NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
The Boy Scouts of America – one of the last truly great American institutions, which for 100 years has prepared tens of millions of boys for responsible manhood – is reportedly on the verge of changing its policy on homosexuals.
As NBC News first reported yesterday, BSA is talking about reversing, as early as next week, its decades-old policy of excluding homosexuals as adult leaders and scouts.
Considering that the United States Supreme Court has already sided with the Boy Scouts on this issue, and that a recent Gallup Poll shows most Americans side with the Scouts’ current policy, and that just six months ago BSA national spokesman Deron Smith affirmed the organization’s moral policy excluding homosexuals “is absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts,” this current development illustrates – if nothing else – the brutal effectiveness of the relentless intimidation and economic pressure brought to bear on the Boy Scouts by gay rights activists and cultural extremists.
Indeed, yesterday Smith did a complete 180 in disclosing in a press statement that BSA is now discussing ending the organization’s decades-long moral standard and, instead, deferring to the local chartering organizations to decide what their own membership standards will be – “consistent with each organization’s mission, principles, or religious beliefs.”
“The policy change under discussion,” Smith explained, “would allow the religious, civic, or educational organizations that oversee and deliver scouting to determine how to address this issue.” In other words, the BSA would abandon its prohibition on homosexuals and every local Boy Scout troop or Cub Scout pack could do whatever it wanted.
As one might expect, traditionally minded Americans are alarmed. They warn this change would spell the end of the Boy Scouts as they have always known it – a quintessentially American, moral and God-based private organization, as exemplified in the Scout Oath “to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins pinpointed the main reason for the BSA’s change of thinking – namely, the attacks on their funding sources by activist homosexuals. Said Perkins:
“The Boy Scouts of America board would be making a serious mistake to bow to the strong-arm tactics of LGBT activists and open the organization to homosexuality. What has changed in terms of the Boy Scouts’ concern for the well-being of the boys under their care? Or is this not about the well-being of the Scouts, but the funding for the organization?
“The Boy Scouts has for decades been a force for moral integrity and leadership in the United States. Sadly, their principled stances have marked them as a target for harassment by homosexual activists and corporations such as UPS which are working to pressure the Boy Scouts into abandoning their historic values.”
However, there is a second, largely unmentioned and potentially even more devastating reason that such a move on the part of the Boy Scouts’ national leadership would spell serious trouble for the organization, one that goes beyond the sad fact that many good people would walk away from the BSA for abandoning its principles.
Although under-reported in the press, the BSA, like the Catholic Church, has had a long struggle with predatory scout leaders embedding themselves in scout units and using the authority, familiarity and good will that goes with that position to sexually exploit boys and young men.
Two decades ago, journalist Patrick Boyle was the lead author of a comprehensive five-part Washington Times series on the large number of cases of predatory scout leaders. The series served as the basis for Boyle’s book, “Scout’s Honor: Sexual Abuse in America’s Most Trusted Institution.” Boyle wrote:
On an average of more than once a week for the past two decades, a Cub Scout, Boy Scout or Explorer has reported being sexually abused by a Scout leader.
An investigation by The Washington Times shows that at least 1,151 Scouts have reported being abused by their leaders over the past 19 years, making sex abuse more common in Scouting than accidental deaths and serious injuries combined.In that time, at least 416 men have been arrested or banned from Scouting for molesting the boys in their care – and experts say the real number of abusers and victims is probably several times higher.
Those are among the findings of an investigation that turned up abuse by Scout leaders in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
“I was naive to think the Boy Scouts was such a safe place,” said the mother of a Maryland boy abused by his Scoutmaster. “I thought the Boy Scouts was a sanctuary.”
In fact, the examination of sex abuse in Scouting reveals a long-standing paradox for the nation’s most revered youth group: For 80 years the Boy Scouts of America have given boys some of the best experiences of their lives, but for 80 years some men have used the Boy Scouts of America to have sexual relations with those boys.
“That’s been an issue since the Boy Scouts began,” said James Tarr, the nation’s chief Scout executive from 1979 through 1984.
In his reporting, Boyle does not implicate homosexuals as such, but refers to all of the predatory adult scouters as pedophiles or molesters.
Hold that thought while we fast-forward to today:
In 2010, the London Guardian newspaper reported that “America’s Scouting movement is fighting to keep secret thousands of ‘perversion files’ on suspected child molesters after it was ordered to pay record damages over the sexual abuse of a former Scout.” Describing a “growing scandal threatening to rival the crisis hitting the Roman Catholic church,” the UK paper reported that BSA “has been accused of covering up decades of child abuse” to protect the organization’s reputation.
It reported that an Oregon jury heard the case of former scout Kerry Lewis, “who was repeatedly assaulted by a former assistant scoutmaster, Timur Dykes, in the 1980s.” Dykes, the paper reported, “had admitted to a superior in the Scouts that he had abused boys, but was allowed to remain in the organization and is alleged to have sexually assaulted several other children who are also taking legal action.”
Get the picture? Just as in some Catholic dioceses, someone in authority with the Boy Scouts made the unwise and unprincipled decision to protect the organization rather than rat out the perpetrator and protect children.
There’s more:
The judge in the case overruled the Scouts’ attempts to keep the jury from seeing about 1,200 files kept by the organization on suspected pedophiles. Kelly Clark, Lewis’s lawyer, told the jury that while the files were often used to remove child abusers from the Scouting movement, many were allowed to remain in the organization. He said that the Scouts rarely alerted the police and when they did, the movement asked the authorities to avoid publicity. Clark told the jury that the Scouting leadership had been “reckless and outrageous” in failing to warn parents and boys about the problem.
The jury agreed and awarded Lewis $18.5 million, the largest-ever award to a single plaintiff in a U.S. child-abuse case, according to the Telegraph.
The files shown to the jury “were not made public and are just a small part of what is believed to be a cache of as many as 6,000 held at the Scouts’ headquarters in Texas, dating back to the 1920s,” the report added.
“We said they had 75 years of secret files about pedophiles, and that’s the way the evidence came in. I think that fact in itself was just staggering to the jury,” said Clark, Lewis’s lawyer. “They had a regular practice of placing guys on probation and then they would allow them to continue to be active in Scouting, not unlike some of what you saw in the Catholic church.”
