Nullify Now comes to Jacksonville, FL
Want to stop unconstitutional “laws,” regulations...and mandates? Join us at Nullify Now! Jacksonville on October 22nd. Learn how your state CAN and MUST stop DC.
GOOD NEWS! Last week the Washington Times reported on the growing rebellion in state legislatures - “17 states have enacted laws rejecting parts of the Affordable Care Act.” They told us that this “could be hazardous to health care overhaul.”
They’re right. When enough states stand up and say NO, we the people can win.
Going to the federal government to fix problems created by the federal government is a failed policy. People are waking up to the fact that they not only CAN stop DC by rejecting their unconstitutional acts in state houses, but as James Madison told us in 1798 - it is their DUTY to do so.
At Nullify Now! Jacksonville,
-- you will be educated. The establishment doesn’t want you to know that Madison and Thomas Jefferson advised us on how to stop an out-of-control federal government. We’ll teach you all about our lost constitutional roots. Nullification, stopping the feds at your state line, is what Jefferson told us is the “rightful remedy” to unconstitutional federal acts.
--you will be aware. Beyond the Times, almost no one is reporting on the fact that the states are standing up to DC all over the country. More than 2 dozen have banded together to block implementation of one law. 15 others are working on blocking another. 17 are in the process of making parts of Obamacare illegal. Others are working on expanding gun rights, blocking the EPA, protecting your liberty, and putting and end to TSA abuses.
--you will be empowered. Not only will you learn the constitutional history of nullification. Not only will you learn that states are using it around the country today. But, you will also learn how YOU can work to make it happen in your state right now. That is what is most important. Education that leads to real activism in support of your liberty.
There are very few generations with the great opportunity to defend liberty at its maximum moment of danger. This is that moment. And you ARE that generation.
Join us at Nullify Now! Jacksonvile on October 22nd, and together, we CAN stand up for the Constitution. We CAN be free!