinian Authority. No money for White House tours or military tuition – but half a billion for the terror statelet and billions and F16s to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Yet the more he prostrates himself before the Palestinian jihadists, the more contempt they have for him. I wonder how much this will cost the American taxpayers, not to mention Israeli blood and land … and 3G technology. No joke: Muslims in Bethlehem were burning pictures of Obama and protesting, among other things, the absence of 3G communications technology.
And the Times of Israel reported that Israeli Knesset member Nachman Shai “called on students to skip U.S. President Barack Obama’s planned speech to the Israeli public, scheduled for Thursday night, citing the White House’s exclusion of Ariel University from a program to allow students to attend the Jerusalem address.”
Read more from this story HERE.
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