Now the big question in all this, of course, is the following: With these sex-abuse cases within the Boy Scouting organization, just as those within the Catholic Church, are we dealing with actual “pedophiles” or with predatory homosexuals?
Virtually all defenders of the gay agenda will angrily denounce the mere suggestion that homosexuals could be victimizers here, or that the two groups could even overlap.
Yet while the London Telegraph and many others note the striking similarity between “pedophiles” in the Boy Scouts and “pedophile priests” in the Catholic Church, there is a disturbing if little-known reality to all this:
Contrary to the media myth that the Catholic Church’s problems are primarily with “pedophile priests” – terminology which safely absolves homosexuals from suspicion – the major portion of the church’s sexual-abuse problem has been the infiltration of its seminaries by homosexuals. In fact, widespread cases of predatory homosexual priests created a full-blown crisis for the church.
“The real problem the Catholic Church faces,” explains Father Donald B. Cozzens, author of “The Changing Face of the Priesthood,” is the “disproportionate number of gay men that populate our seminaries.”
Or as former California Congressman Bob Dornan put it, “the Catholic Church in this country has been penetrated by an aggressive homosexual network.”
And National Review senior writer Rod Dreher put it even more bluntly: “This is chiefly a scandal about unchaste or criminal homosexuals in the Catholic priesthood. … The overwhelming majority of priests who have molested minors are not pedophiles – that is … among the rare adults sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are, rather, “ephebophiles” – adults who are sexually attracted to post-pubescent youths, generally aged 12 to 17. And their victims have been almost exclusively boys.”
“Pedophilia” is, by definition, sexual contact with a pre-pubescent child. Most of the boys molested by “pedophile priests” have been pubescent teens. Likewise, in the scout world, although we can comfortably indulge the fantasy that there is a wide gulf between the land of homosexuals and the land of same-sex pedophiles, this does not comport with the known facts. (If you want, you can read Scientific American’s explanation here – but bottom line, many of these sex-abuse cases, whether in Scouts or in church, do not involve actual pedophiles.)
The Washington Times – which for its in-depth investigation reviewed “internal Scout records and tens of thousands of pages of court records from around the country, including confessions of molesters and testimony from children,” and also interviewed “molesters, families of victims, Scout leaders, sex abuse experts and lawyers” and analyzed the cases on a computer database – discovered the following:
Each year from 1971 through 1989, an average of at least 21 male Scout leaders and camp workers were banned from Scouting or arrested for sexual misconduct with Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers. The acts ranged from proposing sex acts and fondling boys in their sleep to performing oral sex and intercourse with the children.
Pause-button, please. Cub Scouting is for boys 7 to 10, the Boy Scouts is open to boys 11 to 18, and Explorers (which was replaced in 1998 by Venturing) is for 14-to-20-year-olds. The average age of puberty for males in the U.S. is 13.
Although it’s politically incorrect in the extreme, it has to be said: In the homosexual subculture, sexual attraction toward young teen boys is far more prevalent and prized than gay activists would like you to know.
Moreover, predators are known to go where the children are. And that means the Boy Scouts are arguably at even higher risk of sexual-abuse on a broad scale than the Catholic Church was and is. That is why BSA has instituted one of the best Youth Protection Training programs in the world, as a direct response to predators in their midst.
How ironic and unfortunate, then, that the Boy Scouts are now being so pressured that they are contemplating opening themselves up to lawsuits, to disgrace, and to huge jury awards and out-of-court settlements. After all, by changing their policy on homosexual leaders, the BSA would be adopting a more overt and inviting stance toward homosexual leaders than the Catholic Church ever did – essentially advertising for homosexual adult “scouters.”
If you do not think lawsuits, test cases, de facto recruitment and de facto affirmative action will not follow adoption of this policy, then you do not understand the political and moral left. If you think the vast gay rights lobby will finally leave the Scouts alone, once the policy reversal occurs (if it does), you do not understand the left.
Just as bed-and-breakfasts, photographers and many other business are routinely sued today by homosexual activists as a tactical means of advancing their position, the scouting organization will likewise fall prey to this long-term legal strategy if it betrays its own commitment to being “morally straight.”
America is in a time of great crisis on many fronts, and much that is good we are in danger of permanently losing. The Boy Scouts of America is one of the most important and loved and truly valuable organizations in American history. It is literally a sacred trust between one generation and the next. The Supreme Court is on their side. Public opinion is on their side. God is on their side.
Why on earth would they trade all this away by giving in to pressure from people who detest them and everything they stand for?
A little bit of America will die if the Boy Scouts organization gives in to the pressure and makes this decision. You might want to let them know how you feel. You can reach the Boy Scouts of America at 972-580-2000. Tell them how much you appreciate them – and tell them to stand strong.
The Boy Scouts of America – one of the last truly great American institutions, which for 100 years has prepared tens of millions of boys for responsible manhood – is reportedly on the verge of changing its policy on homosexuals.
As NBC News first reported yesterday, BSA is talking about reversing, as early as next week, its decades-old policy of excluding homosexuals as adult leaders and scouts.
Considering that the United States Supreme Court has already sided with the Boy Scouts on this issue, and that a recent Gallup Poll shows most Americans side with the Scouts’ current policy, and that just six months ago BSA national spokesman Deron Smith affirmed the organization’s moral policy excluding homosexuals “is absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts,” this current development illustrates – if nothing else – the brutal effectiveness of the relentless intimidation and economic pressure brought to bear on the Boy Scouts by gay rights activists and cultural extremists.
Indeed, yesterday Smith did a complete 180 in disclosing in a press statement that BSA is now discussing ending the organization’s decades-long moral standard and, instead, deferring to the local chartering organizations to decide what their own membership standards will be – “consistent with each organization’s mission, principles, or religious beliefs.”
“The policy change under discussion,” Smith explained, “would allow the religious, civic, or educational organizations that oversee and deliver scouting to determine how to address this issue.” In other words, the BSA would abandon its prohibition on homosexuals and every local Boy Scout troop or Cub Scout pack could do whatever it wanted.
As one might expect, traditionally minded Americans are alarmed. They warn this change would spell the end of the Boy Scouts as they have always known it – a quintessentially American, moral and God-based private organization, as exemplified in the Scout Oath “to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins pinpointed the main reason for the BSA’s change of thinking – namely, the attacks on their funding sources by activist homosexuals. Said Perkins:
“The Boy Scouts of America board would be making a serious mistake to bow to the strong-arm tactics of LGBT activists and open the organization to homosexuality. What has changed in terms of the Boy Scouts’ concern for the well-being of the boys under their care? Or is this not about the well-being of the Scouts, but the funding for the organization?
“The Boy Scouts has for decades been a force for moral integrity and leadership in the United States. Sadly, their principled stances have marked them as a target for harassment by homosexual activists and corporations such as UPS which are working to pressure the Boy Scouts into abandoning their historic values.”
However, there is a second, largely unmentioned and potentially even more devastating reason that such a move on the part of the Boy Scouts’ national leadership would spell serious trouble for the organization, one that goes beyond the sad fact that many good people would walk away from the BSA for abandoning its principles.
Although under-reported in the press, the BSA, like the Catholic Church, has had a long struggle with predatory scout leaders embedding themselves in scout units and using the authority, familiarity and good will that goes with that position to sexually exploit boys and young men.
Two decades ago, journalist Patrick Boyle was the lead author of a comprehensive five-part Washington Times series on the large number of cases of predatory scout leaders. The series served as the basis for Boyle’s book, “Scout’s Honor: Sexual Abuse in America’s Most Trusted Institution.” Boyle wrote:
On an average of more than once a week for the past two decades, a Cub Scout, Boy Scout or Explorer has reported being sexually abused by a Scout leader.
An investigation by The Washington Times shows that at least 1,151 Scouts have reported being abused by their leaders over the past 19 years, making sex abuse more common in Scouting than accidental deaths and serious injuries combined.In that time, at least 416 men have been arrested or banned from Scouting for molesting the boys in their care – and experts say the real number of abusers and victims is probably several times higher.
Those are among the findings of an investigation that turned up abuse by Scout leaders in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
“I was naive to think the Boy Scouts was such a safe place,” said the mother of a Maryland boy abused by his Scoutmaster. “I thought the Boy Scouts was a sanctuary.”
In fact, the examination of sex abuse in Scouting reveals a long-standing paradox for the nation’s most revered youth group: For 80 years the Boy Scouts of America have given boys some of the best experiences of their lives, but for 80 years some men have used the Boy Scouts of America to have sexual relations with those boys.
“That’s been an issue since the Boy Scouts began,” said James Tarr, the nation’s chief Scout executive from 1979 through 1984.
In his reporting, Boyle does not implicate homosexuals as such, but refers to all of the predatory adult scouters as pedophiles or molesters.
Hold that thought while we fast-forward to today:
In 2010, the London Guardian newspaper reported that “America’s Scouting movement is fighting to keep secret thousands of ‘perversion files’ on suspected child molesters after it was ordered to pay record damages over the sexual abuse of a former Scout.” Describing a “growing scandal threatening to rival the crisis hitting the Roman Catholic church,” the UK paper reported that BSA “has been accused of covering up decades of child abuse” to protect the organization’s reputation.
It reported that an Oregon jury heard the case of former scout Kerry Lewis, “who was repeatedly assaulted by a former assistant scoutmaster, Timur Dykes, in the 1980s.” Dykes, the paper reported, “had admitted to a superior in the Scouts that he had abused boys, but was allowed to remain in the organization and is alleged to have sexually assaulted several other children who are also taking legal action.”
Get the picture? Just as in some Catholic dioceses, someone in authority with the Boy Scouts made the unwise and unprincipled decision to protect the organization rather than rat out the perpetrator and protect children.
There’s more:
The judge in the case overruled the Scouts’ attempts to keep the jury from seeing about 1,200 files kept by the organization on suspected pedophiles. Kelly Clark, Lewis’s lawyer, told the jury that while the files were often used to remove child abusers from the Scouting movement, many were allowed to remain in the organization. He said that the Scouts rarely alerted the police and when they did, the movement asked the authorities to avoid publicity. Clark told the jury that the Scouting leadership had been “reckless and outrageous” in failing to warn parents and boys about the problem.
The jury agreed and awarded Lewis $18.5 million, the largest-ever award to a single plaintiff in a U.S. child-abuse case, according to the Telegraph.
The files shown to the jury “were not made public and are just a small part of what is believed to be a cache of as many as 6,000 held at the Scouts’ headquarters in Texas, dating back to the 1920s,” the report added.
“We said they had 75 years of secret files about pedophiles, and that’s the way the evidence came in. I think that fact in itself was just staggering to the jury,” said Clark, Lewis’s lawyer. “They had a regular practice of placing guys on probation and then they would allow them to continue to be active in Scouting, not unlike some of what you saw in the Catholic church.”
Now the big question in all this, of course, is the following: With these sex-abuse cases within the Boy Scouting organization, just as those within the Catholic Church, are we dealing with actual “pedophiles” or with predatory homosexuals?
Virtually all defenders of the gay agenda will angrily denounce the mere suggestion that homosexuals could be victimizers here, or that the two groups could even overlap.
Yet while the London Telegraph and many others note the striking similarity between “pedophiles” in the Boy Scouts and “pedophile priests” in the Catholic Church, there is a disturbing if little-known reality to all this:
Contrary to the media myth that the Catholic Church’s problems are primarily with “pedophile priests” – terminology which safely absolves homosexuals from suspicion – the major portion of the church’s sexual-abuse problem has been the infiltration of its seminaries by homosexuals. In fact, widespread cases of predatory homosexual priests created a full-blown crisis for the church.
“The real problem the Catholic Church faces,” explains Father Donald B. Cozzens, author of “The Changing Face of the Priesthood,” is the “disproportionate number of gay men that populate our seminaries.”
Or as former California Congressman Bob Dornan put it, “the Catholic Church in this country has been penetrated by an aggressive homosexual network.”
And National Review senior writer Rod Dreher put it even more bluntly: “This is chiefly a scandal about unchaste or criminal homosexuals in the Catholic priesthood. … The overwhelming majority of priests who have molested minors are not pedophiles – that is … among the rare adults sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. They are, rather, “ephebophiles” – adults who are sexually attracted to post-pubescent youths, generally aged 12 to 17. And their victims have been almost exclusively boys.”
“Pedophilia” is, by definition, sexual contact with a pre-pubescent child. Most of the boys molested by “pedophile priests” have been pubescent teens. Likewise, in the scout world, although we can comfortably indulge the fantasy that there is a wide gulf between the land of homosexuals and the land of same-sex pedophiles, this does not comport with the known facts. (If you want, you can read Scientific American’s explanation here – but bottom line, many of these sex-abuse cases, whether in Scouts or in church, do not involve actual pedophiles.)
The Washington Times – which for its in-depth investigation reviewed “internal Scout records and tens of thousands of pages of court records from around the country, including confessions of molesters and testimony from children,” and also interviewed “molesters, families of victims, Scout leaders, sex abuse experts and lawyers” and analyzed the cases on a computer database – discovered the following:
Each year from 1971 through 1989, an average of at least 21 male Scout leaders and camp workers were banned from Scouting or arrested for sexual misconduct with Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers. The acts ranged from proposing sex acts and fondling boys in their sleep to performing oral sex and intercourse with the children.
Pause-button, please. Cub Scouting is for boys 7 to 10, the Boy Scouts is open to boys 11 to 18, and Explorers (which was replaced in 1998 by Venturing) is for 14-to-20-year-olds. The average age of puberty for males in the U.S. is 13.
Although it’s politically incorrect in the extreme, it has to be said: In the homosexual subculture, sexual attraction toward young teen boys is far more prevalent and prized than gay activists would like you to know.
Moreover, predators are known to go where the children are. And that means the Boy Scouts are arguably at even higher risk of sexual-abuse on a broad scale than the Catholic Church was and is. That is why BSA has instituted one of the best Youth Protection Training programs in the world, as a direct response to predators in their midst.
How ironic and unfortunate, then, that the Boy Scouts are now being so pressured that they are contemplating opening themselves up to lawsuits, to disgrace, and to huge jury awards and out-of-court settlements. After all, by changing their policy on homosexual leaders, the BSA would be adopting a more overt and inviting stance toward homosexual leaders than the Catholic Church ever did – essentially advertising for homosexual adult “scouters.”
If you do not think lawsuits, test cases, de facto recruitment and de facto affirmative action will not follow adoption of this policy, then you do not understand the political and moral left. If you think the vast gay rights lobby will finally leave the Scouts alone, once the policy reversal occurs (if it does), you do not understand the left.
Just as bed-and-breakfasts, photographers and many other business are routinely sued today by homosexual activists as a tactical means of advancing their position, the scouting organization will likewise fall prey to this long-term legal strategy if it betrays its own commitment to being “morally straight.”
America is in a time of great crisis on many fronts, and much that is good we are in danger of permanently losing. The Boy Scouts of America is one of the most important and loved and truly valuable organizations in American history. It is literally a sacred trust between one generation and the next. The Supreme Court is on their side. Public opinion is on their side. God is on their side.
Why on earth would they trade all this away by giving in to pressure from people who detest them and everything they stand for?
A little bit of America will die if the Boy Scouts organization gives in to the pressure and makes this decision. You might want to let them know how you feel. You can reach the Boy Scouts of America at 972-580-2000. Tell them how much you appreciate them – and tell them to stand strong.
He’s a fourth-generation Boy Scout leader, recipient of an award for distinguished leadership and a member of the Southern Region committee as well as an ad hoc member of the national committee.
But if the Boy Scouts of America’s national executive board follows through this week with a proposal to reverse a century-old policy and allow homosexuals in its ranks, Steve Elwart of Vicksburg, Miss., says he’s one of many Scout leaders throughout the leadership structure who will resign.
Elwart, a 30-year veteran of Scouting, explained to WND that with a model program already in place to protect Scouts from sexual abuse, his concern is not that pedophiles will infiltrate the organization if the policy is changed.
Calling that issue a “red herring,” his concern is more fundamental.
“Homosexuality is not a value I want to see imparted on my children,” he said. “And a lot of parents feel the same way, that homosexuality is not OK.”
Along with his regional committee position, Elwart said he will also resign as assistant scoutmaster of Troop 638 in Vicksburg, where he has served since 1987. He also is a former scoutmaster for the troop.
Elwart, a frequent contributor to WND, explained he will resign if the new policy is passed, because by remaining, he would be “giving tacit agreement to the policy.”
The executive board is meeting Monday through Wednesday in Irving, Texas, the headquarters of the national organization.
Noting the culturally conservative rank-and-file membership of the Scouts, Elwart believes the executive board is poised to change the policy because of the loss of major corporate donors, who were pressured by homosexual-rights groups.
In contrast, he cited Boy Scouts founder Sir Robert Baden Powell’s philosophy of not asking for money, explaining he had an idea, and “money followed the idea.”
The Boy Scouts of America, a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, was founded in 1910.
“I’m afraid that if the BSA goes down this road, they may preserve some big money, but they will lose not only small contributors but the efforts of thousands of volunteers that do not want to be part of this,” Elwart said.
“They’ll end up with a lot of money but no program.”
As WND reported, the BSA’s new policy proposal coincides with a sudden drop in major corporate funding that began last summer after a gay-rights blogger for the Huffington Post published a collaborative report that named the donors and chastised them for violating their own policy of not discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation.
The Scouts count more than 2.7 million members and more than 1 million volunteers. The Scout troops, which are hosted by churches and other organizations, are organized into districts, based on geographic boundaries, which in turn are grouped into councils. The councils form 26 areas nationwide, which are further grouped into four regions. The BSA national council sets policy, offers national awards and organizes national jamborees.
Elwart said, based on his extensive communication in the past week with Scout leaders nationwide, the BSA national council’s proposal has created a firestorm
“Overwhelmingly, they do not like the change,” Elwart said of his colleagues. “A majority of them are considering retiring.”
He affirmed that his sample includes both volunteers and paid professionals from local unit leaders to leaders at the district, council and regional levels across the country.
‘Meeting the needs of families’
Last week, the national council in Irving announced it was considering allowing the local, chartered organizations that oversee Scouting to establish their own membership policy
Speaking for the National Council, Director of Public Relations Deron Smith explained that BSA members and parents “would be able to choose a local unit which best meets the needs of their families.”
But last July, an 11-member committee of professional scout executives and adult volunteers unanimously concluded after a two-year study that the policy of barring homosexuals should be maintained. The executive committee of the BSA national executive board then an... that while not all board members “may personally agree with this policy, and may choose a different direction for their own organizations, BSA leadership agrees this is the best policy for the organization and supports it for the BSA.”
Elwart thinks the proposed policy’s stipulation that each local unit can decide for themselves whether or not they want to receive homosexuals is not feasible.
“They’re trying to parse their words now,” he said.
The policy runs into trouble, Elwart argued, when local units come together for events such as summer camps and jamborees.
“For parents, even if their unit does not want homosexual Scouts in leadership or in the unit, they would have to isolate themselves from the rest of the Scouting program,” he said.
One practical issue, he said, would be the fact that Scout rules allow married leaders to share a tent on outings.
“Would we now let homosexual members share a tent?” he asked.
“I don’t want my grandkids exposed to that.”
Losing focus
Elwart and his wife are both recipients of the Silver Beaver award, the highest Scouting honor given by councils. In the Southern Region, Elwart once served as area training chairman, which encompasses youth protection.
He noted other organizations have tried to model the Scouts youth protection program, which teaches leaders the policies, guidelines and methods of protecting Scouts from sexual abuse.
Elwart pointed out the proposed policy also was voted down last June at the annual BSA national meeting, which included the members of the national and regional committees along with council and district leaders.
These are the rank-and-file leaders, he explained, in contrast to the national board that will decide the issue this week.
He describes the national board as “a completely different slice of Scouting, and from my personal experience, more politically correct.”
These are “good, well-meaning people,” Elwart said, “but they get so focused on the big picture items, like these major donors, that they forget the boy in the tent.”
Dear Gordon, The phones are ringing off the wall. If you've tried to get through to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), you know it's been tough. If you've wanted to express your concern about the BSA abandoning their longstanding policy of safeguarding Scouts by restricting openly homosexual Scout leaders from holding leadership positions, you may have been greeted by an endlessly ringing phone. This may be one instance in which the Boy Scouts were not prepared. The BSA national leadership were not prepared for the thousands of Americans who were shocked to hear that an organization that could always be counted on for standing for what's right was about to cave-in to homosexual activists and corporations which have been threatening the organization's funding. For generations, the BSA has shaped our nation's moral character by teaching young men to do their duty to God and country. This is why, when the BSA board begins its annual meeting on Monday of next week, it is so important that you keep the pressure on, to show them how devastating this moral collapse will be for the Scouts and the country. Please call the members of the BSA Board of Directors (sample call script below) and kindly urge them to stand strong and true to their timeless values: Select BSA Board Members:
Sample Phone Script:
Together, we can make a difference in turning the tide and keeping an honorable organization on an honorable path. Sincerely, P.S. Please forward this alert to friends, family and fellow church memb... |
Family Research Council: 801 G Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 |
The Boy Scouts of America is about to be torn apart.
In one respect, it doesn’t matter what BSA’s board members decide when they meet next week – to change their long-standing policy excluding avowed homosexuals, or not to change their policy. Either way, the Boy Scouts of America will not emerge unscathed. It will be bloodied. It will be hurt. The only question is: When the dust settles, which side will the 100-year-old organization be on?
Consider the two alternatives.
If those currently entrusted to lead the world’s greatest youth organization abandon their decades-old policy – the one that just six months ago they strongly and publicly proclaimed was “absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts” – and invite into the organization open homosexuals, not just as Scouts but as adult leaders and role models, all hell will break loose. Large numbers of Scouts, Scout families and potential Scouts will, with great disappointment and sadness, walk away from the Boy Scouts forever.
Moreover, most Boy Scout units – around 70 percent – are sponsored by churches and faith-based organization like the Southern Baptist Convention. Fred Luter, the SBC’s current president, put it this way to the Baptist Press:
“If that is what the leadership is doing, then I think it will be a sad day in the life of the Boy Scouts of America. … To now see this organization that I thought stood on biblical principles about to give in to the politically correct thing is very disappointing.”
The bottom line, says Luter, whose Baptist organization represents 16 million members and more than 45,000 churches, is that the Boy Scouts will “lose a whole lot of our support.” In fact, he says, Southern Baptist churches will have no choice but to cease supporting the Boy Scouts of America.
“A lot of them will just pull out,” he said starkly. “This is just something we don’t believe in. It’s unfortunate the Boy Scouts are making this decision.”
Interestingly, a “very disappointed” Frank S. Page, president of the SBC’s Executive Committee, told the paper what happened when he met with top Boy Scout execs recently: “[Boy Scouts Chief Scout Executive] Wayne Brock visited with me last week, signaling the possibility they would consider this proposal at their February board meeting. He specifically asked the Southern Baptist Convention not to oppose this move. Of course, I refused to make this concession.”
So, the Scouts clearly face an exodus of traditionally minded Americans who don’t want homosexuals taking their children camping (not to mention dozens of other vexing scenarios that will occur upon the abandonment of the Scouts’ policy).
But now consider what happens if the Boy Scouts maintain their homosexual-exclusion policy.
They will lose the support of corporate sponsors who have been intimidated and shaken down by gay activists. Many people in today’s morally confused America will be offended and turned off. The powerful and seemingly ubiquitous gay rights establishment will go into overdrive vilifying the Scouts as bigots and homophobes, as they have long done. And the mainstream media, in which (in case you didn’t know) gays are very heavily represented, will brutalize the Boy Scouts.
There’s no way out. The battle is now engaged. Next week at their board meeting, the Scout brass will either maintain their policy or abandon it.
Right now, multitudes of current and former Scouts, adult Scouters and their families and friends are contacting the Boy Scout executives and board members and telling them, in so many words, to man up. For over 100 years, BSA has taught boys how to be men. Now, those in top executive roles are being told this is their chance to exemplify genuine manhood. Not by demonstrating knot-tying or rappelling or first aid. But by being real men – who do the right thing on the battlefield of life, even if it costs them dearly.
Because the truth is, it is going to hurt – a lot – either way. But then, this is the fate of all noble people, organizations and causes in today’s America. We are at war, friends. Not a shooting war, but one of conflicting worldviews, which ultimately boils down to the battle between fidelity to God’s laws versus the prideful rebellion against His laws.
You Scout executives: When the battle is over and your wounds are being tended to, will you be able to hold your heads up high? Will you stand up for the oath tens of millions of Scouts have sworn over the last 100 years, to be “physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight”? Or will you side with activists who detest you, who couldn’t care less about whether the organization you head continues to exist or not, who have been suing you for years, and for whom conquering the Boy Scouts is just another notch in their belt?
Since you will lose support, you will lose funding and you will lose the love of many no matter what you do – why not do the right thing?
Remember, in the film “Braveheart,” the hero, Scottish patriot-warrior William Wallace didn’t want war. He wanted to get married, have a family, raise some crops, enjoy life and mind his own business. But evil has a way of not wanting to let us do that, and sometimes we get drawn into battle whether we want it or not.
Yet, it is in this very conflict that we are tested and proven. Without the battle, no courage or character are developed, no true manhood attained, no victory achieved. William Wallace fought the good fight, the fight he didn’t choose, but which chose him.
The Scouts didn’t choose this fight, but it is upon them. Look up, you executives and board members, you keepers of a century-old sacred trust. For you personally, and for the Boy Scouts of America, this could be your finest hour.
By John Kirkwood / 31 January 2013
“Let’s face it; the only upgrade that would come out of letting homosexuals invade the Scouts is that those dreadful uniforms would get a makeover.” – the Parson
A source that will remain anonymous has informed me that there are six corporations threatening to withdraw financial support to the Boy Scouts of America unless the BSA reconsiders their stand banning open homosexual scouts and scoutmasters. Randall Stephenson of AT&T and James Turley of Ernst & Young, corporate CEO’S who sit on the board of the BSA, have vigorously pushed the organization to ditch their traditional moral stance for a position that has been advanced by radical homosexuals for decades. What is the new normal? – opening Pandora’s closet on unsuspecting young boys!
Let me break it down for you: a boy scout, at the back of the playground is being jostled between Big PC and the gay mafia and unless he shows them his private parts they’ll beat him up and take his lunch money. So what is a Boy Scout to do? Would you believe, take a poll?
That’s right, the Boy Scouts of America – a group that offers fealty to God and Country, that swears an oath to be mentally awake, and morally straight, that lives by a law to be brave, clean, and reverent, and that promises to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices, is asking the general public if they should succumb to the conditions that led to the Catholic priest scandal.
That’s the Boy Scouts – New American Revised Version. With impressionable minds watching, the BSA orders a focus group on whether they should abandon morality and are now poised to make Stephenson the next national chairman of the Boy Scouts; (I guess Jerry Sandusky was unavailable).
So embrace queer lie for the straight guy or get kicked to the curb. Well, when a person of moral consequence is faced with the choice to dispense with morality or suffer the consequences; he gladly, willingly suffers the consequences and gives glory to God in the doing. That’s heroic integrity; something that we might want to pass along to our kids.
Maybe the bigger lesson is to explain to little Johnny why we’re meeting in a basement now and not the public school. The catacomb-Christians of the first century were the saints who turned the world upside down and they didn’t compromise principal to get a corner of Diana’s temple or a portion of her proceeds.
Hey here’s an idea; would that there be someone on the BSA’s board of directors who still has a moral compass; maybe he or she could stand on their hind legs, call out these two scoundrels and ask for their immediate removal; then publicly call out the six companies who have the Boy Scouts in a headlock. Tell them to have a “come to Jesus” moment on their boards as well or the BSA will do what Rush Limbaugh and his fans have done to SLEEP TRAIN Mattress Centers.
Then invite four or six or ten good companies to replace these purveyors of perversion. Hey, Interstate Battery, Chick-fil-a, Hobby Lobby – where’s the love? If we don’t hang together now, we’ll all hang separately, because Pink Rage won’t stop until we’re all paying protection money and kissing the ring. Maybe the invertebrates on the current BSA board can vow to meet in basements and backyards and go without corporate sponsors if it actually means retaining their heritage and their integrity.
I know there are folks out there blaming this one on the radical homosexuals, but I think they’re mistaken. Darkness does what darkness is but this one is all on the BSA. It was the BSA that raised the white flag here. It was the BSA’s own spokesperson who floated this idea in a statement released last week.
To those in the know this can only mean one thing; it’s been decided already and they’re trying to gauge the fallout. Politicians do this all the time and that’s just one of the problems with today’s BSA – they have forsaken principal for the whoredom of the modern boardroom. They’re shoveling the B.S. into the BSA. A once proud group that fought degeneracy to the halls of the Supreme Court and won is now ready to lie down, beg for forgiveness, and allow our children to be subjected to “The Sisters” from Shawshank Redemption.
The Boy Scouts of America have done a systematic analysis and determined that Baptists, Catholics, and Mormons are not as important as AT&T and Ernst & Young; that parents and children are not as important as Dan Savage, Chai Feldblum and Kevin Jennings.
Question: did you have to call Chick-fil-a and ask them to choose morality? Did you have to call Hobby Lobby and plead with them to stay strong or did you just call them to say thank you? Do you think Chick-fil-a or Hobby Lobby have men on their boards that they know are actively working against their basic interests, and they are fine with it?
From Rahm Emanuel’s strategy to destroy the 2nd Amendment by choking off gun manufacturer’s bank loans to the two urchins on the BSA board organizing to draw the purse strings closed on the Boy Scouts; the devil’s playbook is ever the same. This is Jesse Jackson extortion – Rainbow Coalition 101; this is a cold, hard, Chicago shakedown – the only difference is that God, country, a great youth organization and OUR CHILDREN stand in the balance.
How did it come to this? We’re here because we allowed a sore to fester. We didn’t treat it when we first noticed it. We humored Jesse Jackson, we hired Bill Ayers, we promoted Colin Powell, and we winked and nodded at ACORN, PLANNED PARENTHOOD and GLAAD. We tolerated Gay Pride and now we celebrate it. We celebrate it and now it asks us, it commands us to bow and pass under the yoke. And now we decide that it’s time to pray and make phone calls?
How would you feel about a girlfriend who let it be known that she’s thinking about being unfaithful to you over Spring Break? Would it make you feel any better about her if she based her decision on a poll, or would you be ready to kick her to the curb, pull your investment and look elsewhere? As for me and my house, the BSA is dead to me for even considering this. Let the devil have his spoils.
But, if it fulfills your desire to kvetch and moan, go right ahead; call and pray and pray and call, all while Herod is taking his poll. If your effort prevents even one scout from being Sandusky’d behind a pup tent at the next Jamboree, it’ll all have been worth it.
Image: “Weapons For Liberty. USA Bonds. Third Liberty Loan Campaign. Boy Scouts of America. Be Prepared.”; current location: National Archives and Records Administration, College Park
HOT PETITION! Defend DOMA & Constitutional Amendment defining Marriage between One Man, One Woman. Select, sign, WE WILL FAX your petition to 435 Congressmen & 100 Senators. We delivered 103,000 fax petitions. Can you help reach 150,000? Boy Scouts may invite homose xual troop leaders? Take action... There are rumblings from the Boy Scout community, that public pressure may force them to welcome openly homose xual "leaders" to lead their troops. I have several concerns: 1. Boy Scouts would violate their religious mission and pledge of duty to God. 2. Boys would become targets of homose xual recruiting of boys on camping trips. 3. Pedophiles have been kicked out, now they shall be welcomed. 4. Religious groups will flee in mass exodus, starting with Southern Baptists. 5. Children will be violated, and Scouting will be destroyed. Please call the Boy Scouts of America at 972-580-2000 and tell them to stand firm in their moral values, respect the right of parents to discuss these sexual topics with their children, and stop homose xuals from taking over the Boy Scouts! Then let's remind Congress they must defend traditional marriage. Sign our petition... Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Victory! House votes to defend Traditional Marriage in Court We have another victory to report. After YOU helped fax over 100,000 petitions to Congress in 2012, the new Congress just voted to FUND the legal defense of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in court. In a 228-196 vote, almost all Republicans voted to do what President Obama refuses to do, enforce the law defining marriage as one man plus one woman. The homose xual newspaper Washington Blade complained: "Republicans will take the extraordinary measure of including an authorization of their efforts to defend DOMA in the Rules of the House of Representatives and by doing so, continue to spend taxpayer funds, already adding up to $1.7 million, in their attempts to defend this [ ... ] law in federal courts and the Supreme Court.” The move is exactly what we asked Congress for, and just in time as two traditional marriage cases will soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. (Details below.) Let's take a stand for traditional marriage = one man + one woman, this time by petitioning all 100 Senators to follow the example of the House... Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Forget SCOTUS. Congress "evolving" on homose xual "marriage." Take action. While I am encouraged the conservative-leaning Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has taken up two homose xual 'marriage' cases for 2013 (California Prop 8 and federal 'marriage' DOMA benefits cases), I am alarmed that two news stories here and here suggest the U.S. Congress is "evolving" to the left and may soon vote on whether to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). If President Obama can strong-arm Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on the fiscal-cliff talks, how soon before Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) forces a vote, or adds a poison-pill amendment to homose xualize marriage? ABC News reports: "Back then, about 31 percent of the country supported same-sex marriage, and not one state allowed it. Today, 51 percent of Americans support it, and it's legal in nine states and the District of Columbia." Strangely both liberals and conservatives agree, if the SCOTUS uphold DOMA, then the only way to repeal DOMA will be through an Act of Congress, which Obama seeks. ABC reports before Obama endorsed gay 'marriage,' "he had directed his Justice Department to stop defending DOMA in court, believing that the issue belonged to the states. As such, House Republican leaders tapped lawyer Paul Clement to defend the law. "Edward Whelan, president of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, is careful to separate the legal debate regarding DOMA from the change in public opinion. "The constitutional status of DOMA shouldn't be affected at all by any change in public opinion on same-sex marriage," the DOMA supporter says. "Supporters of same-sex marriage are free to try to revise DOMA legislatively." [This from a conservative.] [Dr. Chaps comment: Revise DOMA legislatively? Don't think they won't try. We MUST continue to petition Congress, 1) to defend DOMA in court, and 2) to defeat repeal efforts.] Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Chaplain quotes Jesus, gets 3 death threats from angry homose xuals Friends, I need your prayers and support this week. Three times this week I received death threats from angry homosexuals saying "You're going to hang, Nazi!" and "You're going to burn in hell, you disgusting, fake Christian, Nazi. You know nothing about Jesus. You're a disgusting parasitic Nazi. You're going to burn in hell." I have posted a recording of one angry lady here. The violent woman did not leave her name or phone number, so I can't yet trace the calls, which occur daily at 2 or 3pm for three days in a row. This isn't the first time either. I usually ignore anonymous emails, but I get dozens of such threats every year. What did I do to deserve such "love" and "tolerance" from their community? As a Chaplain, I quoted Jesus Christ and the Bible (Matthew 7 and Romans 1) in a TV interview that is now going viral in over 40 pro-homose xual blogs, listed here, including The Advocate. My video interview with David Pakman is posted on YouTube and has gone viral with 5,000 hits in the first 24 hours. Standing up for Jesus and traditional marriage can cause suffering. Who will stand with me? If you're able to please donate to our non-profit ministry this week, (from which I've never taken a penny of salary since I founded this in 1999), please donate here. Then please sign our petition to Congress again, for traditional marriage: Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Chaplain's hot TV interview makes waves in homose xual world (video) Friends, remember that the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act is under fire in the U.S. Senate, where Diane Feinstein (D-CA) has 32 co-sponsors to force homose xual "marriage" upon all 50 states. Like he did with the "hate crimes" bill, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) knows how to attach such repeal to the Pentagon Budget, to hijack our troops pay, unless the House concedes to re-define marriage nationwide. Today I gave one controversial news interview on the David Pakman TV show, that is already making waves in the homose xual world, with 3 major bloggers attacking me, here, here, and here. Today I already received a threatening phone-call from a homosexual who wants me to "burn in hell" because I quoted the Bible. What did I say that caused such a stir? I simply quoted the Bible twice, from Matthew 7 and Romans 1. Please take a moment to watch my interview fully, here. (Or click the image -->) Then I wonder if you would take a moment (again) to sign our instant fax-petition to all 100 Senators and all 435 Congressmen, to protect and defend the 1996 DOMA law that defines marriage as only valid between one man and one woman. Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Breaking: Appeals Court: "Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional." Take action! As if our founding fathers wrote sod omy protections into the Constitution, the liberal 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to force homose xual 'marriage' benefits upon the federal government, perhaps in all 50 states, striking down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Reuters reports: "A U.S. appeals court in New York on Thursday ruled that a U.S. law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to lawfully married same-sex couples. "The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is now the second federal appeals court to reject part of the Defense of Marriage Act. It upheld a lower court ruling that had found a central part of the law unconstitutional. "Appeals in several cases are currently pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, which could choose to take up the issue in its current term. "Two members of a three-judge panel ruled in favor of Edith Windsor, an 83-year-old [lesbian] who argued that the law discriminates against gay couples in violation of the U.S. Constitution. "They found that gays and lesbians are entitled to heightened protection from the courts, based on the history of discrimination the group has suffered. "Homosexuals are not in a position to adequately protect themselves from the discriminatory wishes of the majoritarian public," Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote for the majority. [Dr. Chaps' comment: Now lesbians get homose xual "bonus pay" from YOUR taxes. Who thinks President Obama or AG Eric Holder will help appeal this to the Supreme Court? THEY WON'T. That's why we MUST petition Congress to defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, and appeal NOW to the Supreme Court.] Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Obama forces homose xual "marriage" at Supreme Court It wasn't enough that President Obama's campaign web-site replaced the 9/11 memorial with a "gay flag" and fundraising appeals to homosexuals, but more importantly... Now Obama's Department of Injustice and Attorney General Eric Holder have violated federal law by appealing two more homose xual "marriage" cases to the Supreme Court. (That makes 4 total.) Reuters reports: "The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to consider two additional legal challenges to a federal law that defines marriage as between a man and a woman, after submitting similar cases for review in July." "The two petitions filed by the department urge the high court to consider at least one gay marriage case in the near future to determine whether Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act violates legally married same-sex couples' rights by treating them differently than heterosexual couples." In other words, Obama wants YOUR tax-payer dollars redistributed as "sod omite bonus pay" for unmarried couples who violate the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. And DOJ spends your tax dollars sending federal lawyers to defend this? We must continue to petition Congress to defend traditional marriage. Let's fax all 435. Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Court enforces Homose xual Bonus Pay & "Marriage" upon 4 States and the USA The First Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to enforce homose xual 'marriage' upon the federal government and four states, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampsire, Rhode Island, (and Puerto Rico). Read ruling here. In a 3-0 ground breaking decision, WSJ reports (with a nice summary and select quotes from the bad ruling): "Judge Michael Boudin, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush, authored the unanimous decision. He was joined by Judge Sandra Lynch,a Clinton appointee, and Chief Judge Juan Torruella, a Reagan appointee." The judges struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional under the 10th and 14th Amendments. "Congress’ denial of federal benefits to same-sex couples lawfully married in Massachusetts has not been adequately supported by any permissible federal interest," they wrote (as if the founding fathers wanted homose xual federal benefits?) Sadly, neither the 10th Amendment nor the 14th Amendment authorize "homose xual bonus pay" with your federal tax dollars as this court imagines. The 10th Amendment protects states rights, but would never enforce a non-existent Massachusetts case-law (written by left-wing judges and enforced by then Governor Mitt Romney) upon a federal agency such as the U.S. Post Office. The 14th Amendment protects equality based upon race, but never promotes voluntary choice of immoral sexual preference. Judicial activism has run overboard. It's time for Congress to pass a Constitutional Amendment that defines marriage as only valid between one man and one woman, as Jesus defined marriage in Matthew 19. Please help me petition Congress today... Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) DEMOCRATS IN U.S. SENATE INTRODUCE BILL TO REPEAL 1996 DOMA LAW While the national media covers only the debt crisis, Democrats in the Senate are attacking traditional marriage between one man and one woman, by attempting to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Not satisfied with homosexualizing the military, or forcing gay "marriage" in states like New York, radical homosexuals testified on Capitol Hill today demanding homosexual "bonus pay" with more than 1,100 federal benefits that reward their acts of sod omy in all 50 states, taxing heterosexuals more to pay homosexuals to engage in immorality. On Tuesday Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced, and President Obama quickly endorsed a new bill S.598 to promote homosexual marriage, mislabeled the "Respect for Marriage Act" (RFMA) to end federal law that defines traditional marriage between one man and one woman. White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday "President Obama is proud to support the Respect for Marriage Act," which disrespects traditional marriage by enforcing homosexual marriage upon all 50 states. His views are no longer "evolving" rather Obama is now fully out of the closet promoting gay marriage nationwide. At last week's hearings 5 pro-homosexual witnesses and just 3 conservatives argued for and against repealing DOMA, and passing RFMA, including 2 high-profile gay activists, Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, and Evan Wolfson, founder and executive director of Freedom to Marry. Joining them will be Susan Murray, an activist attorney from Vermont, and complainers Ron Wallen of California and Andrew Sorbo of Connecticut, both of whom were denied homosexual bonus pay, and bonus Social Security checks (funded by heterosexual tax-payers) when their homosexual "marriage" partners died. Testifying in favor of keeping DOMA intact were pro-marriage heroes Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Austin Nimocks, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, and Tom Minnery, senior vice president of government and public policy for Focus on the Family. 44 States have passed laws like DOMA defining marriage between one man and one woman, but if RFMA is passed and the federal DOMA law repealed, all 44 state laws could be in danger of being overturned in court. Just imagine Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, etc. being forced to issue homosexual "marriage" licenses, or forced to recognize and pay your tax benefits to homosexuals "married" in New York. Let's take a stand, by petitioning all 100 Senators to defend DOMA, and reject RFMA. Please select here to SIGN URGENT PETITION to PASS THE FEDERAL MARRIAGE AMENDMENT defining marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Vote against S.598 that would repeal DOMA, and protect DOMA in court, and we will auto-fax your petition to all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen (saving you much time!) Friends, our nation will soon endorse homosexual "marriage" in all 50 states, if your Senator doesn't take a stand to defend DOMA, since Obama won't. Let's take a stand today, and demand Senators defend the 1996 DOMA law in court.
P.S. Time is urgent! Court cases in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and elsewhere are already failing because Obama and AG Holder refuse to defend the law. Please sign our petition today! Prefer to donate by mail? Please mail paper check or money orders to: The Pray In Jesus Name Project, PO Box 77077, Colorado Springs, CO 80970. |
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